Transcripts For WCBS CBS Morning News 20240622 : comparemela

Transcripts For WCBS CBS Morning News 20240622

i'm alisyn harmelin in for anne-marie green. police say a man who attacked a tennessee movie theater had a history of mental illness. this happened on wednesday afternoon in a cinema in antioch outside of nashville. he unleashed pepper spray on the audience. brian webb has our report. >> reporter: vincente david mon tan know had been arrested once more than a decade ago before his attack on movie goers in antioch. >> this individual had an arrest in 2004 for assault and resisting arrest. >> reporter: officials say the 29-year-old had a history of significant psychiatric issues for which he was committed four times. in the missing persons report filed just three days ago montano's mother said he was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. on wednesday montano showed up here during a showing of mad max fury road. police say he had on a surgical mask possibly to protect himself from pepper spray that he blasted at people before he was confronted outside and shot and killed by a s.w.a.t. team. authorities later detonated one of the backpacks he was carrying. >> there were items in there that we think were made to resemble a hoax device, however, after detonating it, it turned out not to be harmful. >> reporter: this man sustained a hatchett wound in the attack. he thanked police for their quick response. >> that kind of gives me a little bit more faith in humanity again. >> reporter: so far police do not have a motive for the attack. police say officers arrived on the scene within two minutes of getting the active shooter call, in part because a couple of officers were working an accident nearby. police have also looked inside the suspect's second bag and say they found nothing harmful inside. alisyn? >> brian webb following the story. thank you so much, brian. jurors in colorado could begin deliberating on a sentence today for james holmes. the panel heard emotional testimony wednesday from a survivor of the 2012 movie theater attack. she lost her 6-year-old daughter and her unborn child and was left paralyzed. the top tier of presidential hopefuls is preparing this morning to face off in their first debate. nine candidates will be playing catchup with front-runner donald trump while seven other gop hopefuls will have a chance to be heard as well. craig boswell has the story. >> reporter: billionaire donald trump will be center stage for the presidential debate. on average trump is polling higher than his two closest competitors, jeb bush and scott walker combined. >> foreign policy in general, obama care, hillary clinton, those are the kind of things you'll hear a lot out of the mouths. >> joining them on stage, mike huckabee, ben carson, ted cruz, marco rubio, republican national committee chairman reince priebus said in a crowded field they have to make every second count. senator rubio says he's looking forward to it. >> i'm excited about the chance to talk to the american people about who i am and what i want to do as president. >> reporter: candidates who didn't poll high enough will make a senate earlier in the evening. rick santorum is one of seven candidates in the second tier. his spokesman called the selection process incredibly flawed adding national polls are meaningless in august. craig boswell, cbs news, cleveland, ohio. families of passengers of the missing malaysian airliner are closer to hearing about what happened. the debris that washed up on reunion island does belong to flight mh 370. they say it can yield a lot of information. >> we could end up looking at how this aircraft may have gone into the ocean, whether it spiralled in, whether it came in as a soft landing. lots of answers in this piece, but we have to spend more time with it so that we can unlock those ens ers. >> french prosecutors are more cautious saying there are strong indications saying the flaperon is from flight 370. we have new details about a cyber attack on the military joint chiefs. their unclassified e-mail system remains off line more than a week later. 4,000 military personnel rely on the system. the pentagon claims hackers working from a foreign government for the attack. which country is not clear. police in louisiana are looking for a cop killer. an officer in shreveport was killed late. police say he was confronted by an armed man apparently threatening to harm people. u.s. marshals and state police have joined the manhunt. for the first time the public is getting to see dash cam video showing the deadly killing of an unarmed blackman by a white charlotte police officer. the 2013 video shows jonathan farrell running out of the view of the camera before officer randall kerrick fires 12 bullets at him. prosecutors say he overreacted when he killed farrell. protesters gathered wednesday at an ohio walmart to remember a man killed by police. the group staged a die-in to mark one year since a white officer shot and killed a blackman inside the store. john crawford iii was carrying an air rifle. the officer was not charged. they carried a black coffin in the parking lot. the justice department is investigating. millions of people in the south central part of the country are facing a dangerous heat wave. triple digit temperatures are forecast for parts of texas, oklahoma, louisiana, and arkansas. crews had to close two lanes of an oklahoma city highway after heat caused the asphalt to buckle. children in dallas jumped in a fountain to stay cool. crews battling the massive rocky fire in northern california are making progress. officials say the fire is 30% contained this morning but its destructive toll is also growing. the fire has destroyed 43 homes and more than 50 other buildings. some victims were able to survey the damage on wednesday. >> this is the refrigerator. >> absolutely nothing left. >> no. >> only concrete foundation you can see. >> the rest is just ash. >> nearly 7,000 homes are still threatened. 13,000 people under evacuation orders. the u.s. is offering a new reward for the escaped drug king pen known as elchaff voe. the government will pay $5 million for the capture of guzman. it's likely he's still in mexico. coming up on the morning news, a school bus under fire. surveillance video shows a bus full of teenagers hit by bullets and wounding passengers. later, taylor swift shakes off a scary moment on stage after a fan crosses the line. this is the "cbs morning news."l supplies i'm kind of happy with my guys. i think you'll love our newest line the stuff my vendor sells works fine. and my budget's small, just so you know. should i stay or should i go when you choose to go for business, go to the new it makes finding the right room faster and easier than ever. book now at i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . bells sounded this morning in a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on hiroshima, japan. american ambassador caroline kennedy was on hand for the service. secretary of state john kerry said the anniversary highlights the importance of the nuclear deal. president obama said the best way to reduce the danger from nuclear weapons is the proposed deal with iran. >> nuclear material isn't something you hide in the closet. it can leave a also that for years. the bottom line is, if iran cheats, we can catch them and we will. >> in a speech wednesday the president said the choice on the iran nuclear deal is between diplomacy and some form of war. an online video supposedly from an isis video shows a croatian hostage. the message said that he would be killed in "48 hours" if muslim women in egyptian jails were not freed. the hostage was abducted in late july. the hostage drama is unfolding just as egypt opens an expansion of the suez canal today. the $8.2 billion project makes the canal deeper and wider. egypt expects an increase of more than $13 billion in revenue from the improved canal. bill cosby's been ordered to answer questions under oath in a sexual abuse lawsuit. a los angeles court directed the comedian to testify in october. his accuser is a woman in her 50s. judy houth said cosby gave her alcohol and introduced her to the "playboy" mansion when she was 15. new is video shows the shooting of a florida school bus back in may. the shots were fired by two males outside the bus. two teens on the bus were wounded. police say that 16-year-old edgar rolles was identified as the one who pulled the trigger. bounty hunters in arizona made a mistake after an unconfirmed tip on facebook about a suspected fugitive. bounty hunters went to the home of the phoenix police. there was a confrontation and eventually they figured out they were in the wrong place. there was one arrest for trespassing. straight ahead in "moneywatch," an ios investigation. we'll tell you why brings tallstol palin was considered a target for an audit. you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job, leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine . kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine . power to your mouth ! also try listerine pocket packs to kill bad breath germs on the go. my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioid-induced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. oic is a different type of constipation. opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. i'm really struggling to find relief... ready to paint a different picture? yes! talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. i can do that! a taylor swift fan tried to grab her leg during tuesday's concert in edmonton, canada. she was able to avoid the man's hand and walked away. she carried on with her performance of "bad blood." security was on the audience member right away. meanwhile, another taylor swift fan was invited to meet the superstar. 5-year-old ava hatfield who was recently diagnosed with a terminal brain stem tumor. her parents called swift's tribute bit ter sweet. on the cbs "moneywatch," new revelations in an irs investigation and microsoft is the latest to upgrade parental benefits. hena daniels has the latest. >> good morning, alison. a report lays much of the blame for the agency's failures on lois lerner. the bipartisan investigation shows lerner failed to manage the group. she disagreed whether there was any political motivation. lerner considered investigating bring the toll palin, daughter of sarah palin, and her compensation from a teen pregnancy charity. here on wall street they'll be watching the jobs and consumer prices yesterday. yesterday the dow lost 10 points, the s&p 500 was up 6 and the nasdaq gained 34. microsoft is improving its benefits on paid leave for new parents. the company is boosting total paid leave for new mothers from 20 weeks to 12 weeks and new fathers will get paid 12 weeks instead of 4. the changes following netflix announcement for up to a year of paid leave. blue bell ice cream will be allowed to resume productions at one of its plants. alabama says they can start production again. there is no trace of listeria. production facilities are still closed in oklahoma and texas. women are being seen and heard less and less in hollywood movies. >> with unity, strength and courage. >> here here. >> a new study finds that less than 1/3 of speaking parts in the top grossing films between 2007 and 2014. the study also found the same bias applies to people of color and lgbt characters on screen. apple co-founder steve jobs will be the subject of a new opera. the santa fe opera has commissioned "the revolution of steve jobs." it will focus on jobs facing his own mortality and the events and people that shaped and irspierd him. it will debut in 2017. >> there's no word if siri will be part of the chorus. get it? >> i don't know. >> i tried. hena daniels, thank you for being with us at the new york stock exchange. when we return, tarzan. >> he's about 20 foot tall retaining wall over it looking where the monkees are. >> a man is seen swinging through the trees at a california zoo. this is the "cbs morning news." i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec . muddle no more . he climbed up into the tree and then proclaimed himself that he was tarzan. >> he was swinging from the trees, but he wasn't tarzan. officials at the santa ana zoo in california called police tuesday when they spotted the bizarre behavior. 36-year-old john william rodenborn was taken into custody. he appeared to be under the influence and possession of methamphetamine. a texas prosecutor is blasting the decision to cut short adrian peterson's probation. he pleaded guilty in february to assaulting his 4-year-old son. the district attorney said he did not complete some of the conditions of his plea deal including a public service announcement about childhood discipline. they would not comment about whether peterson fulfilled the terms of his deal. it was walk off wednesday in major league baseball. three teams winning in their final at-bat. the white sox and rays tied at 5-5 in the bottom of the ninth inning. with bases loaded garcia draws a walk to bring the winning run home. the sox stopped tampa bay 6-5. after tying the game up, the angels beat the indians when a pitch hits the base hitter. the angels win, 4-3. and colorado's michael mchenry leaves no doubt he blasted a two out two run homer to give the rockies a 7-5 win oversee atle. finally, it's going to be hard for the new england patriots to escape the deflategate scandal this season. the company is selling foam hats that look like deflated footballs. another like a needle. the company is selling t-shirts and hats reading deflatriots. it's landed tom brady a four game suspension. coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, best selling author jen lancaster with her new novel. i'm alisyn harmelin and this is the morning news. my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. e e e mighty philistine army stood on the hill above the men of king saul. as the giant goliath moved in for the kill, young david reached into his bag and slung one of his stones at goliath's head. and goliath fell face down on the ground. who will stand up for you? e a case of road rage brought traffic to a stand still on the brooklyn bridge here in new york city tuesday. cell phone video captured an elderly man attacking a much younger driver who allegedly threw a can of pringles at the man's mini van. they say he was throwing punches like floyd meriweather jr. they took off before the cops arrived. last month a submersible vessel was busted carrying 8 tons of cocaine. it was the largest seizure of coast guard history. done ford of kpix has more on the operation. >> reporter: a heavily armed coast guard special operations team swarms aboard this craft. inside they're trying to smuggle more than 16,000 pounds of cocaine. a dangerous boarding made even more risky because this whole operation is taking place more than 200 miles off shore from central america. >> when you board a vessel you're not sure the integrity of the vessel, you're not sure what's going to come out of the hatch of the vessel so they have to be prepared and ready for anything. >> reporter: the men inside surrendered peacefully. this is not a submarine but a boat designed to operate at the waterline almost sinking but not. painted blue to blend in. in this case the underwater vessel not good enough to blend in. >> interdictions of these self-propelled submersibles in one patrol is almost unheard of. the coast guard is not sure if there are more of these craft than in the past but these new cutters are loaded with the latest, most advanced sensors available, all of it classified. >> that was kpix's done ford reporting. jon stewart signs off one last time as host of "the daily show." he has brought laughs for 16 years. last night he was joined by comedian loui c.k. he says he will miss watching stewart host the show. >> the best way to take a good thing and make it go bad is to hold on too long so you have to let it go. it's really time to go. >> stewart hasn't said what he'll do next but they said he's headed to the museum in d.c. trevor noah takes over as host in september. coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, we'll hear more from jon stewart by taking a look back at his influential career plus a preview of tonight's gop presidential debate. we'll speak with senator rand paul and an inside look at which flights are delayed or canceled and which routes are the worst performers. finally, a rather look at a lunar crossing. nasa releases photos of a lunar eclipse. a new weather satellite captured the images from a million miles away. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. i'm alison harmelin, have a great day.

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Arkansas , United States , Louisiana , Alabama , California , Croatia , Mexico , Arizona , Egypt , Hollywood , Los Angeles , Rockies , Canada General , Canada , New York , Malaysia , Tampa Bay , Florida , Japan , Iran , Texas , Hiroshima , Cleveland , Ohio , Santa Ana Zoo , Suez Canal , As Suways , South Central , Oklahoma , Tennessee , Colorado , Phoenix , Dallas , Crawford , France , America , Egyptian , French , Malaysian , Croatian , American , Marco Rubio , King Saul , Ben Carson , Scott Walker , Ava Hatfield , Michael Mchenry , John William , Jeb Bush , Caroline Kennedy , Craig Boswell , James Holmes , Adrian Peterson , Tom Brady , Lois Lerner , John Kerry , Randall Kerrick , Jonathan Farrell , Mike Huckabee , Jen Lancaster , Jon Stewart , Rick Santorum , Sarah Palin , Hena Daniels , C Trevor Noah , Vincente David , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Brian Webb , Reince Priebus ,

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS Morning News 20240622 :

Transcripts For WCBS CBS Morning News 20240622

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i'm alisyn harmelin in for anne-marie green. police say a man who attacked a tennessee movie theater had a history of mental illness. this happened on wednesday afternoon in a cinema in antioch outside of nashville. he unleashed pepper spray on the audience. brian webb has our report. >> reporter: vincente david mon tan know had been arrested once more than a decade ago before his attack on movie goers in antioch. >> this individual had an arrest in 2004 for assault and resisting arrest. >> reporter: officials say the 29-year-old had a history of significant psychiatric issues for which he was committed four times. in the missing persons report filed just three days ago montano's mother said he was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. on wednesday montano showed up here during a showing of mad max fury road. police say he had on a surgical mask possibly to protect himself from pepper spray that he blasted at people before he was confronted outside and shot and killed by a s.w.a.t. team. authorities later detonated one of the backpacks he was carrying. >> there were items in there that we think were made to resemble a hoax device, however, after detonating it, it turned out not to be harmful. >> reporter: this man sustained a hatchett wound in the attack. he thanked police for their quick response. >> that kind of gives me a little bit more faith in humanity again. >> reporter: so far police do not have a motive for the attack. police say officers arrived on the scene within two minutes of getting the active shooter call, in part because a couple of officers were working an accident nearby. police have also looked inside the suspect's second bag and say they found nothing harmful inside. alisyn? >> brian webb following the story. thank you so much, brian. jurors in colorado could begin deliberating on a sentence today for james holmes. the panel heard emotional testimony wednesday from a survivor of the 2012 movie theater attack. she lost her 6-year-old daughter and her unborn child and was left paralyzed. the top tier of presidential hopefuls is preparing this morning to face off in their first debate. nine candidates will be playing catchup with front-runner donald trump while seven other gop hopefuls will have a chance to be heard as well. craig boswell has the story. >> reporter: billionaire donald trump will be center stage for the presidential debate. on average trump is polling higher than his two closest competitors, jeb bush and scott walker combined. >> foreign policy in general, obama care, hillary clinton, those are the kind of things you'll hear a lot out of the mouths. >> joining them on stage, mike huckabee, ben carson, ted cruz, marco rubio, republican national committee chairman reince priebus said in a crowded field they have to make every second count. senator rubio says he's looking forward to it. >> i'm excited about the chance to talk to the american people about who i am and what i want to do as president. >> reporter: candidates who didn't poll high enough will make a senate earlier in the evening. rick santorum is one of seven candidates in the second tier. his spokesman called the selection process incredibly flawed adding national polls are meaningless in august. craig boswell, cbs news, cleveland, ohio. families of passengers of the missing malaysian airliner are closer to hearing about what happened. the debris that washed up on reunion island does belong to flight mh 370. they say it can yield a lot of information. >> we could end up looking at how this aircraft may have gone into the ocean, whether it spiralled in, whether it came in as a soft landing. lots of answers in this piece, but we have to spend more time with it so that we can unlock those ens ers. >> french prosecutors are more cautious saying there are strong indications saying the flaperon is from flight 370. we have new details about a cyber attack on the military joint chiefs. their unclassified e-mail system remains off line more than a week later. 4,000 military personnel rely on the system. the pentagon claims hackers working from a foreign government for the attack. which country is not clear. police in louisiana are looking for a cop killer. an officer in shreveport was killed late. police say he was confronted by an armed man apparently threatening to harm people. u.s. marshals and state police have joined the manhunt. for the first time the public is getting to see dash cam video showing the deadly killing of an unarmed blackman by a white charlotte police officer. the 2013 video shows jonathan farrell running out of the view of the camera before officer randall kerrick fires 12 bullets at him. prosecutors say he overreacted when he killed farrell. protesters gathered wednesday at an ohio walmart to remember a man killed by police. the group staged a die-in to mark one year since a white officer shot and killed a blackman inside the store. john crawford iii was carrying an air rifle. the officer was not charged. they carried a black coffin in the parking lot. the justice department is investigating. millions of people in the south central part of the country are facing a dangerous heat wave. triple digit temperatures are forecast for parts of texas, oklahoma, louisiana, and arkansas. crews had to close two lanes of an oklahoma city highway after heat caused the asphalt to buckle. children in dallas jumped in a fountain to stay cool. crews battling the massive rocky fire in northern california are making progress. officials say the fire is 30% contained this morning but its destructive toll is also growing. the fire has destroyed 43 homes and more than 50 other buildings. some victims were able to survey the damage on wednesday. >> this is the refrigerator. >> absolutely nothing left. >> no. >> only concrete foundation you can see. >> the rest is just ash. >> nearly 7,000 homes are still threatened. 13,000 people under evacuation orders. the u.s. is offering a new reward for the escaped drug king pen known as elchaff voe. the government will pay $5 million for the capture of guzman. it's likely he's still in mexico. coming up on the morning news, a school bus under fire. surveillance video shows a bus full of teenagers hit by bullets and wounding passengers. later, taylor swift shakes off a scary moment on stage after a fan crosses the line. this is the "cbs morning news."l supplies i'm kind of happy with my guys. i think you'll love our newest line the stuff my vendor sells works fine. and my budget's small, just so you know. should i stay or should i go when you choose to go for business, go to the new it makes finding the right room faster and easier than ever. book now at i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . bells sounded this morning in a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on hiroshima, japan. american ambassador caroline kennedy was on hand for the service. secretary of state john kerry said the anniversary highlights the importance of the nuclear deal. president obama said the best way to reduce the danger from nuclear weapons is the proposed deal with iran. >> nuclear material isn't something you hide in the closet. it can leave a also that for years. the bottom line is, if iran cheats, we can catch them and we will. >> in a speech wednesday the president said the choice on the iran nuclear deal is between diplomacy and some form of war. an online video supposedly from an isis video shows a croatian hostage. the message said that he would be killed in "48 hours" if muslim women in egyptian jails were not freed. the hostage was abducted in late july. the hostage drama is unfolding just as egypt opens an expansion of the suez canal today. the $8.2 billion project makes the canal deeper and wider. egypt expects an increase of more than $13 billion in revenue from the improved canal. bill cosby's been ordered to answer questions under oath in a sexual abuse lawsuit. a los angeles court directed the comedian to testify in october. his accuser is a woman in her 50s. judy houth said cosby gave her alcohol and introduced her to the "playboy" mansion when she was 15. new is video shows the shooting of a florida school bus back in may. the shots were fired by two males outside the bus. two teens on the bus were wounded. police say that 16-year-old edgar rolles was identified as the one who pulled the trigger. bounty hunters in arizona made a mistake after an unconfirmed tip on facebook about a suspected fugitive. bounty hunters went to the home of the phoenix police. there was a confrontation and eventually they figured out they were in the wrong place. there was one arrest for trespassing. straight ahead in "moneywatch," an ios investigation. we'll tell you why brings tallstol palin was considered a target for an audit. you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job, leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine . kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine . power to your mouth ! also try listerine pocket packs to kill bad breath germs on the go. my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioid-induced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. oic is a different type of constipation. opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. i'm really struggling to find relief... ready to paint a different picture? yes! talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. i can do that! a taylor swift fan tried to grab her leg during tuesday's concert in edmonton, canada. she was able to avoid the man's hand and walked away. she carried on with her performance of "bad blood." security was on the audience member right away. meanwhile, another taylor swift fan was invited to meet the superstar. 5-year-old ava hatfield who was recently diagnosed with a terminal brain stem tumor. her parents called swift's tribute bit ter sweet. on the cbs "moneywatch," new revelations in an irs investigation and microsoft is the latest to upgrade parental benefits. hena daniels has the latest. >> good morning, alison. a report lays much of the blame for the agency's failures on lois lerner. the bipartisan investigation shows lerner failed to manage the group. she disagreed whether there was any political motivation. lerner considered investigating bring the toll palin, daughter of sarah palin, and her compensation from a teen pregnancy charity. here on wall street they'll be watching the jobs and consumer prices yesterday. yesterday the dow lost 10 points, the s&p 500 was up 6 and the nasdaq gained 34. microsoft is improving its benefits on paid leave for new parents. the company is boosting total paid leave for new mothers from 20 weeks to 12 weeks and new fathers will get paid 12 weeks instead of 4. the changes following netflix announcement for up to a year of paid leave. blue bell ice cream will be allowed to resume productions at one of its plants. alabama says they can start production again. there is no trace of listeria. production facilities are still closed in oklahoma and texas. women are being seen and heard less and less in hollywood movies. >> with unity, strength and courage. >> here here. >> a new study finds that less than 1/3 of speaking parts in the top grossing films between 2007 and 2014. the study also found the same bias applies to people of color and lgbt characters on screen. apple co-founder steve jobs will be the subject of a new opera. the santa fe opera has commissioned "the revolution of steve jobs." it will focus on jobs facing his own mortality and the events and people that shaped and irspierd him. it will debut in 2017. >> there's no word if siri will be part of the chorus. get it? >> i don't know. >> i tried. hena daniels, thank you for being with us at the new york stock exchange. when we return, tarzan. >> he's about 20 foot tall retaining wall over it looking where the monkees are. >> a man is seen swinging through the trees at a california zoo. this is the "cbs morning news." i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec . muddle no more . he climbed up into the tree and then proclaimed himself that he was tarzan. >> he was swinging from the trees, but he wasn't tarzan. officials at the santa ana zoo in california called police tuesday when they spotted the bizarre behavior. 36-year-old john william rodenborn was taken into custody. he appeared to be under the influence and possession of methamphetamine. a texas prosecutor is blasting the decision to cut short adrian peterson's probation. he pleaded guilty in february to assaulting his 4-year-old son. the district attorney said he did not complete some of the conditions of his plea deal including a public service announcement about childhood discipline. they would not comment about whether peterson fulfilled the terms of his deal. it was walk off wednesday in major league baseball. three teams winning in their final at-bat. the white sox and rays tied at 5-5 in the bottom of the ninth inning. with bases loaded garcia draws a walk to bring the winning run home. the sox stopped tampa bay 6-5. after tying the game up, the angels beat the indians when a pitch hits the base hitter. the angels win, 4-3. and colorado's michael mchenry leaves no doubt he blasted a two out two run homer to give the rockies a 7-5 win oversee atle. finally, it's going to be hard for the new england patriots to escape the deflategate scandal this season. the company is selling foam hats that look like deflated footballs. another like a needle. the company is selling t-shirts and hats reading deflatriots. it's landed tom brady a four game suspension. coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, best selling author jen lancaster with her new novel. i'm alisyn harmelin and this is the morning news. my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your dermatologist about humira. because with humira clearer skin is possible. e e e mighty philistine army stood on the hill above the men of king saul. as the giant goliath moved in for the kill, young david reached into his bag and slung one of his stones at goliath's head. and goliath fell face down on the ground. who will stand up for you? e a case of road rage brought traffic to a stand still on the brooklyn bridge here in new york city tuesday. cell phone video captured an elderly man attacking a much younger driver who allegedly threw a can of pringles at the man's mini van. they say he was throwing punches like floyd meriweather jr. they took off before the cops arrived. last month a submersible vessel was busted carrying 8 tons of cocaine. it was the largest seizure of coast guard history. done ford of kpix has more on the operation. >> reporter: a heavily armed coast guard special operations team swarms aboard this craft. inside they're trying to smuggle more than 16,000 pounds of cocaine. a dangerous boarding made even more risky because this whole operation is taking place more than 200 miles off shore from central america. >> when you board a vessel you're not sure the integrity of the vessel, you're not sure what's going to come out of the hatch of the vessel so they have to be prepared and ready for anything. >> reporter: the men inside surrendered peacefully. this is not a submarine but a boat designed to operate at the waterline almost sinking but not. painted blue to blend in. in this case the underwater vessel not good enough to blend in. >> interdictions of these self-propelled submersibles in one patrol is almost unheard of. the coast guard is not sure if there are more of these craft than in the past but these new cutters are loaded with the latest, most advanced sensors available, all of it classified. >> that was kpix's done ford reporting. jon stewart signs off one last time as host of "the daily show." he has brought laughs for 16 years. last night he was joined by comedian loui c.k. he says he will miss watching stewart host the show. >> the best way to take a good thing and make it go bad is to hold on too long so you have to let it go. it's really time to go. >> stewart hasn't said what he'll do next but they said he's headed to the museum in d.c. trevor noah takes over as host in september. coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, we'll hear more from jon stewart by taking a look back at his influential career plus a preview of tonight's gop presidential debate. we'll speak with senator rand paul and an inside look at which flights are delayed or canceled and which routes are the worst performers. finally, a rather look at a lunar crossing. nasa releases photos of a lunar eclipse. a new weather satellite captured the images from a million miles away. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. i'm alison harmelin, have a great day.

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