Share this post: The shenanigans of the SLP seem to have no limits and we base our views on three scenarios. Two scenarios are current and the third some five years ago. We shall address the five-year concerned first. We recently witnessed a video in 2015 where the former Prime Minister addressed and advised the CSA that all public servants’ salaries will be reduced by 5%. This was apparently on the heels of information acknowledged by the then leader that the decisions of certain financial institutions were that St. Lucia would not be receiving further grants and loans. Those institutions apparently suggested that all public sector salaries be slashed by 10% hence the former PM’s decision in attempting to proceed with a 5% wage cut. It should be noted however that between 2006 and 2011 the CSA requested a 25% increase under the Stephenson King administration resulting in a 14% increase fully supported by the SLP.