Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 2017112

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20171125

krystal klei. >> it's the best. ask we can say good weather on your weekend. that's what everybody wants to hear. it is cold to start this morning. we've got 20s and 30s on the map. about half of us or so are below freezing. we're at 38 at the beach and 34 in denver. still at 37 in philadelphia. allentown, pottstown, holly, all in the upper 20s. so that chill certainly in the air this morning. but the good news is we're going to see a bigger warm up than we saw yesterday. yesterday as expected we forecast a high of 51. we hit a high of 51. today we'll hit the upper 50s. radar and satellite, not a lot going on here. no rain to track, definitely no snow to track. but we've got this cold front sitting right about here and this is moving in our direction. we are going to see increased clouds today and a spot of shower chances increased in the pokanos. temperature trend for us right now that 37 degree temp will move to about 42 at 9:00 a.m. still mostly sunny, and we may even be clear through lunchtime. but i do expect in the afternoon that's when clouds will increase. that temperature will get to upper 50s later in the day. we'll track out the forecast neighborhood by neighborhood in case you're doing a little shopping coming up in just a few minutes. >> speaking of shopping, black friday shopping certainly did not disappoint. but the mom and pop shops will not be outdone. they're offering deep discounts today encouraging people to shop local. >> and shoppers are encouraged to hit the boutiques. randy gyllenhaal is live and with preview of what's happening there on maine street and what's happening in other downtown areas. >> reporter: good morning. maine street here decorated and ready to go for shoppers. take a look. the lights are on. and the christmas tree will be lit today 3467 they've got free parking in some of the lots if you want to come on down. it is the one day of the year that american consumers are encouraged to shop mall. across the river in haddenfield, new jersey, that is great place for small business owners, great deals there. and ardmore, a lot of promotions going on. we actually caught up with a toy store down in ardmore. they tell us why customers specifically come in on this small business saturday. >> it's nice for people to come in and say i could have bought this somewhere else either online or at a big box store, but it's nice when they say i came to you because i want to support locally. >> reporter: american express says small business owners took in $15 billion on this day last year. this year they'll have a pretty strong economy to work with. we saw huge crowds yesterday for black friday. so they're hoping they come out and support their local pzs this small business saturday. for now we're live on maine street, randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. thank you, randy. philadelphia mayor jim kenny will be out today encouraging shoppers to also buy local. this morning he'll be visiting business. he's expected to stop at a clothing store, hardware store and several art galleries that would like everyone to see more shopping there. small business saturday will last all weekend. today you can enjoy discounts at the shops and if you planned to visit the lucy the elephant, there will be discounts there. there will also be a free viewing of the polar express and lighting at the park. maybe you're stuck inside, you've got to cleanup after thanksgiving and got to do shopping online, we've got ten tips to avoid scams. to find them just search shopping on or the nbc 10 app. police were called to the boulevard in philadelphia's oxford circle neighborhood around 2:30 this morning. they found a 21-year-old woman dead in the passenger seat. the 22-year-old driver was thrown from the car. he now has a broken leg. that driver now also being tested for possible dui. a fire in camden county forced several people out of their home. the fire was on the second floor. no one was hurt. the fire marshal is investigating what caused the blaze. >> well, a week after a fire tore through a senior home in chester county killing four people we still don't know the cause, but we're now getting a closer look at the damage left behind. debris is still outside. sue broderick came back for the first time yesterday to see the damage for herself. broderick lived in the south wing, the same area where foi s officials believe the fire started. >> i saw literally a sheet of fire. i'd never seen anything like that before. i can't really tell you how i felt. it was horrifying. and i guess i was traumatized. >> federal investigators are now finished at the scene. they have turned everything over to local investigators. another fire that we're tracking this morning, this time out of cape may county. the fire marshal's office there is trying to determine what exactly caused this blaze that destroyed three beachfront properties. a viewer sent us video and feteoes of the flame early yesterday morning. nobody was inside the homes at the time. a firefighter had minor injuries but is expected to be okay. water service is back on this morning after a water main break in roxborough. neighbors tell nbc 10 they called the water department thursday night to report the problem, but crews said they let the water run so they would not interrupt thanksgiving for people living on it block. >> it's not completely abnormal on a holiday like thanksgiving and christmas when we are not fully staffed that a water main break could in essence run for a day or so. >> the company says this main break looks much more impressive because of the pressure needed to pump water up therox burro hills. coming up, you might see tobacco ads running. plus credit card glitch. we we have an update from macy's about the slow down for shoppers during one of the busiest times of year. grit. some have it. some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide, or stand up. at strayer university, we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up, and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it. good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei, and today we're tracking very mild cessions. perfect to get outside. we're starting today still chilly by 8:00 a.m. official forecast high we're up to 58 decrease. difference, though, you will notice this will go from mosthy sunny to more on the cloudy side of things later in the day. 50 in the lee high valley. get up to those mid-50s in the afternoon. delaware, 55 noon. and we will start seeing numbers taper as we fall off that 4:00 hour. more clouds the later you get into the day especially overnight. that's when we'll pea mostly cloudy. current winds. check this out. you might look at this and go why are you even showing this? there's only one number on the board. the this is to show winds are very light, calm outside. which means we don't have to worry about the wind chill or feels like condition. tomorrow will be a different story. we'll be brazy in the morning on sunday and gusty. possible, those windy conditions next to a cold front which will also cool us down. we'll talk about that coming up. no, it's not new year's day. a holiday tradition steps off this morning in camsden county. we're talk about the holiday parade. that's starts 10:00 this morning. there will be drummers, marching bands and much more for the crowds to enjoy. wilmington's christmas parade will also be held this morning. the parade gins at 9:00 a.m. on fourth and market streets. the city hopes after the parade visitors will head to local stores to take part in small business saturday. still ahead this morning. tree trouble. you'll likely pay more for a fresh christmas tree this year. why experts say trees will be expensive and little harder to find. doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. almost quarter after 6:00 right on this saturday, and it will looking good out there. clear skies. the sun slowly starting to come up. right now 37 degrees. a little chilly out there, but we are going to warm up into the 50s. meteorologist krystal klei will be back in just minutes, three minutes to be exact, if your first alert weather forecast. this morning we're following some updated news overseas. just within the last half-hour egypt's chief prosecutor raised the death toll in the mosque attack to 305. this is the deadliest terror attack in egypt's history. a suicide bomber detonated inside the mosque. more assailants blasted helpless worshippers with gunfire and rocket propelled grenades. president trump says he turned down the chance to be times magazine's person of the year. but times magazine is saying not so fast. it says it does not comment on its choice before publication. the chief officer tweeted there is not a speck of truth about the president's claim. we'll find out who the magazine did pick on december 6th. tobacco companies have not run ads on tv for years, but that will change starting tomorrow. only this time the ads will not be promoting cigarette sales. the federal government has ordered big tobacco to air messages starting at prime time stating that the products are deadly and they designed their products to be addictive. it's after they won a lawsuit that said the industry had deceived the american public. this was part of what came out of the lawsuit. the tobacco companies are paying for these ads. to consumer news now. macy says it has fixed problems with it credit and gift processing has led to hundreds of complaints online. the department store chain blames the glitch on overcapacity that slowed those tran transactions. amazon has revealed its cyber monday deals. amazon will have 75,000 deals for the biggest online shopping day that includes up to 50% on select hasbro games, nufr products and play-doh. the amazon fire hd will be priced at $99.99, the lowest price ever for that device. last year amazon customers ordered 740 items per second on cybermonday. i don't know about you, but when i growing up, we were one of those families that got our christmas tree late, decorated it up on christmas eve, kept it up january through february. anyway, hopefully that's not your family as well. you may want to think about g getting it earlier because there could be a tree shortage. a lot of growers went out of business or they just planted fewer saplings. because it takes eight or nine years for a tree to mature, the effect of smaller supply of trees is happening right now. >> everyone in the market is going to run out of trees this year because there's not enough christmas trees to go around. >> with a smaller supply you could be paying big bucks for a tree this season. experts say the increase in price will vary based on the kind of tree you get, how big it is and where you buy it. let's talk about temperatures out there. right now many of us are in the 20s. we're at 27 in the lee high valley. 28 in the pennsylvania suburbs and 27 in south jersey. but a few of us are still in the 30s including philly. we're actually about freezing at 37 degrees. so not too bad of a start out there. it's the beginning or rather end of november, so it's not shocking to see this on the map. 27 right noi in unionville, 35 in west bradford township. blue bell you're at 26, and 28 in lindsdale. throw on the coat this morning as you head out the door and then you'll want to peel it off today because we'll be floating with nearly 60 degrees for highs this afternoon. it's that clear picture we really like to see. yesterday it was sunny all day long. today we're not going to be sunny all day. we will actually see clouds increase. a cold front is moving in our direction. as this front pushes our way, we're going to see clouds in the later part of the cay. and overnight an isolated chance of shower moving by. but notice this is pretty weak in terms of rain, and i think it's going to move through fairly dry as we go through those overnight hours. temperatures wise, there it is. 59 in summerton, 59 in chestnut hill. these temperatures are certainly warmer than average this time of year. and this actually isn't going to be the only day on were ten day forecast where we are warmer than average. 60 possible in atlantic city. smer nuas well. and eon vin ruhove s beach you may see 60 degrees in our forecast today. this is 2:30 in the afternoon, notice that kind of gray overlay specifically over the north ask west neighborhoods, that's where it'll start because that's where the front is coming from. mostly cloudy around 6:30 this evening. and into the overnight hours it'll start to break apart. this shows a few little spot sprinkles. a lot of the models are showing this. it's a dry path for us. so we're just going with an isolated chance fairly north. everyone else seeing those clouds and clearing out by your sunday. sunday, for those eagles fans, chilly and breezy as well. those gusts crack up to around 20 miles an hour over at the link. future wind gusts we go through today and just around 15 miles an hour winds. look how it quickly changes. around 25 miles an hour gusts, a little stronger near the shore. and as we go throughout it day, this remains consistent right around 25 to 30 miles an hour in the forecast for your sunday. >> all right, thank you, krystal. well, talk about the spirit of giving. a south jersey secret santa paid off 62 layaway orders in cherry hill yesterday. the total price tag, $10,700. and he didn't stop there, though. coming up next, protecting your money while shopping online. why you may want to avoid third party vendors on cybermonday. we've got you covered with what you need to know next. well, this morning we have an important nbc 10 responds warning to share with you. if you plan to go online with credit card in hand, make sure to protect your personal information. nbc 10 responds reporter harry harassten has some safety advice. >> reporter: cyber experts tell us each year more shoppers are dodging the hustle and bustle of stores and are letting their fingers and key boards take over on cybermonday. but before you log in, listen up. >> the criminals are out in droves. >> before you go out and start putting your credit card into your web browse, make sure your computer is updated. latest anti-virus, latest security patches. >> reporter: the video also says if you're shopping on amazon, know who you're buying from. amazon offers prec from scammers. be careful how you pay for your item. there are more than 2 million third party sellers on the amazon site. amazon's guarantee does not cover purchases made by giving gift cards or card information directly to third party vendors. never send money to an amazon seller outside the amazon website or ad. the only safe way to buy something from an amazon seller is to pay through amazon pay. this way if you don't get the product you ordered, you can work with amazon to get a full refund. and the video also says use common sense. >> if the deal looks too good to be true, chances are it is. >> other concerns be aware of websites saying sold out everywhere else. make sure it has a physical address and contact information. plus stay away from websites that are in other countries. if there's a problem you may have no way of getting a resolution. >> and that was harry harassten with nbc 10 responds. if you have a kplanlt go to, fill out the form or give us a call. we will respond to you. maybe you're avoiding online shopping, doing everything out and about on foot today is the day to do it. it's shop small today. >> and we have a lack ahead for small business saturday. >> reporter: good morning. and today is the day to get away from those computers, and shop at small businesses for saturday. coming up where you can find the best local deals. and on first alert radar and satellite, dry conditions right now. but we're tracking a cold front to our west going to move in our direction. provide some extra clouds and a cool down. and right now here's a live view from south philly looking at center city. a little fog out there this morning. ♪ from fields and factories they came looking for opportunity. they worked hard. we helped them work harder. they are the students of strayer university. for 125 years, we've supported as they've rewritten the future. and to all who seek their true potential, we say, let's get it. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. right now on nbc 10 news, today shop small. that's the message on this small business saturday being celebrated on maine streets across the region. we're live with a look at what's on tap today. mild saturday, mild weather ahead for those shoppers. clear and calm right now. but our weekend weather will have the highs and lows. we've got those details in moments. mysterious disappearance. a community comes together to raise money and make a push to try and find the woman who vanished in chester county. good morning. and wellwoman to nbc 10 news today. i'm dray clark. >> and i'm rosemary conners. just before 6:30 on this saturday, a lot of plans. people are taking what like a four-day weekend. if you're heading out shopping, our meteorologist krystal klei has some news for you. >> that forecast looks good for our weekend. we do have some low points. 26 in vineland, and 29 at the atlantic city airport. but a little better off in areas like mount pokano. 37 degrees. philadelphia, 35 degrees. and coastal, 4. a little warmer than yesterday morning. now, in the afternoon it will be considerably warmer than yesterday with some of us flirting with 60. radar and satellite here shows just a few scattered clouds oit there. mostly sunny start to our day, but that will be changing because to our west we do have clouds and a cold front moving in our direction. increase for the afternoon with an increase by this evening. as for our temperature trend we'll go from 30s all the way to those upper 50s as we get later in the day. a few spots especially south of 95 koorder may be near 60 for the forecast high. instead of upper 50s that we're seeing today tomorrow we'll be talking a much cooler forecast. we'll look at the details neighborhood by neighborhood coming up. today is small business saturday. shoppers are encouraged to buy holiday gifts at independently owned stores across the area. >> it's one of the biggest days if not the biggest days for those stores. randy gyllenhaal is live on maine street. and there are some special events happening today. tell us about it, randy. >> reporter: you, and there are so many of those stores here. it today at 5:30 p.m. there'll be the christmas tree lighting. they've got free parking at some of the lots to draw people in because today is the one day of the year american consumers are encouraged to shop small. across the river over in haddenfield, new jersey, that is great place to find a gift from a local business owner. and downtown ardmore as well, a lot of promotions going on there. shoppers tell us there's just something about going into a local store with local owners supporting the local economy instead of going to a big box store or spending money online. >> people know who you are. so i go into these stores all the time, and they know your name and they know who you are. so that's nice. >> we come down every year, and now we have three kids to bring and see santa and go in the shops. and it's a lot of fun. >> reporter: american express started promoting small business saturday back in 2010. they said last year in 2016 $15 billion was made by small business owners, and with a very strong economy this year owners are hoping for a good kick off to holiday season. randy jillen hall, nbc 10 news. >> let's head out to bucks county. let's extend small business saturday into small business weekend so people have more time to visit the stores. those mom and pop shops will be offering discounts today and tomorrow. philadelphia shoppers will find a great holiday sale at city parking garages. you'll pay a flat rate between 11:00 a.m. and midnight during the season. and on saturday after 11:00 in the morning, meter parking on the street, that's free all across the city. these offers will go on until new year's day. a shooting victim tried to get help first inside a store before collapsing on a street in the philadelphia strawberry mansz section. police tell us they found the man on ridge around 12:30 this morning, but they say he was shot on norris street. police are looking at a car with a number of bullet holes. there are no arrests. the 42-year-old victim was shot while sitting inside his suv at the intersection of frankfurt street around 2:00 a.m. he's now listed in stable condition. and this morning police are trying to figure out who stabbed a man in the head inside a home in west philadelphia. officers were called to the home an masters street just before midnight where they found the 37-year-old victim. he was rushed to hospital where he's also now lested in stable condition. a chester county community is coming together to help the family of a missing mother. anna vanished april 10th after leaving her malburn home. last night a fund-raiser was held. the money will be split between the missing woman's parents in pole pd and with the search and rescue team which is helping the family. friends and family say she always spen the holiday with her parents. >> it's heart breaking to think that the annual trip they all took together won't happen this year. >> we are focusing on areas she could have wandered to or been disoriented or someone could have placed her. so we have to think about every scenario. >> pennsylvania police say her husband was the last person to see her. he told investigators she left for work in a panic thinking she was going to be late for a meeting. police found her car at a nearby trail and searched the couple's home weeks later. now to a story we first told you as breaking nauz. philadelphia police are trying to wife the charred body of a young man found on top of a septa train. they believe the victim was between 16 and 20 years old. it was at the rear of the train near the train's power line. he was discovered yesterday morning when the train pulled into the station at center sate. it's not clear yet how he died. in montgomery county a woman is charged indeath of a department workering. police tell us luciana stock drove over an orange cone hitting two workers. stock is expected in court later this month. 6:36 right now on this saturday. coming up, love park let down. we'll tell you how the city of philadelphia disappointed dozens of people looking for a special holiday gift. plus free pet adoptions. where you could find what may be the best bargain of all on this holiday weekend. back in a moment. 6:36 right now on this back in a moment. well, it is just a few minutes before the start of the "today" show. >> and this morning we say good morning to kristen welker, philadelphia's own and craig melvin. philly loves you, too, craig. >> great to see you guys. great to see everyone there in philly. >> coming up here on a saturday morning on "today," let the holiday shopping begin. people out in force online and in the stores this holiday weekend. so where can you find the best deals today, and on cybermonday as well? we're going to have some tips to help you figure it all out. >> and then my favorite story coming up. is prince harry getting ready to pop the question to girlfriend megan markell? we're live in london. and going to take us inside a unique new program where educators are using hip hop music to get kids interested in architecture. >> and those kids look really interested in it. those stories and more when we get started on a saturday morning right here on "today." i hope you guys had a good holiday. >> yeah. and how was your holiday? >> good. i took a brief stop in philadelphia to visit my parents, actually. >> awesome. we'll see you guys at 7:00. >> you, too, take care. >> you got it. now your nbc 10 first alert whether. meteorologist krystal klei here, and we are tracking temperatures for your saturday. the time is 6:40 this morning. get up quickly, though. 43 degrees at 10:00 a.m., 51 by noon and mid-50s by afternoon. notice that 4:00 icon, cloud aconditions. we are going to see cloudy conditions spread across the entire map ahead of the cold front that's going to pass our region. that cold front is going to pass dry. so chances of rain fairly limited. we don't have to worry about a wind chill. 47 by 10:00 a.m., and forecasting upper 50s by the afternoon. that means the high will peak right in between there. those winds will still be around 5 to 10 miles an hour. jersey shore, 29 degrees for us right now. it will be clear through much of the day. the chicker cloud coverage will be in the north and west neighborhoods. at the shore, mid-50s for those high temperatures. a few spots right at the shoreline may be sneaking into 60. 32 degrees, starting at freezing, and we'll move to about 55 at your lunch hour. upper 50s in the forecast for the afternoon. 2:00 at 57 degrees. >> all right, thank you, krystal. >> well, good news on for the eagles on the injury front. >> not so good news for the sixers. and the losing streak continues for the fliers. they let another one get away from them after a two game lead. what happened. plus some hoop action next. you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it. well, hundreds of people are empty-handed after they waited in line for hours to get a special philadelphia keepsake. >> yeah, and they want to know where is the love. here's the story. they hoped to pick up an engraved piece of granite from the original love park, since, you know, love park is under renovation in center city philadelphia. so shoppers lined upt the christmas village yesterday to buy one. it std they were told they were really lined up to ad their names to a reservation list. it turns out before the sale was set to start city officials found out they didn't actually have permission to sell the souvenirs. >> people thought there were actually pieces being sold tonight, and to find out there's no time line. >> they hope to clear up the malters as soon as possible. speaking of the renovation happening at love park, it's almost complete, but the city now says the cost of the project is going up about $10 million. the original budget was around $16.5 million. now it'll be around $26 million. includes the cost of construction, design fees. the park has been under renovation since february of 2016. men who care for german town hosted this charity basketball game in martin luther king high school in east german town last night. the goal was to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention and anti-gun violence efforts. >> you could give shelter animals a new home for the holidays. animal control care team of philadelphia is offering free pet adoptions at their main shelter through tomorrow. shelter officials tell us that providing a loving home for an animal is the gift that keeps on giving. yeah, philly fanatic surprising fans trying to bust down the doors. super excited for the holiday shopping deals. he showed up an his atv yesterday to surprise the philly fans waiting in line for the deals. decked out for those fans looking to shop for the holidays. it offered its own version of deals for black friday. truly a sign of the season that the holidays are here. the blue cross riverrink winter fest now open. >> it was packed last night and it was the same way all day long. filled with families looking for fun. one woman grew up coming to the riverrink at pens landing. she returned yesterday with her own children. >> there was never any of this, arcade, the rides, the games, the little picture thing you stick your face in. it was the rink and a little hot cocoa bar back in the '90s. >> and winter fest will be open until early merchandise match there are plenty of events lined up including skating with santa. but you're going to want to circle one big event happening next friday. that's when our morning team will flip the switch and light up the holiday tree at the rink. and you can watch it at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. maybe you want to stay home and watch from the comfort of your couch, you can do that as well. meteorologist krystal klei loves skating there. >> slight clarification, i like to watch other people ice skate, because i will be falling very, very often. they're adding more heating units outside so you won't be too cold these chilly days. 35 right now in philadelphia and 27 in new jersey. also in the upper 20s in lee high valley and 32 in delaware. you can see sunny to mostly sunny now this morning. ask we're going to stick with these clear conditions at least for the next several hours. and in the afternoon we'll start to see increasing cloud coverage. so there's the proof. our radar and satellite view shows there's nothing to track right now. and there are the clouds and showers starting to enter pennsylvania. this is the cold front that's going to impact us. it's going to follow these arrows. so the bulk of the rain going to stay to the north of us. in fact a bit might turn into snow. but for the southern half of this front, that's going to bring us a fairly dry passage overnight, meaning just an isolated low chance of spots of showers near the pokanos. today we are warming up ahead the cold front. we're used to this. ahead of the cold front you get a southwest flow and that aldris the temperatures up. down to 44 sunday. and then monday we'll start to see just a little oit of a warm up. that's going to kick off a big warm up for our coming weekend, workweek, rather. in new jersey 58 today, 58 at the shore. starting to kick back up on monday with sunny conditions expected. let's go through the hour by hour to show you what i'm talking about, just that isolated chance. 230 too 2:30 starting to see an increase. the clouds are starting to pass as we go through the overnight with the front moving thru. notice this model shows little flecks of green just to the north of the pokanos. that is going to be pretty much the best we get in terms of chances of rain. most of the models are in agreement with it. this is what we call the dry passage, we don't see a lot of rain with. we're going to see plenty of sunshine, just those temp are going be cooler. if you're going to the eagles game, it'll be breezy as well. the whole region tomorrow will feel those winds gusting from the northwest about 15, 20 miles an hour, and those gusts up to 30 are possible. so that's going to make for that windy forecast, making it feel a little cooler than it actually is. we'll talk about your ten day on ten coming up. hey, hey good morning to to you. good to see as you always. the flyers lost their seventh straight game yesterday in south phil maep and for the third time in those games they gave up a two goal lead only to fall in overtime or a shootout. flyers dump it in. jake voracek gives the flyers a two goal lead. tied at two in the third period. and then in overtime nick letty wide open. easy breezy game winner. flyers let another point get away and loses 5-4. >> we're all frustrated right now. you play a good game and can't find a way to end it. but i really believe that we're going to learn from this and we're going to get a better team and get back in the playoff spot. return to the gridiron, eagle's kicker jake elliott has cleared the concussion protocol and will play sunday against the bears. eagles average a buck 34 rushing. but they vent had a runner go over 100 yards running this season. >> it can pose a little bit of a problem. you know, probably defensively throwing a different back. it's a bigger back and a then a quick fr back and then a slasher. if we keep running the ball the way we're doing, we keep everybody happy. >> you won't see ben simmons tonight as the sixers take on the magic because he's out with a sore left elbow. joel embiio talked about playing without simmons. >> you know, if we stick to what we've been taught, our system, i think we'll be fine. let's go to the bahamas. title game in the battle against atlantis against iowa. deposi deposits two of his 18. he had 16 and wild cats won 54-50. harvard and california in the wooden legacy tournament. harvard goes on a 10-2 run. capped by robert, bakers from the far side. angels fall 77-71. that is your look at sports. i'm danny pommels from nbc sports philadelphia. model train lovers can catch an awesome display and get something delicious to eat this weekend at reading terminal market. the railroad is back and this year it's a 500 square foot model railroad display. you can tell the kids are actually loving it. covers about a third of a mile of track around the market. >> looking for something good today you can shop for holiday gifts in cape may. vendors from all the across the region will be there to show-off some of their finest work. also today looking to shed some thanksgiving calories and to support thetuant, the turkey burn step-a-thon will raise money to provide financial assistance for families in need. i didn't say that anybody needed to work off those calorie, but if you are interested, there is an event happening and for a good cause. listen, a lot going on today. you've got tree lightings, shopping, parades and great weather, though, right? >> yeah, this is not a bad weekend at all. there's some ups and downs to the weekend. and today n up part of the forecast. take a look at this live camera view. just absolutely beautiful. a few scattered clouds overhead as the sun officially rises this morning. let's talk temps. 58 street high for today. and will increase in clouds through the day. overnight adjust chance of a shower north and west of philly. tomorrow it is cooler and windy. 49. eagles game looking good, though. stays dry. in fact all the way through next friday. warming trend again tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. >> 60 on wednesday, which is our monday. thank you, krystal. that's all for now. we'll see you for updates throughout the morning. >> "today" show is up next. we'll see you back here at 8:30. have a good one. . good morning. home ward bound. americans enjoying the long holiday weekend with millions expected to hit the roads and take to the skies after a busy thanksgiving. a new storm system pushing to the northeast could bring heavy winds and snow. how will that affect the trip home? dylan has the full forecast. shopping bo sman za. black friday is in the books with billions of dollars spent in just two days. so many people shopping online, some websites crashed. retailers hoping the holiday weekend sales give them a critical boost as shoppers look for more big deals on small business saturday.

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Cape May , New Jersey , United States , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Chester County , Delaware , California , Denver , Colorado , Roxborough , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Jersey , Germany , Ardmore , West Bradford , Montgomery County , Egypt , Iowa , Cape May County , Unionville , Allentown , Bahamas , The , Pottstown , Americans , German , American , Kristen Welker , Martin Luther King , Randy Gyllenhaal , Jake Elliott , Prince Harry ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20171125 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20171125

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krystal klei. >> it's the best. ask we can say good weather on your weekend. that's what everybody wants to hear. it is cold to start this morning. we've got 20s and 30s on the map. about half of us or so are below freezing. we're at 38 at the beach and 34 in denver. still at 37 in philadelphia. allentown, pottstown, holly, all in the upper 20s. so that chill certainly in the air this morning. but the good news is we're going to see a bigger warm up than we saw yesterday. yesterday as expected we forecast a high of 51. we hit a high of 51. today we'll hit the upper 50s. radar and satellite, not a lot going on here. no rain to track, definitely no snow to track. but we've got this cold front sitting right about here and this is moving in our direction. we are going to see increased clouds today and a spot of shower chances increased in the pokanos. temperature trend for us right now that 37 degree temp will move to about 42 at 9:00 a.m. still mostly sunny, and we may even be clear through lunchtime. but i do expect in the afternoon that's when clouds will increase. that temperature will get to upper 50s later in the day. we'll track out the forecast neighborhood by neighborhood in case you're doing a little shopping coming up in just a few minutes. >> speaking of shopping, black friday shopping certainly did not disappoint. but the mom and pop shops will not be outdone. they're offering deep discounts today encouraging people to shop local. >> and shoppers are encouraged to hit the boutiques. randy gyllenhaal is live and with preview of what's happening there on maine street and what's happening in other downtown areas. >> reporter: good morning. maine street here decorated and ready to go for shoppers. take a look. the lights are on. and the christmas tree will be lit today 3467 they've got free parking in some of the lots if you want to come on down. it is the one day of the year that american consumers are encouraged to shop mall. across the river in haddenfield, new jersey, that is great place for small business owners, great deals there. and ardmore, a lot of promotions going on. we actually caught up with a toy store down in ardmore. they tell us why customers specifically come in on this small business saturday. >> it's nice for people to come in and say i could have bought this somewhere else either online or at a big box store, but it's nice when they say i came to you because i want to support locally. >> reporter: american express says small business owners took in $15 billion on this day last year. this year they'll have a pretty strong economy to work with. we saw huge crowds yesterday for black friday. so they're hoping they come out and support their local pzs this small business saturday. for now we're live on maine street, randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. thank you, randy. philadelphia mayor jim kenny will be out today encouraging shoppers to also buy local. this morning he'll be visiting business. he's expected to stop at a clothing store, hardware store and several art galleries that would like everyone to see more shopping there. small business saturday will last all weekend. today you can enjoy discounts at the shops and if you planned to visit the lucy the elephant, there will be discounts there. there will also be a free viewing of the polar express and lighting at the park. maybe you're stuck inside, you've got to cleanup after thanksgiving and got to do shopping online, we've got ten tips to avoid scams. to find them just search shopping on or the nbc 10 app. police were called to the boulevard in philadelphia's oxford circle neighborhood around 2:30 this morning. they found a 21-year-old woman dead in the passenger seat. the 22-year-old driver was thrown from the car. he now has a broken leg. that driver now also being tested for possible dui. a fire in camden county forced several people out of their home. the fire was on the second floor. no one was hurt. the fire marshal is investigating what caused the blaze. >> well, a week after a fire tore through a senior home in chester county killing four people we still don't know the cause, but we're now getting a closer look at the damage left behind. debris is still outside. sue broderick came back for the first time yesterday to see the damage for herself. broderick lived in the south wing, the same area where foi s officials believe the fire started. >> i saw literally a sheet of fire. i'd never seen anything like that before. i can't really tell you how i felt. it was horrifying. and i guess i was traumatized. >> federal investigators are now finished at the scene. they have turned everything over to local investigators. another fire that we're tracking this morning, this time out of cape may county. the fire marshal's office there is trying to determine what exactly caused this blaze that destroyed three beachfront properties. a viewer sent us video and feteoes of the flame early yesterday morning. nobody was inside the homes at the time. a firefighter had minor injuries but is expected to be okay. water service is back on this morning after a water main break in roxborough. neighbors tell nbc 10 they called the water department thursday night to report the problem, but crews said they let the water run so they would not interrupt thanksgiving for people living on it block. >> it's not completely abnormal on a holiday like thanksgiving and christmas when we are not fully staffed that a water main break could in essence run for a day or so. >> the company says this main break looks much more impressive because of the pressure needed to pump water up therox burro hills. coming up, you might see tobacco ads running. plus credit card glitch. we we have an update from macy's about the slow down for shoppers during one of the busiest times of year. grit. some have it. some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide, or stand up. at strayer university, we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up, and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it. good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei, and today we're tracking very mild cessions. perfect to get outside. we're starting today still chilly by 8:00 a.m. official forecast high we're up to 58 decrease. difference, though, you will notice this will go from mosthy sunny to more on the cloudy side of things later in the day. 50 in the lee high valley. get up to those mid-50s in the afternoon. delaware, 55 noon. and we will start seeing numbers taper as we fall off that 4:00 hour. more clouds the later you get into the day especially overnight. that's when we'll pea mostly cloudy. current winds. check this out. you might look at this and go why are you even showing this? there's only one number on the board. the this is to show winds are very light, calm outside. which means we don't have to worry about the wind chill or feels like condition. tomorrow will be a different story. we'll be brazy in the morning on sunday and gusty. possible, those windy conditions next to a cold front which will also cool us down. we'll talk about that coming up. no, it's not new year's day. a holiday tradition steps off this morning in camsden county. we're talk about the holiday parade. that's starts 10:00 this morning. there will be drummers, marching bands and much more for the crowds to enjoy. wilmington's christmas parade will also be held this morning. the parade gins at 9:00 a.m. on fourth and market streets. the city hopes after the parade visitors will head to local stores to take part in small business saturday. still ahead this morning. tree trouble. you'll likely pay more for a fresh christmas tree this year. why experts say trees will be expensive and little harder to find. doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. almost quarter after 6:00 right on this saturday, and it will looking good out there. clear skies. the sun slowly starting to come up. right now 37 degrees. a little chilly out there, but we are going to warm up into the 50s. meteorologist krystal klei will be back in just minutes, three minutes to be exact, if your first alert weather forecast. this morning we're following some updated news overseas. just within the last half-hour egypt's chief prosecutor raised the death toll in the mosque attack to 305. this is the deadliest terror attack in egypt's history. a suicide bomber detonated inside the mosque. more assailants blasted helpless worshippers with gunfire and rocket propelled grenades. president trump says he turned down the chance to be times magazine's person of the year. but times magazine is saying not so fast. it says it does not comment on its choice before publication. the chief officer tweeted there is not a speck of truth about the president's claim. we'll find out who the magazine did pick on december 6th. tobacco companies have not run ads on tv for years, but that will change starting tomorrow. only this time the ads will not be promoting cigarette sales. the federal government has ordered big tobacco to air messages starting at prime time stating that the products are deadly and they designed their products to be addictive. it's after they won a lawsuit that said the industry had deceived the american public. this was part of what came out of the lawsuit. the tobacco companies are paying for these ads. to consumer news now. macy says it has fixed problems with it credit and gift processing has led to hundreds of complaints online. the department store chain blames the glitch on overcapacity that slowed those tran transactions. amazon has revealed its cyber monday deals. amazon will have 75,000 deals for the biggest online shopping day that includes up to 50% on select hasbro games, nufr products and play-doh. the amazon fire hd will be priced at $99.99, the lowest price ever for that device. last year amazon customers ordered 740 items per second on cybermonday. i don't know about you, but when i growing up, we were one of those families that got our christmas tree late, decorated it up on christmas eve, kept it up january through february. anyway, hopefully that's not your family as well. you may want to think about g getting it earlier because there could be a tree shortage. a lot of growers went out of business or they just planted fewer saplings. because it takes eight or nine years for a tree to mature, the effect of smaller supply of trees is happening right now. >> everyone in the market is going to run out of trees this year because there's not enough christmas trees to go around. >> with a smaller supply you could be paying big bucks for a tree this season. experts say the increase in price will vary based on the kind of tree you get, how big it is and where you buy it. let's talk about temperatures out there. right now many of us are in the 20s. we're at 27 in the lee high valley. 28 in the pennsylvania suburbs and 27 in south jersey. but a few of us are still in the 30s including philly. we're actually about freezing at 37 degrees. so not too bad of a start out there. it's the beginning or rather end of november, so it's not shocking to see this on the map. 27 right noi in unionville, 35 in west bradford township. blue bell you're at 26, and 28 in lindsdale. throw on the coat this morning as you head out the door and then you'll want to peel it off today because we'll be floating with nearly 60 degrees for highs this afternoon. it's that clear picture we really like to see. yesterday it was sunny all day long. today we're not going to be sunny all day. we will actually see clouds increase. a cold front is moving in our direction. as this front pushes our way, we're going to see clouds in the later part of the cay. and overnight an isolated chance of shower moving by. but notice this is pretty weak in terms of rain, and i think it's going to move through fairly dry as we go through those overnight hours. temperatures wise, there it is. 59 in summerton, 59 in chestnut hill. these temperatures are certainly warmer than average this time of year. and this actually isn't going to be the only day on were ten day forecast where we are warmer than average. 60 possible in atlantic city. smer nuas well. and eon vin ruhove s beach you may see 60 degrees in our forecast today. this is 2:30 in the afternoon, notice that kind of gray overlay specifically over the north ask west neighborhoods, that's where it'll start because that's where the front is coming from. mostly cloudy around 6:30 this evening. and into the overnight hours it'll start to break apart. this shows a few little spot sprinkles. a lot of the models are showing this. it's a dry path for us. so we're just going with an isolated chance fairly north. everyone else seeing those clouds and clearing out by your sunday. sunday, for those eagles fans, chilly and breezy as well. those gusts crack up to around 20 miles an hour over at the link. future wind gusts we go through today and just around 15 miles an hour winds. look how it quickly changes. around 25 miles an hour gusts, a little stronger near the shore. and as we go throughout it day, this remains consistent right around 25 to 30 miles an hour in the forecast for your sunday. >> all right, thank you, krystal. well, talk about the spirit of giving. a south jersey secret santa paid off 62 layaway orders in cherry hill yesterday. the total price tag, $10,700. and he didn't stop there, though. coming up next, protecting your money while shopping online. why you may want to avoid third party vendors on cybermonday. we've got you covered with what you need to know next. well, this morning we have an important nbc 10 responds warning to share with you. if you plan to go online with credit card in hand, make sure to protect your personal information. nbc 10 responds reporter harry harassten has some safety advice. >> reporter: cyber experts tell us each year more shoppers are dodging the hustle and bustle of stores and are letting their fingers and key boards take over on cybermonday. but before you log in, listen up. >> the criminals are out in droves. >> before you go out and start putting your credit card into your web browse, make sure your computer is updated. latest anti-virus, latest security patches. >> reporter: the video also says if you're shopping on amazon, know who you're buying from. amazon offers prec from scammers. be careful how you pay for your item. there are more than 2 million third party sellers on the amazon site. amazon's guarantee does not cover purchases made by giving gift cards or card information directly to third party vendors. never send money to an amazon seller outside the amazon website or ad. the only safe way to buy something from an amazon seller is to pay through amazon pay. this way if you don't get the product you ordered, you can work with amazon to get a full refund. and the video also says use common sense. >> if the deal looks too good to be true, chances are it is. >> other concerns be aware of websites saying sold out everywhere else. make sure it has a physical address and contact information. plus stay away from websites that are in other countries. if there's a problem you may have no way of getting a resolution. >> and that was harry harassten with nbc 10 responds. if you have a kplanlt go to, fill out the form or give us a call. we will respond to you. maybe you're avoiding online shopping, doing everything out and about on foot today is the day to do it. it's shop small today. >> and we have a lack ahead for small business saturday. >> reporter: good morning. and today is the day to get away from those computers, and shop at small businesses for saturday. coming up where you can find the best local deals. and on first alert radar and satellite, dry conditions right now. but we're tracking a cold front to our west going to move in our direction. provide some extra clouds and a cool down. and right now here's a live view from south philly looking at center city. a little fog out there this morning. ♪ from fields and factories they came looking for opportunity. they worked hard. we helped them work harder. they are the students of strayer university. for 125 years, we've supported as they've rewritten the future. and to all who seek their true potential, we say, let's get it. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. right now on nbc 10 news, today shop small. that's the message on this small business saturday being celebrated on maine streets across the region. we're live with a look at what's on tap today. mild saturday, mild weather ahead for those shoppers. clear and calm right now. but our weekend weather will have the highs and lows. we've got those details in moments. mysterious disappearance. a community comes together to raise money and make a push to try and find the woman who vanished in chester county. good morning. and wellwoman to nbc 10 news today. i'm dray clark. >> and i'm rosemary conners. just before 6:30 on this saturday, a lot of plans. people are taking what like a four-day weekend. if you're heading out shopping, our meteorologist krystal klei has some news for you. >> that forecast looks good for our weekend. we do have some low points. 26 in vineland, and 29 at the atlantic city airport. but a little better off in areas like mount pokano. 37 degrees. philadelphia, 35 degrees. and coastal, 4. a little warmer than yesterday morning. now, in the afternoon it will be considerably warmer than yesterday with some of us flirting with 60. radar and satellite here shows just a few scattered clouds oit there. mostly sunny start to our day, but that will be changing because to our west we do have clouds and a cold front moving in our direction. increase for the afternoon with an increase by this evening. as for our temperature trend we'll go from 30s all the way to those upper 50s as we get later in the day. a few spots especially south of 95 koorder may be near 60 for the forecast high. instead of upper 50s that we're seeing today tomorrow we'll be talking a much cooler forecast. we'll look at the details neighborhood by neighborhood coming up. today is small business saturday. shoppers are encouraged to buy holiday gifts at independently owned stores across the area. >> it's one of the biggest days if not the biggest days for those stores. randy gyllenhaal is live on maine street. and there are some special events happening today. tell us about it, randy. >> reporter: you, and there are so many of those stores here. it today at 5:30 p.m. there'll be the christmas tree lighting. they've got free parking at some of the lots to draw people in because today is the one day of the year american consumers are encouraged to shop small. across the river over in haddenfield, new jersey, that is great place to find a gift from a local business owner. and downtown ardmore as well, a lot of promotions going on there. shoppers tell us there's just something about going into a local store with local owners supporting the local economy instead of going to a big box store or spending money online. >> people know who you are. so i go into these stores all the time, and they know your name and they know who you are. so that's nice. >> we come down every year, and now we have three kids to bring and see santa and go in the shops. and it's a lot of fun. >> reporter: american express started promoting small business saturday back in 2010. they said last year in 2016 $15 billion was made by small business owners, and with a very strong economy this year owners are hoping for a good kick off to holiday season. randy jillen hall, nbc 10 news. >> let's head out to bucks county. let's extend small business saturday into small business weekend so people have more time to visit the stores. those mom and pop shops will be offering discounts today and tomorrow. philadelphia shoppers will find a great holiday sale at city parking garages. you'll pay a flat rate between 11:00 a.m. and midnight during the season. and on saturday after 11:00 in the morning, meter parking on the street, that's free all across the city. these offers will go on until new year's day. a shooting victim tried to get help first inside a store before collapsing on a street in the philadelphia strawberry mansz section. police tell us they found the man on ridge around 12:30 this morning, but they say he was shot on norris street. police are looking at a car with a number of bullet holes. there are no arrests. the 42-year-old victim was shot while sitting inside his suv at the intersection of frankfurt street around 2:00 a.m. he's now listed in stable condition. and this morning police are trying to figure out who stabbed a man in the head inside a home in west philadelphia. officers were called to the home an masters street just before midnight where they found the 37-year-old victim. he was rushed to hospital where he's also now lested in stable condition. a chester county community is coming together to help the family of a missing mother. anna vanished april 10th after leaving her malburn home. last night a fund-raiser was held. the money will be split between the missing woman's parents in pole pd and with the search and rescue team which is helping the family. friends and family say she always spen the holiday with her parents. >> it's heart breaking to think that the annual trip they all took together won't happen this year. >> we are focusing on areas she could have wandered to or been disoriented or someone could have placed her. so we have to think about every scenario. >> pennsylvania police say her husband was the last person to see her. he told investigators she left for work in a panic thinking she was going to be late for a meeting. police found her car at a nearby trail and searched the couple's home weeks later. now to a story we first told you as breaking nauz. philadelphia police are trying to wife the charred body of a young man found on top of a septa train. they believe the victim was between 16 and 20 years old. it was at the rear of the train near the train's power line. he was discovered yesterday morning when the train pulled into the station at center sate. it's not clear yet how he died. in montgomery county a woman is charged indeath of a department workering. police tell us luciana stock drove over an orange cone hitting two workers. stock is expected in court later this month. 6:36 right now on this saturday. coming up, love park let down. we'll tell you how the city of philadelphia disappointed dozens of people looking for a special holiday gift. plus free pet adoptions. where you could find what may be the best bargain of all on this holiday weekend. back in a moment. 6:36 right now on this back in a moment. well, it is just a few minutes before the start of the "today" show. >> and this morning we say good morning to kristen welker, philadelphia's own and craig melvin. philly loves you, too, craig. >> great to see you guys. great to see everyone there in philly. >> coming up here on a saturday morning on "today," let the holiday shopping begin. people out in force online and in the stores this holiday weekend. so where can you find the best deals today, and on cybermonday as well? we're going to have some tips to help you figure it all out. >> and then my favorite story coming up. is prince harry getting ready to pop the question to girlfriend megan markell? we're live in london. and going to take us inside a unique new program where educators are using hip hop music to get kids interested in architecture. >> and those kids look really interested in it. those stories and more when we get started on a saturday morning right here on "today." i hope you guys had a good holiday. >> yeah. and how was your holiday? >> good. i took a brief stop in philadelphia to visit my parents, actually. >> awesome. we'll see you guys at 7:00. >> you, too, take care. >> you got it. now your nbc 10 first alert whether. meteorologist krystal klei here, and we are tracking temperatures for your saturday. the time is 6:40 this morning. get up quickly, though. 43 degrees at 10:00 a.m., 51 by noon and mid-50s by afternoon. notice that 4:00 icon, cloud aconditions. we are going to see cloudy conditions spread across the entire map ahead of the cold front that's going to pass our region. that cold front is going to pass dry. so chances of rain fairly limited. we don't have to worry about a wind chill. 47 by 10:00 a.m., and forecasting upper 50s by the afternoon. that means the high will peak right in between there. those winds will still be around 5 to 10 miles an hour. jersey shore, 29 degrees for us right now. it will be clear through much of the day. the chicker cloud coverage will be in the north and west neighborhoods. at the shore, mid-50s for those high temperatures. a few spots right at the shoreline may be sneaking into 60. 32 degrees, starting at freezing, and we'll move to about 55 at your lunch hour. upper 50s in the forecast for the afternoon. 2:00 at 57 degrees. >> all right, thank you, krystal. >> well, good news on for the eagles on the injury front. >> not so good news for the sixers. and the losing streak continues for the fliers. they let another one get away from them after a two game lead. what happened. plus some hoop action next. you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it. well, hundreds of people are empty-handed after they waited in line for hours to get a special philadelphia keepsake. >> yeah, and they want to know where is the love. here's the story. they hoped to pick up an engraved piece of granite from the original love park, since, you know, love park is under renovation in center city philadelphia. so shoppers lined upt the christmas village yesterday to buy one. it std they were told they were really lined up to ad their names to a reservation list. it turns out before the sale was set to start city officials found out they didn't actually have permission to sell the souvenirs. >> people thought there were actually pieces being sold tonight, and to find out there's no time line. >> they hope to clear up the malters as soon as possible. speaking of the renovation happening at love park, it's almost complete, but the city now says the cost of the project is going up about $10 million. the original budget was around $16.5 million. now it'll be around $26 million. includes the cost of construction, design fees. the park has been under renovation since february of 2016. men who care for german town hosted this charity basketball game in martin luther king high school in east german town last night. the goal was to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention and anti-gun violence efforts. >> you could give shelter animals a new home for the holidays. animal control care team of philadelphia is offering free pet adoptions at their main shelter through tomorrow. shelter officials tell us that providing a loving home for an animal is the gift that keeps on giving. yeah, philly fanatic surprising fans trying to bust down the doors. super excited for the holiday shopping deals. he showed up an his atv yesterday to surprise the philly fans waiting in line for the deals. decked out for those fans looking to shop for the holidays. it offered its own version of deals for black friday. truly a sign of the season that the holidays are here. the blue cross riverrink winter fest now open. >> it was packed last night and it was the same way all day long. filled with families looking for fun. one woman grew up coming to the riverrink at pens landing. she returned yesterday with her own children. >> there was never any of this, arcade, the rides, the games, the little picture thing you stick your face in. it was the rink and a little hot cocoa bar back in the '90s. >> and winter fest will be open until early merchandise match there are plenty of events lined up including skating with santa. but you're going to want to circle one big event happening next friday. that's when our morning team will flip the switch and light up the holiday tree at the rink. and you can watch it at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. maybe you want to stay home and watch from the comfort of your couch, you can do that as well. meteorologist krystal klei loves skating there. >> slight clarification, i like to watch other people ice skate, because i will be falling very, very often. they're adding more heating units outside so you won't be too cold these chilly days. 35 right now in philadelphia and 27 in new jersey. also in the upper 20s in lee high valley and 32 in delaware. you can see sunny to mostly sunny now this morning. ask we're going to stick with these clear conditions at least for the next several hours. and in the afternoon we'll start to see increasing cloud coverage. so there's the proof. our radar and satellite view shows there's nothing to track right now. and there are the clouds and showers starting to enter pennsylvania. this is the cold front that's going to impact us. it's going to follow these arrows. so the bulk of the rain going to stay to the north of us. in fact a bit might turn into snow. but for the southern half of this front, that's going to bring us a fairly dry passage overnight, meaning just an isolated low chance of spots of showers near the pokanos. today we are warming up ahead the cold front. we're used to this. ahead of the cold front you get a southwest flow and that aldris the temperatures up. down to 44 sunday. and then monday we'll start to see just a little oit of a warm up. that's going to kick off a big warm up for our coming weekend, workweek, rather. in new jersey 58 today, 58 at the shore. starting to kick back up on monday with sunny conditions expected. let's go through the hour by hour to show you what i'm talking about, just that isolated chance. 230 too 2:30 starting to see an increase. the clouds are starting to pass as we go through the overnight with the front moving thru. notice this model shows little flecks of green just to the north of the pokanos. that is going to be pretty much the best we get in terms of chances of rain. most of the models are in agreement with it. this is what we call the dry passage, we don't see a lot of rain with. we're going to see plenty of sunshine, just those temp are going be cooler. if you're going to the eagles game, it'll be breezy as well. the whole region tomorrow will feel those winds gusting from the northwest about 15, 20 miles an hour, and those gusts up to 30 are possible. so that's going to make for that windy forecast, making it feel a little cooler than it actually is. we'll talk about your ten day on ten coming up. hey, hey good morning to to you. good to see as you always. the flyers lost their seventh straight game yesterday in south phil maep and for the third time in those games they gave up a two goal lead only to fall in overtime or a shootout. flyers dump it in. jake voracek gives the flyers a two goal lead. tied at two in the third period. and then in overtime nick letty wide open. easy breezy game winner. flyers let another point get away and loses 5-4. >> we're all frustrated right now. you play a good game and can't find a way to end it. but i really believe that we're going to learn from this and we're going to get a better team and get back in the playoff spot. return to the gridiron, eagle's kicker jake elliott has cleared the concussion protocol and will play sunday against the bears. eagles average a buck 34 rushing. but they vent had a runner go over 100 yards running this season. >> it can pose a little bit of a problem. you know, probably defensively throwing a different back. it's a bigger back and a then a quick fr back and then a slasher. if we keep running the ball the way we're doing, we keep everybody happy. >> you won't see ben simmons tonight as the sixers take on the magic because he's out with a sore left elbow. joel embiio talked about playing without simmons. >> you know, if we stick to what we've been taught, our system, i think we'll be fine. let's go to the bahamas. title game in the battle against atlantis against iowa. deposi deposits two of his 18. he had 16 and wild cats won 54-50. harvard and california in the wooden legacy tournament. harvard goes on a 10-2 run. capped by robert, bakers from the far side. angels fall 77-71. that is your look at sports. i'm danny pommels from nbc sports philadelphia. model train lovers can catch an awesome display and get something delicious to eat this weekend at reading terminal market. the railroad is back and this year it's a 500 square foot model railroad display. you can tell the kids are actually loving it. covers about a third of a mile of track around the market. >> looking for something good today you can shop for holiday gifts in cape may. vendors from all the across the region will be there to show-off some of their finest work. also today looking to shed some thanksgiving calories and to support thetuant, the turkey burn step-a-thon will raise money to provide financial assistance for families in need. i didn't say that anybody needed to work off those calorie, but if you are interested, there is an event happening and for a good cause. listen, a lot going on today. you've got tree lightings, shopping, parades and great weather, though, right? >> yeah, this is not a bad weekend at all. there's some ups and downs to the weekend. and today n up part of the forecast. take a look at this live camera view. just absolutely beautiful. a few scattered clouds overhead as the sun officially rises this morning. let's talk temps. 58 street high for today. and will increase in clouds through the day. overnight adjust chance of a shower north and west of philly. tomorrow it is cooler and windy. 49. eagles game looking good, though. stays dry. in fact all the way through next friday. warming trend again tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. >> 60 on wednesday, which is our monday. thank you, krystal. that's all for now. we'll see you for updates throughout the morning. >> "today" show is up next. we'll see you back here at 8:30. have a good one. . good morning. home ward bound. americans enjoying the long holiday weekend with millions expected to hit the roads and take to the skies after a busy thanksgiving. a new storm system pushing to the northeast could bring heavy winds and snow. how will that affect the trip home? dylan has the full forecast. shopping bo sman za. black friday is in the books with billions of dollars spent in just two days. so many people shopping online, some websites crashed. retailers hoping the holiday weekend sales give them a critical boost as shoppers look for more big deals on small business saturday.

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