Wednesday Stop At National Veterans Resource Center Caps National Tour Donating Personal Mobility Devices to Veterans 08/02/2021 | 05:39pm EDT Send by mail : Message : Required fields STAMFORD, Conn., Aug. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Syracuse will be the final stop of a national tour on Wednesday. A New Hampshire medical device company and a Connecticut-based nonprofit committed to providing revolutionary medical technology to help military veterans take their next steps forward are donating high-tech personal mobility devices to Veteran Administration medical centers and individuals. “On behalf of legendary inventor Dean Kamen, Mobius Mobility, and SoldierStrong, we are excited that Syracuse will be the final stop of the Operation Mobility Tour and that we are being so warmly welcomed by both the Syracuse VA Medical Center and the National Veterans Resource Center at Syracuse University,” said SoldierStrong chairman and co-founder Chris Meek.