Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20171006 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20171006

story. also tonight, could be finally see a consensus on gun control? tonight both sides of this divisive issue seem to agree on one thing. this device used by a las vegas gunman needs more scrutiny. they're called bump stocks and allow a weapon to fire rapidly like an automatic weapon. we're shown how these items have been flying off the shelves. >> it's resetting so quickly that it seems like automatic, but it's not. >> reporter: luke kelly describes to us how this semiautomatic gun could be adjusted to fire at a faster speed. >> it's almost like a one piece type of thing. that you take off. there's a bolt that holds the grip in here. >> reporter: it's the kind of gun that can be legally altered using bump stocks. we're told some websites are crashing from high demand after the las vegas massacre. others saying they're stopping new orders from now. kelly's store already taking new calls from interested customers, telling nbc news nothing is available. >> you're a responsible gun owner, you do it in a controlled environment, i don't see anything wrong it. >> reporter: more than 1,600 tables with all sorts of stuff. but pat mccarthy tells us you won't necessarily see bump stocks there. this group here in westchester is walking down the street right now to congressman ryan costello's office. they are demanding sensible gun laws. they also want to ban any weapon that fires like the one used in las vegas. they walked for about four blocks holding signs, hearts heavy focused now with getting rid of bump stocks. >> there's no reason anyone, anywhere has to have a weapon like that. >> reporter: it's a debate far from over. erin baskerville, nbc 10 news. >> a gun show scheduled in las vegas is now canceled. they are planning to reschedule it later this year. investigators are also looking into whether the las vegas gunman had other potential targets. he did research on other music festivals in las vegas and chicago. he also did searches on fenway park in boston. one of the victims was remembered at this candlelight vigil tonight in las vegas. charles hartsfield was 1 of the people killed. hartsfield also leaves behind two children. tonight authorities say all of the of the victims have been identified. new at 11:00, a neighbor comes to the rescue after a woman was sexually assaulted. police say the suspect had a gun and pushed in the 57-year-old's door. he left with the keys, but a neighbor confronted him but managed to get away after a struggle. the suspect took off and police are still looking for him tonight. a south jersey school has a mold problem, and tonight parents want to know if their children were put at risk. school officials really got an earful about this tonight, right, brandon? >> reporter: that's right, jim. there were a room full of upset parents, some of them just now leaving. a lot of them came to this meeting looking for answers, but most of them say they left with more questions. this is photo of tameika williams son during one of several hospital trips. >> he was diagnosed out of the blue with pneumonia. two years later williams and other concerned parents packed a board of education meeting after a school district report revealed mold in classrooms, library, and others rooms. williams think her son's illness could be tied to the mold. >> my head is spinning right now. i'm thinking of the doctor bills. >> reporter: the mun raw township school district closed holly glen. hours after dismissal parents gave board members an earful at the meeting. the super intendant tried to quell fears. the news got the attention of roberta west. she claims there were mold problems years ago. when classes resume tuesday holly glen students will be bussed to other schools in the district. >> he will be at the new school. >> reporter: tonight some parents told me they want every school in the district test said for mold. the super intendant says holly glen may not be open until 2018. >> the chester county paramedic is accused of molesting a teenage boy. it happened during a career development ride along program. the teen told police he woke up to kenneth mason touching him. john michael han is in zwral tonight after police say he killed his cousin and shot his wife. we showed you the search, the standoff and surrender of this suspect. and new nbc's drew smith shows us a possible. >> reporter: the family that lives there will never be the same as we learn more about the dispute that investigators say played a role in last night's shooting. after a night and morning on the run, john han will have to answer to charges he shot ask killed his cousin. the district attorney saying he's hoping it doesn't become a double murder case since his wife was hit. >> she was present with her brother throughout this entire ordeal. >> reporter: with him shots rang out through two guns. han let her go before eventually giving himself up ending in an hours long standoff. >> he was very caring for his sister. >> reporter: tonight bepolice waiting on a search warrant. after his parents died no one in the family helped his sister. >> he gave up everything for her, and i think it was too much stress on him. >> reporter: as for the sister, police took her to barracks to try and find someone to look after her. >> everything he wanted for her, now it's gone. >> reporter: he's being held without bail. marina mullner is still in the hospital. investigators are hoping she recovers. i'm drew smith, nbc 10 news. >> new at 11:00, a case of road rage in south jersey that nearly turned violent. police released this sketch of a driver who pulled a gun on a pedestrian. the victim says the driver nearly ran him over outside the hospital on tuesday and then pulled a gun when he confronted him. a delaware state trooper's widow is working with a local school now to keep her husband's legacy alive. steven balered was shot and killed in the line of duty. his wife has now started the buddies reading program. it's the first school to adraop the program. >> i think it's really important that kids know from a young age you should follow your heart and get exposure to other jobs. >> she's a lawyer with our parent company, comcast, which is supporting this program. she's hoping they can take it to other schools. a south jersey man just returned home tonight after lending a helping hand to his family in puerto rico. couldn't reach his mother in puerto rico after the hurricane. he said he was so distraught he just had to make sure she was okay, so he and his uncle booked a fight. >> a huge relief to see her. i hugged her, i kissed her. i didn't even want to let hoar go because i found what i came for. >> he says the only supplies his family has received are items he brought on the trip. he says everything in his mother's house is destroyed. but he's thankful everyone is okay. coming up, bloodied and bruised. a south jersey teenager is blind-sided walking across the street. now he wants to find the driver who took off. also students suspended, the mascot stunt that could get two teens kicked out of school. kitchen gone wild. the bizarre discovery inside a jersey shore restaurant. now, get ready for some rain and even a tropical storm. i'll show you when that wet whether is going to hit your neighborhood coming up. and back now to that breaking news from the top of this newscast. sky force 10 over. back ups are building. nothing but a sea of headlights there. we'll continue to keep you updated on this breaking story both on-air and online. right now at 11:00 blind-sided on the streetch a south jersey teenager says a driver left him bloodied and bruised and then took off. and now he wants that driver to step up and take responsibility. we have his story new at 11:00. >> reporter: a week later david is still bruised, bloodied and his nose is swollen. >> feeling a bit better, not that much. >> reporter: he tells us a driver hit him with an f150 truck and then took off before police arrived. these photos show how the teenager looked at the hospital. he hasn't been to school since. he's spent a lot of time playing madden on x box. when we arrived he opened up about his injuries. you have feeling? >> yeah, i have feeling right now. >> reporter: and he told me what happened when the driver hit him. he was trying to cross the street to this shopping center and he heard the truck moments before it hit him. the impact threw him out of his shoes. >> i remember losing my shoe, my phone was broken. it bothers me a lot that he stopped, he helped him, he took him to the chinese store but then took off. >> reporter: the police chief says they're looking for surveillance video or witnesses at this busy intersection. while detectives work the case, david bonet will visit his doctors and hope he can get back on the football field soon. >> he told me i was going to be all right. >> reporter: his gray ford f150 truck had a purple sticker. a racial slur could get two students expelled from school. they chose the mascot holding a sign with this racial slur. it was posted on social media but has since been taken down. the students have been suspended. investigators say they will not face criminal charges. a rest ant at the jersey shore was shutdown after police spotted exotic birds and other animals inside. police took pictures of two birds standing here, a cat by the bagels and also a litter box by the sink. a post on the restaurant's facebook page says no food safety was compromised. a push to keep you and your families safe online, that's the focus of a new partnership between nbc 10 and telemundo 62. it comes as comcast is adding more users to its internet essentials program to connect low income households to the internet. >> with all of the people we're connecting to the internet, we're now turning to the next phase, which is how do we make sure they're protected? >> today at nbc 10, comcast senior executive vice president david cohen talked to students about living in the lijtle world. and then he surprised them with brand new laptops. special night in center city representing entrepreneurs. tonights theme was tipping the balance towards equity. and three local businesses were honored. speaking of honors, a big one tonight for the nbc 10 generational team. generation addictive focused on the growing epidemic of opioids in the philadelphia region and beyond. congratulations to the team. now to our first alert weather. people holding onto summer just a little bit longer. people enjoying dinner outside tonight in east falls. hard to believe it's october with weather like this. but let's see how long it's going to stick around. meteorologist glen schwartz is here. >> it's going to stick around at least through the weekend before we get some of that tropical moisture. visibility still good. that's an average high for this time of year. look at that, the cold spots. 67 in mount holly and lan keser, 64 in mount pokano. and look at these numbers. yesterday 76 today, 82. and we're close to it. all the way through the weekend it's just a question of cloud cover and rain on sunday, if we get the showers early enough that may prevent us from getting to 80 degrees. but that's about it. had a couple little showers especially in the northern parts of the area, lee high valley earlier. now things have really dried out. and we're going to continue to see that trend as we go into the morning, maybe one or two sprinkles up to the north and that's about it. clouds and sun during the day tomorrow that's going to allow the temperature to go up above 80 degrees again. generally dry, dry tomorrow night. and then on saturday as well. but eventually that moisture is going to increase. now, this is not the moisture from nate. this is ahead of it, and so we do expect a few showers on saturday night and more activity on sunday. you can see a fair amount on sunday morning. i'm not expecting necessarily widespread rain, more like scattered showers. and not expecting heavy rain. but we need the rain, just maybe not on the weekend. it's been 16 straight days without any measurable rain in philadelphia. well, tomorrow's not going to be one of them. easton 78. you can see everybody's dry with a mix of clouds and sun. 79 in vorhees township. 82 degrees in dover. and for the eagles, being sunday it's above normal temperatures. but we do have the threat of some showers. it shouldn't be raining over the entire game. the wind not much of a factor. the wind will be a factor in the caribbean. this is nate. it's not well-developed now because the center is actually over land. but it's not going to stay that wiway. the computer models all take it into the gulf of mexico, strengthenening, curve it into new orleans and then curve it right on top of us and that's the rain coming in monday and tuesday. and we really need some of that. well, remember the awkward teenage years? some celebrities are putting their most embarrassing pictures online for everyone to see. we'll explain why, and we'll show you the former president who's joined in on this fun right here. eighty-five hundred dollars?!? vanstone auctions? sold for eight thousand five hundred "unicorn in rouge." congratulations, sir. when you need help fast, call us with td asap on the td bank app and skip to the front of the line. hi alex, i have your account pulled up. how can i help? oh, uh... great. are you seeing this charge from an auction house? that doesn't look right. i'll take care of that. oh good. thank you. because when you need help, you need it asap. people have come up with a lot of great ways to raise money for hurricane victims in puerto rico, but for some of hollywood's biggest names all it took was a little embarrassment. take a look. do you recognize these young faces? this is part of a campaign called puber me. steven cobert said he would donate $1,000 for any celebrity that showed a embarrassing photo ofto teenage years. clinton joined the phone. he posted this pic with the caption big dreams and even bigger hair. danny pommels. >> yeah, me, too. i had big hair then, not now. >> that's all right. looking good. >> thanks, man, you too. we may see him back in action a little sooner than expected. we've got those details. highlights and more next. every day, technology becomes much more personalized. ♪ ♪ like this. and this. (ai device) welcome home, gary, how was your day. and like this. introducing specifi, our digital investing platform that's built around you. just answer a few questions, and specifi will provide a tailored investment portfolio. it continually manages it, so if the market changes, it adjusts accordingly. ask us how specifi can help you reach your potential. ♪ ♪ hey, danny pommels from nbc sports philadelphia with you once again. the season opener coming up quick. here he is today at the practice facility. rocking, cleared to play 5 on 5 full court scrimmages for the fist time since his injury last year. on track to play against the wizards for their season opener, october 18th. if everything goes well, he could see some pre-season action as well. >> i want to be out there. i wish i was out there yesterday. i wish i was out there tomorrow. maybe next week. >> anticipation is to try and keep him at a rate and incrementally inch him up. at the end of the day, that's the goal. >> the eagles are already off to a good start. back home this sunday to host the car cardinals. they sit at the top of the division. but last year they started strong as well before the bottom fell out and they missed the playoffs. the vets know you cannot take anything for granted this early in the season. >> we've got another opportunity to win games at homes. wae can't celebrate too long of things we've celebrated and look too far off in the future. >> from the gridiron to the yic, the friars back at it tonight. the kings goalie, jonathan quick, up to the task turning everything away. meanwhile have a look at this, michael -- just as good. point glove save on the far side of the crease. cue the music. it is a landslide. wire to wire. eastern timber creek is the winner. look at that. 87% of the vote. highlights from that game and much more tomorrow at 11:00. that is all for sports. stay with us. nbc 10 news coming right back. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only $24.90 more per month. our lowest price ever on this offer. but only for a limited time. call today. comcast business. built for business. comcast business. it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. getting an appointment to discuss your treatment options shouldn't be. meet with a ctca cancer specialist in philadelphia, in as little as 24 hours. learn more at doctor. doctor. i played a doctor on tv, but now i'm helping save lives for real. starting with my own. i'm partnering with cigna healthspring to remind everyone how important preventive care is for people my age. see anything, doctor? looks great, doctor. and with cigna healthspring medicare advantage, you get a team of doctors overseeing your health. most preventive services are covered. so go, know, and take control of your health. oh... use mine, doctor. cigna healthspring. together, all the way. the warm up continues. >> it's going to continue all the way through the weekend. the only question is on sunday because some showers could be coming in, and that could drop the temperature below 80. showers for the eagles game. that is not the tropical moisture. that's monday and tuesday with nate. >> all right, that's nbc 10 news at 11:00. thanks for watching tonight. the tonight show starring jimmy fallon is next. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- gal gadot, desus and mero, musical guest, miley cyrus and

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Jersey , Mexico , New York , United States , Mount Holly , Pennsylvania , Puerto Rico , Dover , Philadelphia , Chester County , Boston , Massachusetts , Delaware , China , East Falls , Chinese , Las Vegas , Miley Cyrus , Kenneth Mason , Glen Schwartz , John Michael Han , Steve Sweeney , Pat Mccarthy , Las Vegas Charles Hartsfield , John Han ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20171006 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20171006

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story. also tonight, could be finally see a consensus on gun control? tonight both sides of this divisive issue seem to agree on one thing. this device used by a las vegas gunman needs more scrutiny. they're called bump stocks and allow a weapon to fire rapidly like an automatic weapon. we're shown how these items have been flying off the shelves. >> it's resetting so quickly that it seems like automatic, but it's not. >> reporter: luke kelly describes to us how this semiautomatic gun could be adjusted to fire at a faster speed. >> it's almost like a one piece type of thing. that you take off. there's a bolt that holds the grip in here. >> reporter: it's the kind of gun that can be legally altered using bump stocks. we're told some websites are crashing from high demand after the las vegas massacre. others saying they're stopping new orders from now. kelly's store already taking new calls from interested customers, telling nbc news nothing is available. >> you're a responsible gun owner, you do it in a controlled environment, i don't see anything wrong it. >> reporter: more than 1,600 tables with all sorts of stuff. but pat mccarthy tells us you won't necessarily see bump stocks there. this group here in westchester is walking down the street right now to congressman ryan costello's office. they are demanding sensible gun laws. they also want to ban any weapon that fires like the one used in las vegas. they walked for about four blocks holding signs, hearts heavy focused now with getting rid of bump stocks. >> there's no reason anyone, anywhere has to have a weapon like that. >> reporter: it's a debate far from over. erin baskerville, nbc 10 news. >> a gun show scheduled in las vegas is now canceled. they are planning to reschedule it later this year. investigators are also looking into whether the las vegas gunman had other potential targets. he did research on other music festivals in las vegas and chicago. he also did searches on fenway park in boston. one of the victims was remembered at this candlelight vigil tonight in las vegas. charles hartsfield was 1 of the people killed. hartsfield also leaves behind two children. tonight authorities say all of the of the victims have been identified. new at 11:00, a neighbor comes to the rescue after a woman was sexually assaulted. police say the suspect had a gun and pushed in the 57-year-old's door. he left with the keys, but a neighbor confronted him but managed to get away after a struggle. the suspect took off and police are still looking for him tonight. a south jersey school has a mold problem, and tonight parents want to know if their children were put at risk. school officials really got an earful about this tonight, right, brandon? >> reporter: that's right, jim. there were a room full of upset parents, some of them just now leaving. a lot of them came to this meeting looking for answers, but most of them say they left with more questions. this is photo of tameika williams son during one of several hospital trips. >> he was diagnosed out of the blue with pneumonia. two years later williams and other concerned parents packed a board of education meeting after a school district report revealed mold in classrooms, library, and others rooms. williams think her son's illness could be tied to the mold. >> my head is spinning right now. i'm thinking of the doctor bills. >> reporter: the mun raw township school district closed holly glen. hours after dismissal parents gave board members an earful at the meeting. the super intendant tried to quell fears. the news got the attention of roberta west. she claims there were mold problems years ago. when classes resume tuesday holly glen students will be bussed to other schools in the district. >> he will be at the new school. >> reporter: tonight some parents told me they want every school in the district test said for mold. the super intendant says holly glen may not be open until 2018. >> the chester county paramedic is accused of molesting a teenage boy. it happened during a career development ride along program. the teen told police he woke up to kenneth mason touching him. john michael han is in zwral tonight after police say he killed his cousin and shot his wife. we showed you the search, the standoff and surrender of this suspect. and new nbc's drew smith shows us a possible. >> reporter: the family that lives there will never be the same as we learn more about the dispute that investigators say played a role in last night's shooting. after a night and morning on the run, john han will have to answer to charges he shot ask killed his cousin. the district attorney saying he's hoping it doesn't become a double murder case since his wife was hit. >> she was present with her brother throughout this entire ordeal. >> reporter: with him shots rang out through two guns. han let her go before eventually giving himself up ending in an hours long standoff. >> he was very caring for his sister. >> reporter: tonight bepolice waiting on a search warrant. after his parents died no one in the family helped his sister. >> he gave up everything for her, and i think it was too much stress on him. >> reporter: as for the sister, police took her to barracks to try and find someone to look after her. >> everything he wanted for her, now it's gone. >> reporter: he's being held without bail. marina mullner is still in the hospital. investigators are hoping she recovers. i'm drew smith, nbc 10 news. >> new at 11:00, a case of road rage in south jersey that nearly turned violent. police released this sketch of a driver who pulled a gun on a pedestrian. the victim says the driver nearly ran him over outside the hospital on tuesday and then pulled a gun when he confronted him. a delaware state trooper's widow is working with a local school now to keep her husband's legacy alive. steven balered was shot and killed in the line of duty. his wife has now started the buddies reading program. it's the first school to adraop the program. >> i think it's really important that kids know from a young age you should follow your heart and get exposure to other jobs. >> she's a lawyer with our parent company, comcast, which is supporting this program. she's hoping they can take it to other schools. a south jersey man just returned home tonight after lending a helping hand to his family in puerto rico. couldn't reach his mother in puerto rico after the hurricane. he said he was so distraught he just had to make sure she was okay, so he and his uncle booked a fight. >> a huge relief to see her. i hugged her, i kissed her. i didn't even want to let hoar go because i found what i came for. >> he says the only supplies his family has received are items he brought on the trip. he says everything in his mother's house is destroyed. but he's thankful everyone is okay. coming up, bloodied and bruised. a south jersey teenager is blind-sided walking across the street. now he wants to find the driver who took off. also students suspended, the mascot stunt that could get two teens kicked out of school. kitchen gone wild. the bizarre discovery inside a jersey shore restaurant. now, get ready for some rain and even a tropical storm. i'll show you when that wet whether is going to hit your neighborhood coming up. and back now to that breaking news from the top of this newscast. sky force 10 over. back ups are building. nothing but a sea of headlights there. we'll continue to keep you updated on this breaking story both on-air and online. right now at 11:00 blind-sided on the streetch a south jersey teenager says a driver left him bloodied and bruised and then took off. and now he wants that driver to step up and take responsibility. we have his story new at 11:00. >> reporter: a week later david is still bruised, bloodied and his nose is swollen. >> feeling a bit better, not that much. >> reporter: he tells us a driver hit him with an f150 truck and then took off before police arrived. these photos show how the teenager looked at the hospital. he hasn't been to school since. he's spent a lot of time playing madden on x box. when we arrived he opened up about his injuries. you have feeling? >> yeah, i have feeling right now. >> reporter: and he told me what happened when the driver hit him. he was trying to cross the street to this shopping center and he heard the truck moments before it hit him. the impact threw him out of his shoes. >> i remember losing my shoe, my phone was broken. it bothers me a lot that he stopped, he helped him, he took him to the chinese store but then took off. >> reporter: the police chief says they're looking for surveillance video or witnesses at this busy intersection. while detectives work the case, david bonet will visit his doctors and hope he can get back on the football field soon. >> he told me i was going to be all right. >> reporter: his gray ford f150 truck had a purple sticker. a racial slur could get two students expelled from school. they chose the mascot holding a sign with this racial slur. it was posted on social media but has since been taken down. the students have been suspended. investigators say they will not face criminal charges. a rest ant at the jersey shore was shutdown after police spotted exotic birds and other animals inside. police took pictures of two birds standing here, a cat by the bagels and also a litter box by the sink. a post on the restaurant's facebook page says no food safety was compromised. a push to keep you and your families safe online, that's the focus of a new partnership between nbc 10 and telemundo 62. it comes as comcast is adding more users to its internet essentials program to connect low income households to the internet. >> with all of the people we're connecting to the internet, we're now turning to the next phase, which is how do we make sure they're protected? >> today at nbc 10, comcast senior executive vice president david cohen talked to students about living in the lijtle world. and then he surprised them with brand new laptops. special night in center city representing entrepreneurs. tonights theme was tipping the balance towards equity. and three local businesses were honored. speaking of honors, a big one tonight for the nbc 10 generational team. generation addictive focused on the growing epidemic of opioids in the philadelphia region and beyond. congratulations to the team. now to our first alert weather. people holding onto summer just a little bit longer. people enjoying dinner outside tonight in east falls. hard to believe it's october with weather like this. but let's see how long it's going to stick around. meteorologist glen schwartz is here. >> it's going to stick around at least through the weekend before we get some of that tropical moisture. visibility still good. that's an average high for this time of year. look at that, the cold spots. 67 in mount holly and lan keser, 64 in mount pokano. and look at these numbers. yesterday 76 today, 82. and we're close to it. all the way through the weekend it's just a question of cloud cover and rain on sunday, if we get the showers early enough that may prevent us from getting to 80 degrees. but that's about it. had a couple little showers especially in the northern parts of the area, lee high valley earlier. now things have really dried out. and we're going to continue to see that trend as we go into the morning, maybe one or two sprinkles up to the north and that's about it. clouds and sun during the day tomorrow that's going to allow the temperature to go up above 80 degrees again. generally dry, dry tomorrow night. and then on saturday as well. but eventually that moisture is going to increase. now, this is not the moisture from nate. this is ahead of it, and so we do expect a few showers on saturday night and more activity on sunday. you can see a fair amount on sunday morning. i'm not expecting necessarily widespread rain, more like scattered showers. and not expecting heavy rain. but we need the rain, just maybe not on the weekend. it's been 16 straight days without any measurable rain in philadelphia. well, tomorrow's not going to be one of them. easton 78. you can see everybody's dry with a mix of clouds and sun. 79 in vorhees township. 82 degrees in dover. and for the eagles, being sunday it's above normal temperatures. but we do have the threat of some showers. it shouldn't be raining over the entire game. the wind not much of a factor. the wind will be a factor in the caribbean. this is nate. it's not well-developed now because the center is actually over land. but it's not going to stay that wiway. the computer models all take it into the gulf of mexico, strengthenening, curve it into new orleans and then curve it right on top of us and that's the rain coming in monday and tuesday. and we really need some of that. well, remember the awkward teenage years? some celebrities are putting their most embarrassing pictures online for everyone to see. we'll explain why, and we'll show you the former president who's joined in on this fun right here. eighty-five hundred dollars?!? vanstone auctions? sold for eight thousand five hundred "unicorn in rouge." congratulations, sir. when you need help fast, call us with td asap on the td bank app and skip to the front of the line. hi alex, i have your account pulled up. how can i help? oh, uh... great. are you seeing this charge from an auction house? that doesn't look right. i'll take care of that. oh good. thank you. because when you need help, you need it asap. people have come up with a lot of great ways to raise money for hurricane victims in puerto rico, but for some of hollywood's biggest names all it took was a little embarrassment. take a look. do you recognize these young faces? this is part of a campaign called puber me. steven cobert said he would donate $1,000 for any celebrity that showed a embarrassing photo ofto teenage years. clinton joined the phone. he posted this pic with the caption big dreams and even bigger hair. danny pommels. >> yeah, me, too. i had big hair then, not now. >> that's all right. looking good. >> thanks, man, you too. we may see him back in action a little sooner than expected. we've got those details. highlights and more next. every day, technology becomes much more personalized. ♪ ♪ like this. and this. 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- gal gadot, desus and mero, musical guest, miley cyrus and

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