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The places i come from, we dont deal with that kind of petty nonsense. Tillerson also claiming hes never considered resigning, but senior officials telling nbc news he threatened to. This morning, the latest on the state department in turmoil. All that plus, will a new hurricane hit the gulf coast this weekend . And nfl star under fire for this response to a reporters question. Its funny to hear a female talk about routes. And a vaccination controversy thats landed this mom behind bars today, thursday, october 5th, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to today on a thursday morning. Its good to have you with us. And that News Conference from the sheriff yesterday really raised some questions. Yeah, if you paid attention to the things he was saying, there were a lot of things that made you stop and think, wait a minute. We only know very little about what happened. Yeah, this investigation is just Getting Started really. Lets give you where it stands. The sheriff is saying based on the level of planning and the number of weapons here, he now believes Stephen Paddock, quote, had to have help. Hes also revealed that investigators found an additional 1600 rounds of ammunition and 50 pounds of explosives in the gunmans car. Officials have now given the first detailed timeline of sunday nights events, from the first shots that rang out at 10 05 p. M. To the moment officers set off explosives and entered Paddocks Hotel room 75 minutes later. Authorities are also confirming that paddock rented a room at the nearby ogden hotel a week earlier that overlooked another outlook music festival. At this point, they are not sure why. We have two reports. Well have new information on what paddocks girlfriend is saying to investigators. Lets start with Miguel Almaguer in las vegas. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The crime scene adjacent to the mandalay bay behind me is still cordoned off by investigators still looking for evidence. They say the suspect spent decades acquiring his massive arsenal. They also want to speak to those who knew him best. It seems like its coming from up there. Oh, [ bleep ]. Reporter this morning, a new int perspective of the massacre in vegas. A cabdriver rushing victims to safety. Oh, god, there is an active shooter. Okay. Reporter this as investigators release a new t e timeline. 10 05 p. M. , the first shots fired, the start of a tenminute volley. 13 minutes later, a Security Officer approaches Stephen Paddocks snipers nest. The killer firing more than 200 rounds at him through the door. 10 55, officers surround the room. 11 20 p. M. , the gunman found dead. The Security Guard helped police clear guests from the hotel, even after being shot in the leg, is now being praised by Law Enforcement officials. His bravery was amazing because he remained with our officers, provided them the key pass to access the door and actually continued to help them clear rooms until our officer demanded that he go seek medical attention. Reporter inside paddocks car, investigators find 1600 rounds of ammo. Several containers of materials used to make explosives. Police offered no evidence but suggested paddock did have an escape plan and possibly help. Youve got to make the assumpti assumption, he had to have some help at some point. Reporter four days after the killing spree, investigators are still searching for a motive. Marilou danley, the gunmans girlfriend, back from the philippines, has been questioned by the fbi. Police say danley is not a suspect. Her attorney reading her statement. I knew Stephen Paddock as a kind and caring, quiet man. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of that i understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen. Reporter danley says her plane ticket and the 100,000 wired to her by Stephen Paddock before the attack was for a new family home. Authorities say paddock rented a room at another hotel a week before the shooting. Outside another musical festival. Was he doing presurveillance . We dont know yet, okay . We have a great country, and we are there for you. Reporter after meeting first responders, President Trump consoled victims like samantha feronda, shot three times in the arm. My whole arm went numb, and just my hand just was like dangling. Reporter this image of air force one leaving las vegas, flying behind the Mandalay Bay Hotel with the broken windows in clear sight quickly going viral. Today, over 100 victims still hospitalized. Theyre shooting right at us, guys. Everybody stay down. Stay down reporter this morning, the bloodshed is over, but there are still so many unanswered questions. This morning, investigators say they still want to speak to a woman who was spotted with paddock in the days before the shooting. Its unclear what connection, if any, she may have to the crime scene. Investigators are still trying to locate her. Matt and savannah . Miguel almaguer starting us off. Thank you. A lot to discuss with pete williams. Good morning to you. Lets start with Marilou Danley and what shes telling investigators. Where is that taking the investigation . Too soon to tell. Theyre taking her statement at face value. Any time an important witness tells the fbi and police something, theyll work to corroborate it. For example, they want to know whether steven paddock bought all those guns himself, and if he didnt, they want to know what anyone who helped him was thinking. The investigators are grateful for her cooperation, but theyll have many more questions for her. Shes the woman that knew him better than anybody else for the past few years. One of the questions, pete, why did he target this particular music festival, this Country Music festival . They dont know that yet. They say that he appeared to be at least considering other targets. He not only booked rooms in a highrise condo overlooking a concert the week before, but investigators say he also made reservations in other hotels last weekend that afforded a similar Vantage Point looking down on the Country Music concert. Apparently keeping his options open until he settled on the mandalay bay. Anything new on the weapons, pete . They say he started buying guns 35 years ago and bought them in four states, but what theyre really keying in on is that they say he bought 33 of the guns he owned. Thats nearly three quarters of them, mostly rifles, in the past year. What they want to know is what happened a year ago that caused him to suddenly start arming himself up . A lot of people have come to know what bump stocks are, which is a modification to a gun that can make it fire like an automatic weapon. Theres movement now on capitol hill, perhaps, to make these illegal . Right. Bump stocks like this. They use the recoil of the rifle to help pull the trigger much faster. It is almost like a machine gun. Senator Diane Feinstein introduced a bill wednesday to ban them. Even possession of them. Normally, anything connected to gun control is a lost cause in congress, but this time, several republicans say they are willing to consider this one. Pete, before you go, sheriff lombardo said something in the News Conference last night that i think raised eyebrows. He said he may have seen some information and evidence that leads him to believe that Stephen Paddock may have had an escape plan. Do you know anything more on that . We dont know what he meant by that. What we assume is that he planned to survive the shooting attack. Of course, shortly after the shooting stopped, as soon as the police and the security people started coming to his door, he eventually took his own life. Pete williams in washington, thank you very much. Lot more to get to this morning, including the strong reaction over exclusive reporting by nbc news that exposed a growing riff between President Trump and his secretary of state Rex Tillerson. Nbcs Andrea Mitchell is on the story again for us this morning. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, savannah. The president S National Security cabinet in turmoil today over our report of a toxic relationship between the white house and the secretary of state. The president , the Vice President and Rex Tillerson himself rushed to deny that hed ever thought of quitting. This morning, the president and his secretary of state trying to contain the fallout from an exclusive nbc news report about a widening riff between them. Rex tillerson now denying he was on the verge of resigning this summer. I have never considered leaving this post. Reporter and offering praise for the president. Let me tell you what ive learned about this president , whom i did not know before taking this office. He loves his country. He puts americans and america first. Hes smart. Reporter President Trump in las vegas, insisting tillerson has his support. Thank you. Total confidence in rex. I have total confidence. Reporter and mr. Trump dismissing the nbc report outright. It was fake news. It was a totally phony story. Thank you very much. It was made up. It was made up by nbc. Reporter Senior Administration officials confirmed to nbc news tillerson did threaten to resign in july after a series of disagreements with the president and was talked out of it by defense secretary james mattis and incoming chief of staff john kelly. The president and tillerson clashing over iran, a dispute over u. S. Allies in the persian gulf and north korea. The frustration boiling over with tillerson openly disparaging the president as a moran after a meeting at the pentagon. Three senior officials told nbc news. Asked for a response, tillerson, wednesday, not denying the remark. The places i come from, we dont deal with that kind of petty nonsense, and it is intended to do nothing but divide people. Reporter hours later, a spokesperson who didnt attend the meeting denied the comment. He did not say that. Reporter on capitol hill, Senate Foreign relations chairman, bob corker, despite his past criticism of tillerson for trying to slash the state departments budget, voiced support for tillerson as well as the former generals advising the president. I think secretary tillerson, secretary mattis and chief of staff kelly are those people that help separate our country from chaos. Reporter senator corker also suggested the president has not given his secretary of state the backing that he needs to do his job effectively. Despite all the denials, many sources in both camps say that this is a relationship beyond repair and, in fact, the only reason the president is not firing secretary tillerson is he has already gotten rid of so many people in his cabinet and Top White House staff that he cant afford more political damage. Matt and savannah . Andrea mitchell, thank you. Also this morning, a new tropical system has developed. It could hit the southern u. S. As a hurricane this weekend. Al, i know a lot of people hoping they never get to meet a guy named nate. Thats exactly right. Weve been talking about the fact that were seeing the Development Area shift from the eastern atlantic to now basically right along the southeastern coast and down through the caribbean. Thats where were seeing the development. This most likely area, the area in orange, thats where we have tropical depression 16. 35mileperhour winds, northwest at 7. Has to make interaction with nicaragua, honduras. Look how warm the water is. 81 to 84. We expect it to make landfall early sunday. We put the european model, the american model and the National Hurricane center track, and you can see the european model has been further to the west. The National Hurricane center plot is following along with that. Sometime sunday morning sunday afternoon, we have landfall somewhere near new orleans. Then it continues its way up into parts of the southeast. In fact, theres even a category 1 storm near atlanta on monday morning. Guys, were going to be watching this very carefully. Again, we have to get it through nicaragua and honduras, but we continue it to intensify. The rapid intensification is what were worried about. To clarify, it would be named nate if it develops in that way. Yes. Thank you, sir. Al, thank you. Now a scandal thats rocking washington this morning. A popular republican congressman now says he will retire at the end of his term, amid fallout from an admitted affair. Kasie hunt is on capitol hill for us with more on this. Good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. A popular republican congressman, tim murphy of pennsylvania, had already admitted to having an extramarital affair. Now he is announcing he is not going to come back to washington after a bombshell report revealed he urged the same woman to have an abortion. Embroiled in a growing sex scandal. We have an awful, awful mess in this country. Reporter pennsylvania congressman tim murphy announced he will not seek reelection next year. The 65yearold republican taking heat in the wake of a bombshell report detailing an extramarital affair. He now says he will take personal time to seek help and that he and his family are working through personal difficulties. An eightterm congressman, murphy is a prominent member of the house prolife caucus. This week, he voted for legislation that bans abortions after 20 weeks. The bill is passed reporter Text Messages obtained by the pittsburgh gazette seems to suggest murphy asked his mistress to terminate a pregnancy. A psychologist who murphy admittedly has had an affair texted him about a pregnancy scare in january. Writing, zero issue of posting your stance on prolife, but you had zero problems with asking me to get an abortion. He said, i never wrote them. I read it and winced. It came to light during edwards own divorce proceedings. New allegations of the hostile Work Environment in congressman murphys office. His chief of staff writing a sixpage memo saying he threatened his staff. His behavior described as angry, aggressive and abusive. Tuesday, murphy refused to answer questions from reporters. Wednesday, he met with House Speaker paul ryan before announcing hed retire. So the committee that is tasked with electing republicans to the house of representatives says they are extremely disappointed in the circumstances surrounding congressman murphys retirement, but they remain confident that his pittsburgh area district is going to stay in republican hands. Matt and savannah . Kasie hunt, thank you. Three u. S. Army special forces soldiers were killed, two others wounded, in southwest niger. A joint u. S. nigerian patrol was ambushed by suspected islamic militants near the mali border. Several nigerian soldiers were also killed in the attack. The wounded were taken to nigers capital and are in stable condition. A michigan mother will spend seven days in jail for not having her 9yearold son vaccinated. She violated a court order after she agreed last year to get the immunizations done and didnt follow through. This hearing is not the time for the court to hear the merits on whether or not the minor child should be vaccinated. Ten months have gone by, and mother has failed to comply with the order that she agreed to. The mother says vaccinations go against her religious beliefs, but her exhusband wanted it done. The judge told her the boys father gets a say. Mr. Roker, back with another check of the weather. Full forecast, whats going on . Thats right. Lets show you on the national map weve got. Plenty of sunshine, and it is going to be nice and warm in the midatlantic states. Showers making their way through the mid ohio river valley. Flood threat through the southwest and along the west coast, high fire danger through the southwest and southern california. As we make our way to the smoky adobo chicken. The fresh tomato salsa. And the handmashed guac. But did you see this coming . If you did. You probably work at chipotle. And read the allcompany email. Good morning, get ready for a warm day today, sun, a few clu clouds, 83 degrees, and the suburbs at 81 degrees, and a nice warmup for new jersey up to degrees, and shore hits 78. Late this afternoon, early this evening, spotty showers and thunderstorms reaching into the Lehigh Valley, but delaware stays dry. Sun and clouds and warming into the 80s and the warmth continuings into the weekend. Have a great day. Thats your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you. Still ahead this morning, on rossen reports, new calls to improve Hotel Security in the wake of the Las Vegas Shooting. Should your bags be scanned when you check in, just like at the airports . Also ahead, a firsthand look at just how distracting all that technology in your car can be. First, this is today on nbc. Coming up, something to spark a conversation in your home. Would you give your spouse complete control over your wardrobe . No. Wait for it. And hoda is here. Guys, im excited about this. 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Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those whove had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can do more with my family. Talk to your doctor today. See if lyrica can help. It was love at first touch met and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection thats why only pampers swaddlers is the 1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanketlike softness and premium protection mom oh hi baby so all they feel is love wishing you love, sleep and play. Pampers nbc 10 news starts now. Good thursday morning. A look outside, bill has your most accurate neighborhood forecast. Bill . A beautiful start at cape may, beautiful view from the hotel, sunshine, and temperatures running warmer than yesterday. In the low zig60s at the shore new jersey, 62 in philadelphia, and 50s in some suburbs. Theres cooler neighborhoods, but everybodys going to warm up into the 80s today. While the temperatures go up, humiditys in check. Its low. Feel the summerlike heed heat, but not the humidity. A stretch of 76 eastbound is closed after a deadly crash overnight causing big delays. Well help you get around it, when i e say we, jessica is watching that all morning long. We started watching this at 3 when the closure occur. The expressway by the vine, backups approaching the scene on the eastbound side right there. All morning long diverting traffic. Right now, get by the scene, even though youre stuck in delays eastbound, take the vine eastbound, go to 95 south to get to south philadelphia a little bit better than passing the closure. Jessica, thank you. Strawberry mansion neighborhood, three people shot, one killed, around 11 30 last night. The map who died was 24 years old. Two other victims include a 17yearold. Another update in 25 minutes. Join us weekday mornings for bc 10 news today from 4 00 to 7 00 a. M. Today tonights in just a minute. Were back now. 7 30 on a very busy thursday morning. Lets get started with a check of the headlines. The investigation into the las vegas mass shooting. I knew Stephen Paddock as a kind, caring, quiet man. The las vegas shooters girlfriend speaking out for the first time through her attorney. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of that i understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen. As new video emerges of the heros that helped strangers outside Mandalay Bay Hotel. Russias reach. The Senate Intelligence Committee Warns meddling in our elections is far from over. You cant walk away from this and believe russia isnt currently active in trying to create chaos in our election process. Here we go again. All eyes on a developing tropical system threatening to make landfall along the gulf coast this weekend. The cone goes from pensacola pan ama city to louisiana. Close call. A driver is lucky to be alive after a crowbar smashes through a windshield on a busy florida highway. And wild finish. Well, this is gone. The Arizona Diamondbacks hold off the Colorado Rockies in an up and down wildcard game to advance in the National League playoffs. Theyre going triple crazy here in arizona. Today, thursday, october 5th, 2017. Weve got lots more games tonight. The yankees taking on cleveland. Where will matt be . Lets move on now. A new rossen reports this morning. The push for increased security at hotels in the wake of the Las Vegas Shooting. National investigative correspondent jeff rossen is in las vegas with more. Good morning to you. Reporter hey, guys. Good morning to you. Think about it. When you go to an airport and check in, they cant get through to the gates until you are searched, until your bags are scanned. The question now is, should they be doing the same thing at hotels, or is that too much . Right now, im standing in a room at mandalay bay, where this all went down. Stephen paddock was literally able to do whatever he wanted us here. Once he got the suitcases with the weapons through the lobby, able to do whatever he wanted. Reportedly even came over here and took one of these do not disturb signs and put it on the door for days so Hotel Workers wouldnt come in and see his stash. Couldnt see what he was up to. This morning, Security Experts across the country agree, hotels need to do more. [ gunshots ] just days after Stephen Paddock opened fire from his room at mandalay bay, new focus on how he got the weapons inside undetected. Officials now say he smuggled the guns in at least ten suitcases. Now Security Experts are calling for a nationwide ramp up. What can hotels do right now today . Start by increasing security. Putting more people out on the floor. Having more Security Officers. Also look at bombsniffing dogs. They can find gun powder, explosive powder. Try to make it safer but not super intrusive. You check in and there are dogs in the lobby walking by. No one can slip in an arsenal of weapons like this. Right. The dog should be finding the gun powder and alerting their handlers, maybe we should ask you a couple questions. Reporter that kind of change takes time. Checking in, jeff rossen. Today, it remains business as usual at most hotels, like this one in new york city. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you. Just like that, like most hotels. This is no different than most of the country. I have my key. I have my luggage. Ill get on the elevators here and thats it. No checks. But scanning bags at hotels is already standard procedure in places like jerusalem, where guards check guests coming in. And in moscow, where nbc news just spotted metal detectors in this hotel lobby. In las vegas, video surfacing this week from the wynn and enco encore, showing bag checks and employees with handheld wands, searching guests. Experts say thats not a realistic, longterm fix. In fact, by Late Wednesday night, i checked in and no one stopped me at all. Im here at the wynn in vegas. Come on in. And im in my room now. No one searched by luggage. No one scanned me or searched me. Here we are in the room, overlooking the las vegas strip. There it is right out there. The public is right down there. Thats the strip. A few days after the shooting. Same situation when i check into mandalay bay, the scene of the crime. A Security Guard asks me to flash my key, but thats it. And were in the room here, too. Now experts say Hotels Across the country are working on new plans to increase security, and they have options. Lets talk about the windows for a moment. Of course. Reporter were at mandalay bay now. These are the very windows paddock reportedly used a hammer on to break through. Were on a different floor. Is there anything to be done, so you cant break these . Two things. Number one, put a sensor on it. Like a Home Security system youd have. The glass breaks, someone can come up and inspect it. Immediately. Immediately. Reporter the second is a clear film and cheaper. Prevents the window from shatteri shattering. Reporter you can sit with a hammer all day and it wont break. You sure can. Reporter mgm, the owner of mandalay bay, telling nbc news its increased the level of security. Its a top priority. Also telling us mgm resorts work with local and national law phone enforcement agencies. This is industry wide. We got in touch with the Hotel Industry association. They have been meeting all week, ever since this happened, in this new world we live in now. The new reality. To figure sure out what they can do to step up security and make everyone safer. Jeff rossen in las vegas. Thank you very much. Turn back to al for a check of the weather. Thats a messy map behind you. It is. We have a tropical wave right now thats affecting florida. This has nothing to do with what were expecting in the gulf later this weekend. Weve got this tropical wave that is going to surge up and bring gusty winds. Heavy rain. Anywhere through friday, 3 to 5 inches of rain, from key largo up into melbourne and orlando. Weve also got widespread showers and thunderstorms from new mexico all the way into the midwest today. In fact, as we look through friday, we could see upwards of 3 to 5 inches of rain. They even have flood watches this effect through saturday for new mexico, iowa, nebraska. Upwards of 5 i good morning, get ready for a warm day today. Well see sunshine, a few clouds, 83 degrees this afternoon in philadelphia. The suburbs . 81 degrees, a nice warmup in new jersey, 8 it 2, and 78 at the shore. Early this evening, spotty showers and thunderstorms reaching into the Lehigh Valley, but delaware is dry, sun, clouds, and warming into the 80s, and the warmth continues into the weekend. Have a great day. Dont forget, get the weather any time you need it. Check out the Weather Channel on cable. Al, thank you. Ahead, including the technology in your car that could be leaving you dangerously distracted behind the wheel. Also ahead, the comment about a female reporter that has an nfl star under fire. Then why there could be an nsync reunion in the works. Hello dalia, a woman fighting dalia, a woman fighting Breast Cancer, has spirits you totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. 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Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Americas favorite cookie delicious european Chocolate Candy introducing oreo Chocolate Candy bars look for them wherever you buy Chocolate Candy. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Were back at 7 42. Weve got a warning this morning about how all that technology being put in cars these days is adding up to more and more distractions. Researchers at aaa found people taking their eyes off the road were 40 seconds at a time. Tom costello is doing sol drime driving right now. Reporter one in three adults has this technology in their cars. Were in a parking lot, not the open road. The bottom line is changing a Radio Station or changing the temperature in your car can be a lot more complicated these days than just pushing a button or turning a knob. The q7 offers amazing sound systems. Reporter in the 2017 new car market the uconnect system has seamless connectivity. Reporter it is all about technology. To view messages, drag the scroll bar up and down. Reporter interactive full screens, voice commands, email, text messaging, music, navigation, phone calls, wifi and full connectivity. Youre a mobile command center. Reporter this morning, distracted driving researchers say all the technology is taking drivers hands off the wheel and their eyes off the road. Tune am 830. Reporter watch as this driver in salt lake nearly hits a woman in the crosswalk. This one nearly runs a stop sign while using a touchscreen. Stop sign. Reporter aaa and the university of utah studied 120 drivers trying to use the technology in 2017 models. Of the 30 vehicles tested, 23 demanded high or very high driver attention to use the interface. Some drivers were distracted for a full 40 seconds. On a closed maryland parking lot, i tried changing the Radio Station in a new car with lead researcher david strayer. How do you change screens here to get to a different from am and fm . Watch how long my eyes are off the road. Again, it is a closed course. I then try to voice command for a phone call. Dial. Lets try again. Say dial. Reporter just changing the temperature can require a touchscreen. I am spending so much time trying to figure out how to make a phone call or change the radio, im not looking at the cars ahead of me. Theyre much more distracting than talking on a cell phone. Reporter the Automotive Industry takes issue with the aaa study, saying researchers dont try to tie results to crash risk or simulate how drivers actually use the systems in the real world. But the aaa researchers disagree. By building these systems into cars, consumers assume theyre safe to use. This Research Shows clearly that that is not necessarily the case. Reporter a lot of auto makers require the vehicle to be stopped in order to type in the navigation. Guess what . 40 of the cars aaa tested allow you to type in navigation addresses while youre driving. Again, the aaa says this is a real serious risk. Baugh back to you. Tom costello, thank you very much. Carson daly, nice to have you back in the orange room. Good morning to you. The outrage being aimed at one of the nfls biggest stars over a controversial i love you, basement guest bathroom. Your privacy makes you my number 1 place to go number 2. I love you, but sometimes you stink. Febreze air effects doesnt just mask, it cleans away odors. Because the things you love the most can stink. And try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. Breathe happy with febreze. My she shed has rules. No shoes. No bra. No guilt. 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Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Can go side by side. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, fda approved for 18 years. Carson is over in the orange room with the reason a star in the nfl is getting some criticism this morning. Carson . Good morning, guys. Carolina panthers quarterback cam newton spoke to the press on wednesday. You probably heard about this. A female reporter, jordan rodrig, a beat writer for the ch charlotte observer, asked him about his receiver routes. Does it give you enjoyment, to see him out there . It is funny to hear a female talk about routes. Its funny. Rodrigue took to twitter, its not funny. It is my job. Lindsey jones says, welcome to 2017, cam newton. Women have been covering sports for decades. Jordan deserves better than that. The Team Spokesman writing, ive spoken with jordan and cam. They had a conversation where he expressed regret for using the words. Rodrigue releasing her own statement saying, i saw newton out after we left the locker room a few minutes later and he did not apologize for his comments. The nfl putting out a statement, calling the moment disrespectful. Pro football writers of america said he crossed a line. Weve reached out to both parties. Rodrigue standing by her statement. People expecting maybe a formal apology later today. Well wait and see. Youd expect an apology. Dont sound like something youd say in 2017. Thanks, carson. Ahead, an unforgettable pink power surprise today. Youll love this woman when you meet her in a little bit. And music superstar demi lovato is here. Shell giv that was invigorating youre probably wondering why ive just carved a giant wooden tiger. Well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. Ive crafted dr. Whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people dont like that. Come here to buy a car. Dr. Whiskers wont pounce. Nobody will. They eat Natural Balance limited Ingredient Diets pet food. Now buy 1 select Natural Balance bag of dog or cat food and get 10 off your next Natural Balance purchase. And now, when you buy any bag of dog or cat food we give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. Having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. Its a longdistance run. And you have the determination to keep going. Humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. Humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just four months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. Ask about the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Humira go. Discover card. Hey. What can you tell me about your new Social Security alerts . Oh well alert you if we find your Social Security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so youll be in the know. Ooh. Sushi. Ugh. Being in the know is a good thing. Sign up online for free. Discover Social Security alerts. With the laughing cows nine flavorful varieties of creamy cheese, theres no end to what you can discover. The laughing cow. Reinvent snacking. Your date with destiny has arrived. Lets do this new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. Sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. Well . Tastes like victory t. Tastes like victory. Theyre great while other Insurance Companies just see a house. We see the home youve worked really hard for. When we love someone, we want to do right by them. What is this . chuckling but habits are hard to break. Honey, where are the habaneros . And then there are things we cant control, like snoring. loud snoring now the answer is right under your nose. Introducing theravent antisnore strips, clinically shown to reduce snoring with the power of your own breathing. Nice try there are always things that are hard to let go of. Now snoring isnt one of them. Theravent. The answer is right under your nose. A few minutes before 8 00. Good morning. Lets look outside. Check the morning, whats to come with first alert meteorologist, bill henley. A warm one. Yes, its october, but it feels like late summer. Were in the 50s and 6 oz. With scattered clouds, no rain clouds, however. King of p russia, 80 degrees by 1 00 and in the 80s this afternoon. A chance of late day showers in the Lehigh Valley. We want to continue to watch that problem on the expressway, watching that all morning, our first alert traffic reporter with the update. Tracy, update is the same, just more delay than earlier this morning. Closed offer here on the the eastbound side. You see Police Activity here diverting traffic off of the offramp at grays ferry and university avenue. Trying to get buy the scene is difficult. Youre facing stop and go traffic the whole way. Eastbound vine is open, a delay approaching center city right now, no surprise there. That way, head on 95 southbound and move towards south civil as the alternate. Back to you. Breaking news story for this morning, a man hunt on in the Lehigh Valley for a killerment investigators say someone shot a husband and wife at 6 30 last night in their home. The man dayed. The woman hurt. Neighbors heard arguing from the home. Shooter took off in a pickup truck, and the search is focused in bushkill township. Others evacuated for hours yesterday because a four found what looked like explosives in his home. Police said the items were not dangerous, but training devices for the son who is a military explosives technician. Well, another 25 minutes, stay updated on our nbc 10 app. Meet Steve Sweeney. Hes a doubledipping pension padder. Doubledipping pension padder he had two government jobs, two paychecks and padded his pension along the way. Hes a doubledipping pension padder now hes making over 300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. Doubledipping pension padder so hes all set thanks to you, the taxpayer. Which is why Steve Sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times, including the largest gas tax hike in history. Sounds about right, coming from a. Doubledipping pension padder its 8 00 on today. Coming up, not alone . You have to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point. Police say Stephen Paddock may have had some assistance. A new timeline of the Las Vegas Shooting now emerging, while the gunmans girlfriend speaks out through her attorney, saying she had no idea what he was planning. I loved him and hoped for a quiet future together with him. Were live in las vegas. Then hoda has a special surprise for a remarkable woman who wont let her battle with Breast Cancer stop her from spreading joy. You fall while youre running, you know, im trying to get back up. I keep going again. Dont give up. Fight. Baby, im sorry, im not sorry sorry, were not sorry, that pop superstar demi lovato is here in studio 1a with a Live Performance today, thursday, october 5th, 2017. We collectively decided on the plaza that today was a perfect day for a Funky Dance Party, so if yall are ready, were ready. Even if the stars wont collide i never want you back into my life from tennessee to the today show. 40th anniversary on today. This is our bucket list to be on the plaza. I never want you back into my life you can take your words and all your lies good morning, everybody. Welcome back to today. Hoda, you burn 500 calories before we do the show every morning. They have moves out there. Why was today the day for the Funky Dance Party . It felt like it. We wanted to set it free, so it happened. Glad to have you with us. Well get to your news at 8 00. Investigators have released new information on how the mass shooting in las vegas unfolded, but theyre trying to pin down the gunmans motive and whether he truly acted alone. Nbc News National correspondent Miguel Almaguer has the latest from vegas this morning. Good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning. Investigators are still trying to piece together the gunmans life. One thing they do know, the shooting was meticulously planned. Go, run, keep your head down, go reporter this morning, a new timeline of the bloodshed in las vegas. Upper rib cage. I do got one . Went through your arm. Im medical. Stop. Reporter at 10 05 p. M. , Stephen Paddocks killing spree begins. 13 minutes later, a Security Officer approaches paddocks snipers nest. The killer firing more than 200 rounds at him through the hotel door. A miracle he survived. Then at 10 55, swat officers surround the room. 11 20 p. M. , they blow open the door and find the gunman dead. On wednesday, agents spending hours questioning paddocks girlfriend, Marilou Danley. The 62yearold just back from the philippines, releasing a statement through her attorney. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of that i understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen. We have one critical. Gunshot wound to the chest here. Reporter as new video of the horror emerges, police say paddock might have had an escape plan from his hotel room. In his car, 1600 rounds of ammunition discovered, along with several cases of explosive material. But did he have help . Investigators are trying to track down an unidentified woman seen with paddock before the shooting. Her connection, if any, is unclear. I just met some of the most amazing people. Reporter on wednesday, President Trump met with survivors, highlighting the heros who did all they could to save lives. Some were very, very badly wounded, and they were badly wounded because they refused to leave. Reporter Thomas Gunderson was shot in the leg during sundays massacre but it didnt stop him from standing to shake the president s hand. Later posting on facebook, i will never lie down when the president of this great country comes to shake my hand. Stories of survival amid so much loss. Security here in las vegas remains incredibly tight. Some hotels now using metal detecters when guests check in. A new normal for a city still reeling. Savannah . Miguel, thank you. President trump is insisting that he has total confidence in his secretary of state Rex Tillerson, despite an exclusive nbc news report that their relationship had become toxic. Nbc National Reporter Peter Alexander is at the white house. Peter, good morning to you. Reporter good morning to you. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is going to be side by side with the Vice President at an event this morning, looking to show that he and the white house are still on the same page. This following tillersons unprecedented public statement, praising President Trump, pushing back at our exclusive report that he threatened to resign this summer. That according to Senior Administration officials. Tillerson says he has never considered resigning. The president , for his part, on twitter this morning saying that tillerson never threatened to resign. Blasting the story as fake news. Earlier, while traveling in las vegas, he said he had total confidence in his secretary of state. As for that explosive detail tillerson is calling the president a moron after a pentagon meeting in july, tillerson didnt personally deny it, though his press secretary, who wasnt actually at the meeting, later insisted it wasnt true. Said the two men spoke by phone yesterday afternoon. The real question, what happens now . Tillerson and the president have clashed substantively, as well as stylistically, from the start over iran, recently over north korea. The president tweeting tillerson was wasting his time. The bottom line here, sources on both sides say this relationship is beyond repair. That the only reason the president has not fired tillerson is hes already gotten rid of so many cabinet members, he simply cant afford any more political damage. Matt . Peter, thank you. Now to an act that will be tough to beat. All five living former american president s will headline a Hurricane Relief concert later this month at texas a m university. President hw bush will be joined by his son, along with jimmy carter, barack obama and bill clinton. Its called the one america appe appeal, launched by the former commanders in chief to help hurricane victims in texas, florida and the caribbean. A familiar face made a surprise appearance at a Senate Hearing on the equifax data beach. The monopoly man, rich uncle pen penny bags, and the character repeatedly leaned in to photo bomb smith as he testified before the banking committee. The stunt generated a lot of buzz on social media and here in the studio. It was pulled off by consumer advocate, amanda warner, who contends the Companies Like equifax have a monopoly on the Justice System that protects them like a get out of jail free card. Is this the onion tv . Wow. Yeah. Top that. Nothing happened to her either, apparently. Peaceful protest. Ready for a boost . Yes. This is a story about a florida couple, colin and tiffany, who were brought together in the most unusual circumstances. Okay. Tiffany was coming out of a supermarket. She hit the button to unlock her car. Then she saw a stranger putting his groceries in her car. Thought he was a thief. Confronted him. He had the identical white cherokee parked next to each other. Two weeks later, they had their first date. Guess what . Fast forward a couple years. Colin proposed during a snorkeling trip. Theyre recently married. By the way, they still have those identical jeep cherokees. They find it now annoying, but it is what brought them together. You never know whats going to bring you together. So cute. Yeah, with your love. Thats good. Ill give you that one. It was great. That was good. I liked it. Lot more straight ahead, including a dream team of experts to help launch today wellness to improve your mind, your body and your soul. Then theres a new twist in that nasty beef between the sex and the city stars. Plus, a welldeserved pink power surprise for a woman fearlessly fighting Breast Cancer. And demi lovato celebrates her new number one around here, im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. Heads up you know what, dont worry about it. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. It was mostly water. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. I mean, i give away water for free. Im not about to pay for it in my detergent. Number one trusted. Number one awarded. Its got to be tide this cits kohls Friends Family sale take an extra 20 off and get womens denim for just 15. 99 boots only 35. 99 and the big one bath towel just 2. 99. Plus get the lowest prices of the season on levis youll get kohls cash too kohls. Whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums [ upbeat m ic playing ] lets go. [ door slams closed ] [ music stops ] bye, mom. Thanks for breakfast, mom. You look fantastic today, honey. [ music resumes ] with Quality Ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella is sure to bring a smile to breakfast time. Nutella, spread the happy. Double, double lovin is what im gonna give to you and you will get double the lovin every time i do gonna double your lovin, double your fun you get two for the price of one double your lovin, double your fun you get two for the price of one 8 12. Great time to trend with the gang all back in town. Lets start with taking a look at whats trending on twitter right now. Kazou ishiguro. He won the nobel prize for literature. How do you say his name . Kazou ishiguro. Good. Couple ladies here. One doesnt know who ishiguro is, but they both have great sense of style. Thank you. Where is this going . Heres a question. Would you let your partner, in your case, mike, in your case, joel, choose your wardrobe, pick out your out fit . Like every day . Once in a while. Well, yeah. I think so. Yeah . If you said maybe if he said, i love you in that red dress, do you want to wear that tonight . Id do it. It depends on what it is. Thats not really letting them choose, i guess. Guys, would you let your wives pick out your clothes . Oh, yeah. Absolutely. I can pick out my wifes clothes. Shes simple, classy, elegant. Wears her j. Crew, gap. Definitely Product Placement there. Thats it though. Birthday, christmas, i know her style. Yeah. There was a reason i brought this up. There were reasons listed you should let your partner style you. First of all, they may have confidence in you that you might not have in yourself. They will be honest with you. Theyre more likely to take risks for you. They will want to show off your best assets. Oh. And they might surprise you. What about for you, by the way . Annette has had an impact on my style over the years. Yeah, i think so. What is the one thing youd change about your spouses style if you could . Thats a loaded question. Oh. Id like mike to have new pj pants. He knows this. Thats indoor style. What about outdoor style . I like his style. You do . Yeah. I call it the consultant uniform. Jeans and a blazer. I say, you look so cute. Joel dresses jock i cy, and love jocks. I love his look. Its good. Deborah does a great highlow. She can wear the designer stuff but also the average clothes. Thats good. Mix and match. Exactly. A potpourri of style. When in doubt, rent the runway because you can send it back. A lot of Product Placement in carsons commentary. Love it. Brands. Pop start. Lots to get to today. Well start again with sex in the city and the drama unfolding over the cancellation of the third film. We mentioned this yesterday. Garson firing back at kim cattrall over comments she made about the cast mates, calling the relationship toxic. He tweeted, dear fans, because im toxic, im going to negotiate a contract for six months, not come to terms and say i never wanted to do it anyway. Its been reported the film unravelled due to cattralls demands, but she said she never agreed to do the film in the first place. Joey fatone. Could there be an nsync reunion . There is buzz about Justin Timberlake headlining the super bowl halftime show. While there hasnt been official confirmation, fans already having their sights set on a potential boy band reunion. Tmz watching up with joey who said, if it is right, well do it. If everybody cant do it, we dont do it. Its simple. Theres a potential two out of five there. Well wait. Maybe they can get kim cattrall. Maybe, maybe. Finally, savannah guthrie. Yesterday stopping by ellen to talk about the number one Childrens Book you penned. For week three. Number one. Also big news stories, but you also discuss your obsession with taking photos of roger federer. Oh. Lets look at a clip. You take pictures of him. I dont not like a stalker. It seems like it. So you take that. Yes. Thats your picture . Yes. Okay. See, what happened was like youre a teenager, see, what happened was thats me and thats rog behind me. If you didnt know it, i wrote it right there. Have you met him . No, im dying to meet him. Oh, well. Dont even. Thats not nice. I thought he was going to show. Yeah, there it is. Next best thing. I know. You know what did you take it home with you . I was hoping itd show up here. How fun was that . I come off as a little bit creepy. Itd be great if roger popped out of the scary box. I kept waiting. Im, like, oh, maybe roger is here. Shes, like, no, hes not. Hopefully well find another nugget from that. Thats your pop start. Lets go to the daily click. Matt, good one here. Impressive shot from sanchez, an australian golfer. 19 years old. He lines up the shot. Well show it a bunch of times. He has his back to the pin there. Wow. Awkward angle. This is the Phil Mickelson flop shot. If you swing hard enough, it goes behind you. One drop in the hope. Of course, people questioning the authenticity of it. He insists that it is real. We believe him. Thats just an awesome shot to watch. 19. Wow. Thats really cool. That seems real enough to me. The camera doesnt stop. Theres other balls on the green there. Sounds like he said it took him four times to do it and he nailed it. Thats your daily clip. Check of the weather . We have Tropical Storm announcer todays weather is brought to you by l. L. Bean. Be an outsider. Before i was so rudely vu ll interrupted by the lovely clothes at l. L. Bean, we now have Tropical Storm nate. Its got 40mileperhour winds. It is moving northwest at 8 miles per hour. It comes through, makes its way through the honduras, possibly across the yucatan peninsula. Water temperatures in the 80s. It has plenty of room to start to intensify, become a category 1 storm. Again, we put in comparison the european model, the u. S. Model and the National Hurricane track. Looks like it mains landfall around new orleans sunday morning and continues on into the southeast. In fact, as a category 1 storm to the west of atlanta. Were going to have to good morning. Get ready for a warm day today. Well see sunshine, a few clouds. 83 degrees this afternoon in philadelphia. The suburbs, 81 degrees and a nice warmup for new jersey, up to 82 degrees while the shore hits 78. Early this evening we could see some spotty showers and thunderstorms reach into the Lehigh Valley. In delaware it stays dry in the low 80s. Pink power on today is sponsored by the genius 3d mammography exam. A more accurate mammogram. Genius. Now to pink power today, marking Breast Cancer awareness month. On wednesday, we brought in a team of doctors to answer your questions. Starting today, for the next few weeks, were going to introduce you to remarkable families impacted by the disease. Guys, youve been to wendys before, right . Well, there is this woman named dalia clark hanshaw in connecticut. Customers go in for a burger or frosty or whatever, but because of dalia, they always leave with a smile. Hi, welcome to wendys. How can i help you . Reporter this is dalia clark hanshaw. Named after a flower. A dalia means dignity. We have the best food. Reporter but in this dalias case, it should also mean joy. Smile reporter everything this dalia does honey mustard. Reporter is joyful. How are you . Reporter even at work. Managing a wendys in norwalk, connecticut. Shes a perfect example of you keep going in life and smile. I love her for that. Oh, my gosh. Reporter watching dalia and her boutless energy, it would be hard to believe that she is in the fight of her life. All right. Youre up and running, okay . Thank you. Come back and check on you later. All right. Reporter four months ago, dalia was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Every monday, she heads to the Bridgeport Hospital, where she receives chemo and an Endless Supply of hugs. I love you. What about me . Reporter shes so beloved by the nurses and doctors here, they wrote to us to say how much she inspires them. I may be having a bad day that day, and she just comes in and she brightens my day. From the beginning, dalia was very special. She also had this spirit that just overcame it all. I love just being me and what i can give back. I cant give a lot, so i give love. Reporter even dalia admits, going to chemo and then being on her feet for eight hours is grueling. Theres mondays i dont want to come. It is not that i dont want to do the chemo, its just that im tired. Reporter on those days, she finds motivation from her favorite athlete, sixtime olympic Gold Medalist track and field star Allison Felix. Even if you fall while youre running, im trying to get back up and keep going again. Dont give up. Fight. Reporter on this day, we wanted to give dalia a little extra inspiration to continue that fight. Hi, dalia. Hi, dalia. Hi, sweetie. Hi. How are you . I came to see you, and i have to tell you a few things, dalia. How are you . You okay . Youre better than okay. The nurses at Bridgeport Hospital wrote to us and they told us how amazing you are. They said that we had to somehow honor you. It is our privilege to do that. Thank you. So we heard that you love track and field. Yes. Well, Allison Felix wanted to send you a little something. Hi. Oh so nice to meet you. So i brought you some of my custom spikes that i wore in rio. Oh, my gosh. She wore those in rio. Dalia, can you believe it . Its allison phoenix. I know. I watch you all the time. What do you remember from watching Allison Felix . She doesnt give up. Every year, she chases another gold. I watch her all the time, never give up. That is the lesson, the never give up. Never give up. Can we have a round of applause for dalia . I mean, how about dalia . [ applause ] dalia, you rock. You rock thank you. Reporter a special gueift f a woman to who everyone she knows is a gift. Team galdalia dont you want to go to the wendys in norwalk . Not the drivethrough. You have to get the hug. Shes amazing. Allison felix, watching those two together, we want to thank allison for coming. She hadnt to be in town. Everything worked o eed out rig. It always works out for dalia. She is a super fan of track and field. Great piece. Just ahead, a dream team of exports will kick off today wellness to give your overal nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Its 8 26. Lets get right to first alert meteorologist bill henley with your forecast. Just seeing a few scattered thin clouds. Well see enough sunshine to warm temperatures into the 80s. 60s in the Lehigh Valley and the suburbs. Delaware at 59 degrees and Chestnut Hill at 59 degrees, but thats temporary. We warm into the low 80s this afternoon. Mostly dry. The one exception, these showers in central pennsylvania on track for the Lehigh Valley late this afternoon. Take a look at this southeastern on i76. Jessica boyington has been on top of this all morning. Tell us what the roads look like right now and how people can get around this. We are watching this. Were still closed on the schuylkill, the eastbound side, all traffic being diverted on the university off ramp. My suggestion, even though you have to leave a little bit early because now the backup is all the way to schuylkill east, take the vine to get to south philly. Breaking now, sky force 10 is live over a police scene in bethlehem township. A pickup truck is pulled over here. This is about 30 minutes from a murder scene where witnesses say they saw the killer escape in a pickup truck. We dont know if the two are connected. We will stay on top of this. After 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs . Guadagno is christies handpicked successor. Says shes proud to be part of the christie administration. Guadagno was Chris Christies right hand as our schools came under attack, Critical Services were underfunded, and our Credit Rating was downgraded. 11 times. From the bridge to the beach, weve seen it all, and weve had enough. Kim guadagno isnt the change we need. Baby, im sorry im not sorry were back at 8 30 on a thursday morning. A beautiful morning in new york city and a great crowd gathered out on our plaza. By the way, check out whats going on outside and check out whats going on inside. That is demi lovato. Shes here, getting ready to perform her latest hit, live in the studio. Also ahead, we are launching today wellness with a dream team of experts. Theyre going to break down every aspect of a Healthy Lifestyle from what to eat to how to move, even well, not what to think but how to think and improve your thought process. Weve got a big, healthy, great crowd out here today. A lot of people are here for demi lovato, right . Im looking for my is there anybody in the crowd named sarah fena . Oh, great. Right back here . Okay. I heard a rumor you were in line since 4 00 a. M. Yes. You want to see demi . How about if you see demi inside with us . Oh, my gosh youre going to come inside. Is that all right . Yes is your mom with you, or are you by yourself . No. You can come in by yourself. Sit tight. We found a superfan. I had a crowd moment yesterday. We found a couple expecting a baby. There is another today. I have to get into the onesie business. First,let get a check of the weather with mr. Al roker. Lets show you what we have going on. Looking at the warmth were experiencing in this half of the country. We are looking at very warm conditions into the mid 80s. 5 to 10 degrees above average. That continues on into this weekend for washington, atlanta, dune to tampa, new orleans and out to dallas. By sunday, a high of 90 degrees. Next week starts to bring the cooler air in. In the meantime, still looking pretty gd. Chicago,oo y good morning. Get ready for a warm day today. Well see sunshine, a few clouds, 83 degrees this afternoon in philadelphia. The suburbs, 81 degrees and a nice warmup for new jersey, up to 82 degrees, while the shore hits 78. Late this afternoon and early this evening we could see some spotty showers and thunderstorms reach into the Lehigh Valley, but not delaware. It stays dry. And the warmth continues into the weekend. Have a great day. Thats yourts your latest w. They want to counsel matt lauer. Thats why we need all these people. We need a team. Thatll take a little time, al. Now to the launch of today wellness, on air and online. It is all about sharing ways to improve your mind, your body and your soul to improve your all around healthier lifestyle. Hes working with dumbbells. I could have had that. What was i doing with that . Its very good. This is less than 500 calories. What is your favorite exercise . I dont like any of them. Wellness is balance. Its steadiness. Its calm. Its peace. Its not just your physical health, but it is also your spiritual health. The key to good health is uniting the mind, body and soul and finding a balance between all three. It only takes small changes to make a big difference, so were creating a whole new way to bring you the tips and experts you need to improve your fitness, embrace a healthier diet and uplift your spirit. Among the things that i try to do on a regular basis that keep me balanced is biking. Just keeps you moving. When i have haley in the baby bjorn on my chest, that feeling of her right here is probably the most peaceful and balanced ive ever felt. I think the way you start out your day is the way your day goes. I do my devotionals. Usually when youre reading it, you go, oh, my gosh, this is just what i needed today. Its a feeling of wholesome. It is a feeling that everything is in balance. By the way, balance is our buzzword of the day. Weve got a group of experts here to help you set your routine. First up, health and fitness trainer bob harper is going to get you moving. Bob . Come on, al. He doesnt want to move. You want us to get out and get stretched . October is adopt a dog month. These dogs are up for adoption. If you have a dog, you know, you have to get out and get walking. Thats the best way to get your steps. And also, be kind to animals, right . I love that one. If you dont have a dog, get a friend. Sign a contract. Make sure you spend time outdoors. I like the sign a contract thing because a lot of people respond to that. You also say, bob, you should start trying to get strong. Yes. Its all about getting strong. Ive got this lovely group of people right now that are going to show you a strong core movement. Show me the russian twist, guys. I want you to work your core strength a lot of times because it is going to give you a strong back. Bye, java. Notice what theyre doing with the medicine balls, banging on the side. From here, let the balls go. Flip to the other position. Still working on your core strength. I call this a falling star. Shooting the leg out. The whole time, youre having to engage your core strength when youre doing this. How many minutes a day does it take to engage your core and strengthen it . I like to spend three to five minutes. Dont think about reps but time domain. Try this for 30 seconds and build up the time. You can do this anywhere. You can do this in your bedroom. You can do this at the office. What if you have limited mobility, bob . What can you do . Best thing about that is anyone can do this. A beginner, intermediate or advanced. These guys are really advanced. They have the legs going off the ground. You can keep the foot on the ground. Theres lots of progressions you can do. Get stretched is the third part. Well put it on the website, and theyll demonstrate it online. Savannah . I think theyre tired. You can start now. Carson and i are going to eat. We get the food part. Dave, one of our today health and wellness contributors is here with a road map. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. What should we choose . You make up to 300 food choices a day, and your average sitdown restaurant meal is 1100 calories. You can do much better. Decide right now with your paddles, what do you think good, better and best is for breakfast . Bagel. Thats better. I dont know. This is best . You think thats best . I dont know. Were going to flip these over. You guys are exactly right. Nice. Why is this the best . I thought oatmeal would be the best. It has 40 grams of sugar in it. Thats the equivalent the sugar equivalent of three glazed doughnuts. This is a whole wheat bagel with strawberry cream cheese. The bacon, egg wrap is the best. 210 calories. We have a whopper with no mayo. Grilled chicken sandwich. A salad with grilled chicken. What is the best . I think this will be the best. The grilled chicken. This will be the beast. The b this is the best. The better. This is better. Wow. Youre right, this is best. The grilled chicken. Youre saying the burger is better than the salad . There is a snake in the garden. The problem there is its got a lot of fat, and thats what you want to avoid at lunch. You dont want to be sluggish in the afternoon. That has up to a half days worth of saturated fat from the croutons, the cheese and the dressing. What about the burger . Its coming in at 500. The whopper is better than the grilled chicken salad. Few seconds for dinner. Avoid the sodium. Steak and broccoli. Lean steak. This is a lemon chicken on rice. Shrimp. They all look healthy. Maybe the protein and the veg tees. Vegveggies . The best . Howd we do . Lets see. This is the best. You were right. 320 calories. A lot of protein. Its not packed with sodium. This has over a days worth of sodium in the salad here. The chicken is marinated, plus the dressing. You dont want to wake up feeling bloated, drink too much over dinner. This is your choice. Plenty of protein. Youll feel great. Im starving. Thanks so much. Over to hoda and kathie lee. Hey, kids. Hello. How are we doing . We are going to be talking mindful wellness. It is the third component of our initiative. Who is with us . The lovely sharin is a professional life coach. She focuses on strengthening the mind and body connection. Good to see you. Thrilled to be here. Tell us, why now is mindfulness so much in the dialogue . Well, mindfulness is a really great way to deal with stress and anxiety. Yup. It is pretty much being present and grounded in your day to day. Take us through some abcs, things we can do to get that feeling. People think it takes a lot of time, going to a 90minute yoga class, and that is great but sometime we dont have time. Incorporate it through a gratitude list. You ladies wrote this on your board, and id love the audience to think of three things youre grateful for this morning. Mine already smeared. Gods love, family and friends and health. Love it. Mine is haley joy, haley joy and haley joy. Where is kathie lee on the list . Youre number four. So thats important. Theres also something we can do with just basic breathing. We have a great group here that can help us with that. When were stressed out, we dont realize were breathing shallow, this is high chest breathing. Breath is a great way to ground us. Ill lead us on an easy technique we can do. Ready. One hand on our hearts. One hand on the abdomen. It is going to be very one breath in and one breath out. Through our nose or mouth . Through the nose and out through the mouth. Two breaths in, two breaths out. Three breaths in, three breaths out. Ideally, go up to four and back down to one. At home, you can do this for two to three minutes, and thats all you need to feel more grounded and centered in yourself. How do you feel, good . So zen. Thank you. Lets go back to matt. Hoda and kathie lee, thank you. You can get Daily Wellness tips from our one small thing newsletter by texting today to 88688. For more information, you can get that from our wellness team. Head to today. Com wellness. Bob, always good to see you. Thanks very much. Catching up with demi lovato after this. Shell have a Live Performance in the studio. First on a thursday morning, first on a thursday morning, this is today on n sweet 4k tv, mr. Peterson. Thanks. Pretty psyched. Did you get fios too . No. Mr. Peterson, fios is a 100 fiber opticnetwork. What does that mean . Think about it. If you got an awesome new car youd put the best gas in it, right. So why hook up your Awesome Technology to anything other than a fiberoptic network . I got to go. Peterson. Petersons wife. Counting on you guys. Your internet deserves the 100 fiberoptic network. And now get our Fastest Internet ever plus tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month. So happy right now. Welcome back. Demi lovato is more than a Grammy Nominated pop star. Shes also an actress, a philanthropist and a businesswoman. By the way, she happens to be 25 years old. Her new album, tell me you love me instantly shot to number one on the itunes charts in more than 36 countries. Good morning. Hi. How are we doing . Great. How does it feel to be number one in 36 countries before this was officially all the way released . Thats amazing. It was insane. You know, you hope for the best whenever you release an album, but i wanted to release music i was proud of. It was awesome. This is also very, very personal to you. You can feel it in the songs. Describe the journey you went on to write the songs. I took a year and a half to make this album. I wrote the songs on it and recorded some songs that i didnt write on. But i really related to. Y yeah, this is what it turned out to be. There are many things to love about you, but one of the things i love is youre so open. Thank you. You have a documentary coming out. Whats it called . Simply complicated. Its like the perfect title. But you get into it. You get into the good, the bad, the ups, the downs. All of it. But youve always shared with your fans, ever since you were a little kid. Yes. Ive always been open with my fans. This documentary is important to me because i get to show them an inside look at what my life is like personally and professionally. They get to see my life and the making of the album. What i love about you, i also spoke to you at some other event and you were very open about your issues with addiction and how now, i think, youre more than 5 1 2 years sober. Yes. Standing proudly. Thats a big deal in your life. Thank you. Yeah, i actually coown a treatment center. Ive gone from being a patient there to owning it. Now i just feel better than ever. You look great, too. We cannot wait to hear you sing. I should point out, we have a little surprise for you in the next after the break, okay . Okay. I think youll like it. Were going to come back with a Live Performance. Shes going to stick around. Rst, this is fit paulsboros a very proud community. Its been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and theres no jobs in the community. If theres no jobs, theres no education, theres no food on the table. Whats important is the children. Steve sweeney. He fought for em. This is where hes from. Steve sweeneys been here since the beginning. Steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. It wouldve never been done without steve. It was a pride in building this port and then knowing that were coming back. Announcer the citi Concert Series on today is proudly presented to you by citi. Were back with demi lovato, going to perform in a second. First of all, how many platinum songs do you have now . I dont know. Nine i think is the number. I dont know. Its incredible. Thank you. Its not nine. Its ten. Ten platinum now. Give it up, demi lovato, conversations. Thank you. Thank you so much. This happened like last night. Amazing. Yes i want you to hold it and sing with it. Okay. Got it . Sorry if youre worthy of ten platinum no, okay. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Congratulations on the album. Fantastic. From the album tell me you love me, here is demi lovato with her huge hit sorry not sorry. Now im out here looking like revenge, feeling like a ten, the best ive ever been and yeah, i know how bad it must hurt to see me like this but it gets worse youre out here looking like regret aint too proud to beg, Second Chance youll never get yeah, i know how bad it must hurt to see me like this but it gets worse payback is the baddest youre messing with a savage its be nice of me to take it easy on ya, but nah baby, im sorry, im not sorry baby, im sorry, im not sorry being so bad got me feeling so good showing you up like i knew that i would baby, im sorry, im not sorry baby, im sorry, im not sorry feeling inspired cause the tables have turned yeah, im on fire and i know that it burns baby, fineness is the way to kill tell me how it feel, bet its such a bitter pill yeah, i know you thought you had bigger, Better Things bet right now this stings, wait a minute cause the grass is greener under me bright azts technicolor, i ca tell that you see yeah, i know how bad it must hurt see me like this but it gets worse now payback is the baddest baby, im the baddest youre messing with a savage cant have this, cant have this itd be nice of me to take it easy on ya, but nah baby, im sorry, im not sorry baby, im sorry, im not sorry being so bad got me feeling so good showing you up like i knew that i would baby, im sorry, im not sorry baby, im sorry, im not sorry feeling inspired cause the tables have turned yeah, im on fire and i know that it burns talk that talk, baby better walk, better walk that walk, baby if you talk, if you talk that talk, baby better walk, better walk that walk, baby oh, yeah talk that talk, baby better walk, better walk, that walker, baby if you talk, if you talk that talk, baby better walk, better walk that walk, baby baby, im sorry, im not sorry baby, im sorry, im not sorry being so bad got me feeling so good sntsz showing you up like i knew that i would baby, im sorry, im not sorry baby, im sorry, im not sorry feeling inspired cause the tables have turned yeah, im on fire and i know that it burns im not sorry give it up for demi lovato wow. And the dancers, the singers, the band. Demi, thank you so much. Thank you. Well be back. We have plenty more music coming up. Youll join kathie lee and hoda a little later on in the morning. Cancer challenges us. To find smarter solutions. To offer more precise and less invasive Treatment Options than before. Like advanced Genomic Testing and immunotherapy. See how were fighting to outsmart cancer at cancercenter. Com outsmart demi, nice job. Youre coming back for kathie lee and hoda, right . Yes. Well see you in a few. Megyn kelly is across the street. Hi. Youll be terrified because im going to try to cook. Steph currys wife is here, and she says even i can make this recipe. First time ill try it on television. Bob harper will have health tips to get us in shape before thanksgiving. There is a bullying story on the show that every parent needs to hear. I dont know how id help my children if it happened to them. Well try to figure it out. Thank you very much. Demi, i want your pants. Those are awesome. Doesnt sound awkward. We like your style, is what i meant to say. Thanks. I want your new record. Thank you. I want just one platinum alb album. Thats all i want. I know. Thanks again. Thank you so much. Have fun with kathie lee and hoda. Much more ahead on a thursday morning after your local news and weather. Not sorry nbc 10 breaking news. Good morning. Were following breaking news in the Lehigh Valley where police say they have a murder suspect surrounded in a pickup truck and they are trying to get him to surrender. Lets get to the scene. Reporter this is at least the third location of this more than 12 hour manhunt for this murder suspect. We know police are now surrounding a vehicle the suspect has been driving. State police and bethlehem township officers on a traffic stop with this murder suspect, trying to get him to surrender, surrounding that black pickup truck with guns drawn. This suspect accused of killing one man, injuring his wife yesterday in lehigh township, another overnight swat situation in bushkill township. We know this third location is currently an active scene and local schools are on lockout including Freedom High School here in bethlehem township. Lets get a check on traffic now with jessica boyington. Youve been following a problem on the schuylkill all morning. Breaking news and an update on that. The schuylkill eastbound is back open. Lets check in with first alert meteorologist bill henley for your forecast. Lots of sunshine and temperatures are starting to warm up now after a cool start. Lehigh valley at 67. Headed for the 80s this afternoon. Well have an hour of news coming up at 11 00. You can always get the latest news with the nbc 10 app. Hello. Hi. Welcome, everybody. Welcome to yall. Hello. Celebrity trainer bob harper has helped thousands lose weight and get fit, but now he has a new take on what it means to be healthy coming up. Also, bob opens up on good health and what he learned from his own heart attack. Then fighting back against bullying. One family who says that what they allege happened to their 12yearold girl should never happen to anyone. Plus, try this today. Iesha curry helps me cook a onepan, cant mess recipe. All that on megyn kelly

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