Article content Aissatou Diallo, the rookie OC Transpo driver on trial for dangerous driving causing death, will not take the stand in her own defence. The Crown rested its case against Diallo last week without calling a single Ottawa police reconstruction officer or the lead investigator, Alain Boucher, to testify. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, or Westboro bus crash trial: Diallo won't testify in her defence Back to video Diallo, a 44-year-old single mom of four, is on trial for three counts of dangerous driving causing death and 35 counts of dangerous driving causing bodily harm. She had only driven Route 269 twice before she slammed a double-decker bus into a steel-framed bus shelter at Westboro Station around 3:50 p.m. on Jan. 11, 2019.