What I Learned Buying My First Home Where to compromise, what's important, and the myths not to believe. Mar 12, 2021 Albie Buabeng is buying her first home—and taking us along for the ride! Catch up with her process, from the first step to financing to making an offer and (finally!) closing. If you’ve been following along my journey from renter to homeowner, you’ve probably heard me say on more than one occasion that you don’t know what you don’t know. There’s a lot that we braced ourselves for that never came to pass, while on the other hand, we met hurdles that we had no idea to even expect. These are lessons that I can now share with friends, family, and followers, but above all else, these are lessons that we can carry with us and eventually pass on to our daughter. Read on to learn what I wish I'd known before starting this process.