Each week we are reminded how poorly South Africans are served by their elected representatives and the governments that they have been entrusted to establish and lead. Instead, we are confronted by people who are not driven by service, but rather by a deep desire to line their own pockets, build their own brand and are only guided by self-interest and posturing. There is little doubt that South Africans are exhausted by the ongoing deception and shenanigans of individuals who continue to hold on to positions of authority and influence even though they should have no place in the public square. South Africa’s lost decade of Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma is not the only reason South Africans have become disillusioned as delinquency, truancy and disregard for accountability extends across political aisles. And this week was no different to the general trend of aloof and disconnected elected representatives seeking to obfuscate and posture instead of committing to serving the people of this country.