Worth more than 1 million. Why hes learning the art of being a little more careful. Today, august 25, 2015. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on a tuesday morning. That moment as a parent are you saying, oh, honey, what did you do or do i know you . I didnt bring my son today. There is a tensecond period where the kid tries to think, maybe nobody saw this. Anyway, well show you more of it later. Lets get to the top story. Mayhem on wall street sparking fears amid a massive selloff. This time lapse shows mondays roller coaster ride with wild swings. What can we expect . Cnbcs jim cramer is at the Stock Exchange this morning. Good morning to you. Good morning, savannah. Yesterday wasnt for the faint of heart. Do you expect more of this . No. The opening will be very strong. A lot of that is because china cut Interest Rates just now. Europe looks stable. Frankly, as we said yesterday, no one made a dime panicking. If you were frightful and scared, sell today at the opening. You will get good prices. You mentioned china. We have learned in the last few days thats the driver of the downturn. China has been in a slump. Why all of the sudden was that triggering a massive correction . I think a lot of people are looking at the worlds second largest economy and wondering whether it is slowing so dramatically it can bring down Worldwide Growth at the same time the Federal Reserve is talking about hiking Interest Rates. Those cant happen at the same time without expecting a dramatic decline. I want to ask you about that. It hits the pocketbook at home. The Federal Reserve wanted to raise Interest Rates. Is that now on hold, do you think, in light of whats happening in Global Markets and things now looking more volatile . That would be the common sense position. The Federal Reserve, people out there havent articulated such a position and we dont know until the Federal Reserve meets in september. You and i would agree and matt would agree thats the wrong thing to do in the face of whats going on. The Federal Reserve was silent yesterday. The chief janet yellen didnt speak hardly reassuring which is why i dont think the selling is necessarily over. But you are getting a good day at least at the open. Sit tight, jim. Well check in with. Thank you very much. Well watch the numbers on the screen carefully. Also in politics, new signs this morning that Vice President joe biden is inching closer to jumping into the president ial race. That would pose an interesting dilemma for president obama. Lets head to the white house and National Correspondent peter alexander. What can you tell us . Reporter good morning. Aides within the white house have said the Vice President earned the right to take all the time he needs to consider a 2016 run. Overnight one senior democratic source tells cnn president obama gave biden his blessing at the weekly lunch yesterday to go for it if he wants to. A spokesperson for biden says sources are just speculating about something they dont know anything about. This morning the buzz about a possible biden bid is building. The latest leak that the Vice President will reportedly huddle privately with top democratic donors at his residence after labor day, adding with the drum beat that began with his not so secret weekend lunch with elizabeth warren. Who would the president back his Vice President or former secretary of state . Josh ernest said the president respects and admires clinton but heaped praise on biden. There is probably no one in american Politics Today who has a better understanding of whats required to mount a successful National President ial candidate. Reporter later adding to the intrigue. I wouldnt rule out the possibility of an endorsement at the democratic primary. Reporter what would a bidenclinton showdown look like . They have parted ways on national security. Secretary of state clinton pushed for more aggressive military action in afghanistan, libya and syria while biden was more cautious. The biggest split the Osama Bin Laden raid. Clinton said she pushed for it. Biden acknowledged he initially thought it was too big of a gamble. If they did get into the race together you could see this becoming a defining point on judgment on president ial judgment. Those messages disappear all by themselves. Reporter meantime republicans arent letting up on clinton today releasing a video mocking her handle of the email controversy. Shes leaving her hamptons vacation tomorrow for a swing through the midwest. First stop iowa. Biden met with two of obamas most trusted advisers last night. There is a piece of good news for bide. Only a small percentage of obamas top fundraisers from 2012 have committed to bundling large sums of money for the clinton campaign. Matt . Take me back to the press Briefing Room yesterday. What was the feeling among the press corps when josh ernest went so far in describing the president s feelings for joe biden . Reporter it was obvious josh anticipated questions about joe biden. He had notes and heaped praise on biden himself. I spoke to several people very close to the president and Vice President last night who said there is great affection for the Vice President here at the white house right now. If he runs they want to support him. A lot of them want to see he ends a storied career on a high note. They have anxiety that he could end up losing. Peter, thank you very much. No accidents in whats said up there. Thats for sure. Now to the republicans in the bitter rivalry between jeb bush and donald trump. It is intensifying. A familiar issue is front and center in the war of words. Chris jansing is in texas with the story. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, savannah. Im at the epicenter of the escalating immigration fight. The border between the u. S. And mexico. Jeb bush came to south texas to punch back hard against donald trump. A new strategy. To prove to skeptical Republican Voters hes tough enough to beat the billionaire frontrunner. Jeb bush in his home state of texas, taking shots at donald trump over his promise to buildle a beautiful wall. You have to have a much deeper strategy than just building a fence. Reporter hours before, trump had launched a preemptive strike. Bush attacked me in a modest way. You know hes a low energy person. When he attacks, he attacks with low energy. Reporter trumps trouncing of the gop field has pumped bush up. This is ludicrous. Reporter a more combative bush, speaking in both languages about his use of a term some immigrants consider offensive anchor baby. We need to take a step back and chill out a little bit as it relates to the political correctness. Reporter that sounded like trump and so did this. You may want to read my book immigration wars which i published four years ago. President obama, secretary of state kerry, i think you should read this book. Reporter while bush was meeting with local officials, trump was posting this video. Would you like to see him run . No. I really dont. It is a great country with a lot of great families. There are other people out there that are very qualified. We have had enough bushes. I wonder if you have seen the instagram of your mother when she said we have had enough. I dont follow the instagram feed from donald trump. Reporter as bush and trump touted differences, Hillary Clinton put out her own ad, gleefully suggesting they are just alike. Most of the other candidates are just trump without the pizzazz or the hair. Reporter this morning nbc news said the Bush Campaign is cost cutting. They say the fundraising is going well, but clearly the unexpected staying power of donald trump has forced all the republicans to reconsider that this might be a longer, tougher and more Expensive Campaign than first anticipated. Matt, savannah . Chris jansing, thank you. In the meantime, the racing world is in mourning. A popular Indycar Justin Wilson died a day after he was struck in the head by debris from another drivers crash. Craig melvin has the latest on that. Good morning to you. Reporter matt, good morning. We are at Pocono Raceway where the tragic accident happened two days ago. Justin wilson was 64, the tallest driver in the sport. He was also quite softspoken. This morning the racing community and fellow drivers are all remembering this gentle giant whose life was cut short far too soon. Tributes are pouring in for late indycar driver Justin Wilson. Great guy. One of the few if only guys who was a friend among everyone in the paddock. Reporter his family calling him a loving father and devoted husband to his wife julia and their daughters. His younger brother stephan tweeting i often told him, i just want to grow up to be half the man he is as that will make me a pretty good man. Justins elite ability to drive a race car was matched by his kindness, character and humility. Reporter the 37yearold england native died monday night, one day after crashing at Pocono Raceway. The fatal chain of events started when another driver crashed into the wall. Seconds later, the nose cone, a heavy piece of debris from the front of the other car struck wilsons head as he drove by. If thats the nose of the car, thats a very thick, heavy object. Into the wall goes Justin Wilson. Medical teams rushed to treat him but he entered a coma. Leigh diffey called the race. He understands how the game works. Ill really miss him. Reporter wilsons tragic death is the second in indycar in four years. Fellow british driver dan weldon died of severe head injuries during a 2011 race. Mario andretti spoke out about the safety of the sport just before wilsons crash. The sport actually, im knocking on wood, but we have reached a point that its as safe as you could make it. On the other side its a work in progress. Reporter Justin Wilson was well liked, well respected, he was one of the most popular drivers in this sport. Heres the thing about indycar driving, it is very dangerous. The cockpits are open, the helmets are exposed, the cars frequently approach speeds of about 200 Miles Per Hour. The last race of the season is this weekend. After that, lots of folks think attention will turn to how they can make the sport just a little safer. Craig, thank you very much. That piece of debris could have landed anywhere and unfortunately landed in the worst possible place. Absolutely. So sad to read the headline. Meantime, we are learning more about whats next for the heroes who stopped a gunman from attacking a crowded train to paris. A fifth passenger is being praised for his bravery that day. Kelly, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning to you. There were smiles all around here when Alek Skarlatos and spender stone arrived today. Spencer is getting a medical evaluation and hes expected to recover from the bad gash on his hand. Another american is improving in a hospital in france. A man whose bravery nearly cost him his life. [ applause ] reporter a heros welcome. An impromptu honor guard. More than 200 airmen and their families cheering them on as more details emerge about the bravery of another train passenger, frenchamerican Mark Moogalian who confronted the attack, tried to warn passengers and was shot. His wife telling the story on french radio. [ speaking french ]. He looked at me and said, im hit. I saw the blood. I was so scared he was going to die. The bullet went through marks back and out his neck. Spencer stone, his thumb almost severed, kept mark alive. Found what i thought to be the artery, pushed down and the bleeding stopped. I said thank god, held that position until the paramedics got there. Reporter marks sister paying tribute. It was overwhelming, one, to realize our brother was shot and we almost lost him. To realize what he did, how he stepped in without even giving it a thought, we couldnt be more proud. Reporter moogalian, recovering in a french hospital, will also receive a medal of honor. The tributes keep pouring in. A possible parade in sacramento. Another medal for spencer stone. Stone was in an air force medical operations unit. Matt, he was trained in trauma care. Right person, right place, right time. Matt . Kelly, thank you very much. Right character as well. No question about it. To tamron now. Something happening on a College Campus making people shake their heads. Absolutely. Good morning, everyone. A fraternity at old dominion has been suspended over sexually suggestive banners hanging from an off campus house. Jacob rascon has the story. Reporter welcome signs arent unusual this time of year. Many find these banners downright offensive, asking parents to drop off their freshman daughters for a good time sad adding go ahead and drop off mom, too. Banners call one a daughter day care adding, dads, well take it from here. Were not trying to cause havoc or anything or stir up trouble. Were having a good time. Seems condescending to say they are going to be the babysitters as if we need someone to watch over us. Reporter social media erupted with responses like that odu frat proved that college doesnt make all boys smarter. The president of old dominion said there is zero tolerance for Sexual Assault and harassment. The actions taken by a few individuals this week do not represent the position of the university. Reporter the sigma nu National Fraternity suspended the local chapter calling the banners derogatory and demeaning after the back to school prank that failed to make anyone feel welcome. Jacob rascon, nbc news. A utah woman is in jail accused of driving the wrong way on a freeway and leading police on a chase. The suv made a uturn to drive in the right direction. A state trooper attempted a pit maneuver to stop the vehicle. The back bumper of the vehicle is ripped off, but she kept driving. They try again. This time they flip the suv. Officials say the woman got out and tried to hijack other vehicles. Eventually she was taken into custody. Police say she was high on drugs and possibly having a mental breakdown. More on the impact of the volatile stock market. The starbucks ceo says to be nicer to customers after the dow tumbled nearly 1500 points in three daydays. In a memo he said customers may experience increased levels of anxiety and concern. A 10yearold boy lost in the utah wilderness for 29 hours is safe and has been reunited with his family. A helicopter carried him to the open arms of loved ones monday afternoon. Sunday he was camping with his dad and siblings when he wandered off to look for wild mushrooms and got lost. When it got dark he use a makeshift shelter of rocks to shield himself from the elements. Rescuers spotted him from a helicopter five miles from where he was last seen. Of course he was hungry and tired but otherwise, as you see there, hes doing okay this morning. Pretty scary situation for the family and for little malakai. Very open arms. Thank you. Al is back with a check of the weather. Thanks, guys. The tropics are active. Look at the southern most large island in japan. This typhoon is causing flooding, high winds, waves from 10 to 12 inches of rain as it continues the trek west. Closer to home we are watching the Tropical Atlantic start to get active. Weve got remnants of danny hanging around. Weve also now got Tropical Storm erika and another wave coming offshore of africa. Lets focus on erika and give you the latest. 45 Miles Per Hour winds. Moving west at 20. Its booking at a good clip. As it continues its travels to the west well watch what happens with this. Tuesday, it becomes a Tropical Storm. Then by friday its over puerto rico. By saturday, a category one storm. By sunday morning approaching the bahamas. Well watch this extremely closely as we get into the beginning of next week. Well get to your good morning, im meteorologist bill henley. Showers are out of the picture, clouds clearing out. It will be a warm afternoon. The humidity drops during the day. Afternoon temperatures will into the 80s tomorrow morning. A cool falllike start, 50s in the suburbs, 61 in center city. Just 85 in the afternoon with low humidity that will continue for thursday, friday and saturday. Well be warmer on saturday and into the very low 90s sunday and monday. Have a great day. And thats your latest weather. Matt . Al, thank you very much. Prosecutors set to wrap cases as early as today at the rape trial of a former student of an elite prep school. Coming up, how testimony from the suspects friends and his own list of girls to allegedly pursue could impact the case. And on rossen reports, the new tool that could end the dangerous and sometimes Controversial Police pursuit. Well show you how it works but first, thi just ahead, are you drinking eight glasses of water a day . Maybe you dont have to. Maybe you dont have to. Th nobody told me to expect it. Maybe you dont have to. Th. Intercourse thats painful due to menopausal changes. Its not likely to go away on its own. So lets do something about it. Premarin vaginal cream can help. It provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. Premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderatetosevere painful intercourse caused by these changes. Dont use it if youve had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think youre pregnant. Side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. Estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia, so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. Ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. You owned your car for four you named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Looking for a delicious taste that lifts you up . Try lipton sparkling iced tea. The perfect combination of fruit flavors, iced tea, and light carbonation. Lipton sparkling iced tea. Refreshingly uplifting i need but i just keepsed car. Putting it off. Its daunting. What if i make the wrong choice . Its like, if i buy a tshirt and then change my mind i can return it. But a car . You dont reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until youve driven it a few days. I just want to be sure. As long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning, im chris c cato. 7 26 and were headed for a stretch of great weather. Heres your first alert forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Chris, we start off with lots of clouds and a few showers. Now were seeing more and more sunshine. Get your sunglasses ready. It will be bright sunshine and a warm afternoon. Thats a live view of center city from the adventure aquarium. 74 degrees in the city. Showers are offshore, now the temperatures starting to climb. 75 in philadelphia. Atlantic city is up to 76 degrees. Still seeing some 60s for pottstown and allentown. But with more and more sunshine, were headed for the upper 80s today. Now lets see how the morning rush is shaping up. Heres your first alert traffic report with nbc 10s jessica boyington. Jessica . Chris, were watching the schuylkill expressway right now. Right around city avenue where its already a spot that tends to jam up in the rush hour swing of things eastbound from the blue route up towards the vine street expressway, about half an hour. Were adding about 15 minutes or so. In the eastbound side, right here, we have work crews over in the righthand shoulder. So just be careful squeezing through the area. Also a vehicle fire on the ac expressway eastbound around winslow township closing the exit. Chris . Another group of firefighters from this area is headed out west to the front lines of those raging wildfires. Firefighters with the new Jersey Forest Fire Service is headed to california. They will join the effort to stop fires that have burned thousands of acres in six states. Im chris cato. Well be back with another update in about 25 minutes. Have a great morning. One fine day youre gonna want me for your girl its august 25, 2015, 7 30 on a tuesday morning. Its one fine day on the plaza as we get ready for a Live Performance from the great carole king. Lets look at whats making headlines this morning. Another nervous day on wall street following mondays wild roller coaster ride. The dow eventually closed down 588 points, the eighth worst oneday decline ever. Indycar driver Justin Wilson has died from the head injury he sufficiented when he was hit in the head by debris during sundays race. He was just 37. Some of the worlds most popular beaches are closed today. Heavy rain, flash flooding, half a million gallon sewage spill near the waikiki beaches. In the meantime, a key day at the trial of a former prep School Student accused of sexually assaulting a younger classmate. The prosecution could rest, clearing the way for the defense to call their client to the stand. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez has been in the court since the trial started. Gabe, good morning to you. Reporter matt, good morning. All along the defense insisted that owen labrie never had sex with his accuser. Here, uncomfortable testimony from several of his former schoolmates who told a different story. Today, prosecutors could wrap up their case against 19yearold owen labrie after four of his classmates testified he left them believing he did have sex. What was the message he conveyed . Certainly a smile. I left under the impression that they did have sex. He eventually toldle me in his words that he had [ bleep ] her. What does that word mean to you . I assume it would mean they had sexual relations. Reporter one classmate, a minor, said labrie was more direct. There was a private conversation between me and owen where i asked him if they had sex which he told me they did. Reporter labrie pleaded not guilty to Sexual Assault and other charges telling police he never had intercourse with the girl. One of the nations most elite boarding schools now under scoot any and testimony details the senior salute. St. Pauls said the allegations arent emblematic of the school but the dean said he learned of the senior salute in spring of 2013. Were you familiar with the practice or what was involved in practicing of the senior salute . In relatively vague terms, yes. Reporter prosecutors alleged labrie was plotting the encounter with the 15yearold freshman for months on a list of girls he wanted to pursue or slay, her name was in capital letters. Labries attorney said crude messages to his friends dont mean labrie is guilty. His statements have been typical teenage statements in my view. With all the immaturity, imperfections, uncertainties that are reflected in teenagers. Reporter jay carney said his client plans to testify. That could happen as early as today. But probably tomorrow. In fact, he could be the only witness the defense calls to the stand. Matt and savannah, this entire case could hang on his words. Gabe gutierrez, thank you very much. Lets bring in the today legal analyst lisa bloom. Lets start with owen labrie telling police he didnt have sex with the under aged student yet the prosecution called four former friends of his. They all say he either told them he had sex with her or he led them to believe he had sex with her. How damning is that to the defense . His friends, as a group of them and it is consistent with his allegedly saying to her afterwards, are you on Birth Control and her asking about condom use. Is it typical with teen behavior where guys often brag about things they didnt do or embellish the facts . Sure. Of course. There is other evidence also to corroborate that. On the flip side this is a case of contradictions and the prosecution has to face the weaknesses in her account. The fact she did send back a flattering text after the encounter, she laughed uncomfortably, told a school nurse the sex was consensual. How do you deal with that . Even if you believele the accuser, how do you deal with that . I think her inconsistencies are more significant legally speaking. The prosecution has the burden of proof. If shes not believed there cant be a conviction. We were saying the alleged victim remained in court during the testimony of the four young men and had to listen to accounts of this alleged sexual i encounter in sometimes demeaning language. Sit unusual that she would be there . She has the right to be there and decided to be there. Shes been very emotional in court. You have to wonder if it has an effect on the jury. Ultimately, i think they have a strong case for statutory rape against this young man. As to the forcible rape, more serious charges thats a tough one. The prosecution may rest today and the defense is potentially calling just one witness, the defendant himself. Is that a sensible strategy . I guess the case comes down to his story and credibility. What if jurors think, thats all theyve got . Thats right. But most of the witnesses have been called already by the prosecution. I dont know who else is left. All eyes on him. This is a young man, very intelligent, was admitted to or hard, watched the entire trial. Im guessing hell do a good job. 11 men, three women on the jury. How might gender impact the verdict . A lot of people prosecutors say they prefer to have men on the jury in a rape case. Women are more tough on other women. I dont know if thats true or not. I think it comes down to the facts and the evidence. Unfortunately the accusers credibility and shes got some tough issues that came out in crossexamination. Lisa, thank you very much. Lets get a check of the weather now from al. Thank you very much. We are watching changeable weather along the eastern seaboard. Marginal risk of strong storms to the east. A stronger risk in new england of hail, wind gusts and cloud to ground lightning. Well be watching this. You can see showers and thunderstorms racing up, off and through into new england. As the day wears on and we have a front pushing through, well see drier air. Showers and thunderstorms fire up into new england. Thats the worst of it. Then we move on through with cooler conditions. As you look at the rest of today, we expect a gorgeous day throughout the gulf coast. Breezy conditions around the fwrax. Downright chilly into the good morning, im meteorologist bill henley. Showers are out of the picture, clouds clearing out. Skies becoming nice and sunny. Its going to be a warm afternoon. But the humidity drops during the day. Afternoon temperatures well into the 80s, tomorrow morning, a cool falllike start, 50s in the suburbs, 61 in center city. Just 85 in the afternoon with low humidity that will continue for thursday, friday and saturday. Well be warmer on saturday and into the very low 90s sunday and monday. Have a great day. Go to the Weather Channel on cable, weather. Com online. Savannah . Thank you. Coming up, disturbing fallout tied to the Ashley Madison hack. What police are saying about alleged cases of suicide linked to the data dump. Plus good morning. Im jeff rosen. We have seen high speed Dangerous Police chases but there is a new gadget that could be a game changer, a device that shoots out of the police car. Look at this. Fire. It actually flies onto the suspects car. Suspects car. How this could help its a long day suspects car. How this could help and sometimes, an even longer night. Helping with homework before doing your own. And you may think no one notices. But she does. She sees more than mom, she sees determination. We do too. For nearly 40 years, weve designed an education for people just like you. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. vo around age 7, the glucose metabolism in a dogs brain begins to change. ray id like to see her go back to her more you know social side. She literally started changing. It was shocking. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. Its 7 42. This morning, new technology that could change the way police go after suspects. What if officers could find targets without engaging in those risky chases . Today correspondent jeff rossen is here to show us how. Good morning. Hey, guys. Good morning to you. We have all seen the high speed Police Chases, right . They are controversial. Innocent people have been injured. Hundreds killed every year when suspects drive out of control, running from the comes or the offic officers themselves get into accidents. The high tech tool that could be a game changer. Comes shoot a gps tracker at the suspects car and break off. Does it work . This morning we are about to show you. Police are right on my tail. I see the Police Officers behind me. But comes are about to make their secret move. Suddenly they peel off. No officers in sight. The suspect thinking he got away. And the rest of us . Avoiding this. High speed Police Chases ending in disaster. This suspect in arizona speeding through a busy intersection, crashing into several cars. And in california, this suspect missing bystanders after crashing into a sidewalk cafe. More than 300 people killed. Thousands injured every year in Police Chases. But now Police Departments across the country are starting to use a new high tech tool. This palmsized gps tracker called star chase. How does it work . This is the gps tracker. It is shot from the front grill of a patrol car down here. Reporter shoots out of here. Sticks to the suspects vehicle and we begin tracking in real time. Reporter no chase needed. No chase needed. Reporter lets give it a shot. I will drive in my car playing the suspect while the Police Officers chase me and shoot the gps tracker on me to see if they can find me. Right away the two officers try to pull me over. I have one refusing to stop. Reporter i try to get away, but not before they tag me. Tagged. They stopped chasing me. If they shot the tracker on my car, i have no idea. I didnt feel anything. I didnt see anything. Reporter meanwhile the officers are pulled over, sitting on the side of the road, tracking my every move on their laptops. The vehicle is westbound. Reporter i drive down winding roads. Going to make a right here. Making several turns. The officers have no idea where i am or where im going. Not even my producer knows. I come to a stop in this neighborhood. Let me get out of the car here. You can see we are at the dead end of a suburban street. No one here. No one up there. Me and the car. Will the comes comele down the road to find me . Well see. Hes probably two miles away. We have tracked him to the end of this subdivision. The vehicle has stopped. Lets get him. Reporter within minutes they find me. Look at this. And they have me. Thats incredible. How long did it take you . From the location, probably three minutes. If i were a suspect you would have me. Absolutely. Reporter and no Dangerous Police chase. Not at all. Nobody got hurt on our side and the general public is safe. Reporter and you have your man. Hes in custody. We got him. Reporter the company that makes it, star chase, says the technology can save lives. It is in place in more than 20 Police Departments from florida to arizona to texas. They say more to come this year. Guys . Wow. We have four thumbsup here. We like this. Remember when jeff was on the diet. She could put it on jeff and know if he went to taco bell. How many people want to see jeff shot with one . How great would that be . We love you, jeff. We love you. Seriously. Coming up on trending, in this healthcrazed world why are experts telling some men to avoid salad . Million dollar mishap. A little boy who learned a costly lesson about watching your step at a Binge Eating Disorder or b. E. D. Isnt just overeating. Its a real medical condition. And while the exact cause is unknown, certain chemicals in the brain may play a role. And, i learned that b. E. D. Is the most common eating disorder in u. S. Adults. When i binged, i felt completely out of control. I would eat really, really fast and eat so much during my binges. It was very upsetting. To learn more about b. E. D. Go to bingeeatingdisorder. Com. And talk with your doctor. You do all this research on the gas mileage, horsepower torque ratios. Three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. Then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Companys all too happy to raise your rates. Maybe you shouldve done a little more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Therbottle of tropicana pure oranges squepremium. O each and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. Its the brand more doctorsose recommend for minor arthritis pain. Plus, just two aleve can last all day. Youd need 6 tylenol arthritis to do that. Aleve. All day strong. Brandois heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Blended with ingredients like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. Its me . Alright emma, i know its not your favorite but its time for your medicine, okay . You ready . One, two, three. [ both ] emma, emma bobemma bananafanafofemma feefifofemma emma very good sweety, how do you feel . Good. Yeah . You did a really good job, okay . [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, craving the taste of chocolate but watching calories . Introducing light fit greek with chocolate on top. So chocolatey good. You wont believe its 100 calories. Try new light fit greek chocolate on top. No sixth graders ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. Hey. Thats that new gear feeling. This week, these folders just one cent. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Vowhen we say real meat is thet foodfirst ingredient, r labels. It is number one. When we say theres no corn, wheat or soy, its not there. Learn more at purinabeyond. Com to make Peanut Butter so deliciously creamy. It can even be a game changer. Thats why choosy moms and dads choose jif. It can even be a game changer. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. Back now at 7 51. [ cheers and applause ] theyre on tv dylan is here for carson with the art accident seen around the world. Yes, it is. Take a look at this beautiful work of art. Its 350 years old in taiwan at a museum. Its worth 1. 5 million. Keep it in mind as you watch what happens when a 12yearold boy walks by the masterpiece, loses his footing. No, doesnt spill his drink but uses the master piece to break his fall. You cant see the damage at first. Its hard to see. Looking on the back side you can see he punched a hole through the canvas. Here is a better look at it. Its damaged. He wont be responsible to restore the painting. Its actually covered by insurance. This video has racked up half a million views on youtube. No word on what he was drinking but he was able to finish his drink. Are you allowed to have drinks in the museum . I wouldnt think so. Do you want charges filed . Numerous charges. Wow. Like a Farmers Insurance commercial. Thank you. All right. Coming up, surviving the slump. Well talk about the best ways to protect your money given the jitters on wall street. And pierce in our house, imagination runs wild. But at my table, i keep the food real. Like country crocks new recipe made with real simple ingredients. Like delicious oils, purified water, and a pinch of salt. And no artificial flavors or preservatives. Just real Country Fresh taste from real ingredients. Imagine that. Welcome to crock country. What if getting ready was this easy . Now teethwhitening is, with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen just brush, whiten, and go no waiting. No rinsing. It deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. Optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Brush. Whiten. Go. Padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. Helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Thover 65 million years ago. Rth like our van. Yeah. We need to sell it. Hi. Need an appraisal . Yeah. We do. Vo when selling your car, start with a written offer, no strings attached. Carmax. Start here. Nbc 10 news starts now. Im chris cato. 7 56 and time to check your forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Bill, it was cloudy out there earlier but it looks like were getting good sunshine now. The clouds are breaking for much of the area, still clouds lingering athe the shore. Theyll be thinning out this afternoon. Thats a nice, sunny view from the Comcast Center in center city. The temperatures are climbing now, 75 in philadelphia. 75 also in Atlantic City at the airport. 60s north and west will climb into the 80s. In fact by noontime, well be up to 84 degrees. As we approach 8 00 a. M. , lets see how the morning rush is shaping up. Heres nbc 10s first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. Jessica . Were pretty light so far for this morning but we are seeing a little bit of a delay on the vine street expressway around 24th street, this drive time 4 minutes westbound from 95 up towards the schuylkill. Hard to see in this camera shot right here eastbound. We are working through a work zone on the exit ramp. The rest of our drive times, slow in the normal spots, heading into center city from the blue route and the schuylkill. An accident scene in trend on at route 29 southbound at route 129. Another Court Hearing is scheduled for the chester upland Charter Schools. This is whats expected to happen at this hearing. This is video from yesterdays rally outside the courthouse in media. The district is fighting the state for more money. Yesterday, the teachers rallied outside the courthouse. The state wants to cut the amount of money for charter School Students by half. The district is 20 million in debt. But more than half of the students in chester attend Charter Schools and the district rely on that money from the state. Parents are afraid that the issue could delay the start of the school year. Theyll attend a School Board Meeting tonight. Im chris cato. Well be back with another update in about 25 minutes. Have a great morning. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, dramatic consequences. At least two people linked to the Ashley Madison scandal have reportedly taken their own lives. What investigators are warning hackers this morning. To drink or not to drink. What does the latest science say about eight glasses of water we are supposed to have every day . Plus, the earth will move when the legendary carole king joins us for a Live Performance of the popular musical about her life. And brosnan, pierce bros na. The leading man stops by to talk about his latest thriller and the future of james bond, today, august 25, 2015. [ cheers and applause ] i came in from Bergen County just to hear carole king. Happy Birthday National park service we came from clinton county, illinois. Hi, mom and dad. Hi. Were on the today show. Good morning, everyone. 8 00 on this tuesday, the 25th of august, 2015. The waning days of august. Wrangler is here ready for a liver treat. There you go. Somebody tweeted me, matt, give the dog the treat already. Hes staring at you. Speaking of treats we have creative food hacks for breakfast, lunch and dinner to save you time now that the kids are headed back to school. Thats katie quinn with interesting ones this morning. First tamron is here for natalie with a check of the top stories. Good morning. Good morning. Anxious eyes on wall street after mondays wild ride that ended with a 588point nose dive by the dow. The market downturn pegged largely to an economic slowdown in china. Stock there is town for a fourth straight day but they rebounded in other asian markets and europe. Speculation that joe biden may ent er the president ial race is being fanned by the White House Press secretary. Monday josh ernest said there is probably no one in american politics who has a better understanding of whats required to mount a successful president ial campaign. Bidens spokeswoman down played a report that president obama gave biden his blessing to run. Meantime Hillary Clinton is picking up the pace on her campaign, leaving her vacation tomorrow for a swing through the midwest. Jeb bush took on donald trump during a visit on monday to a texas city. Bush called the plan to build a massive fence to seal the Mexican Border unrealistic. He said a much deeper strategy is needed to fix the immigration system. Earlier trump launched a preemptive strike calling bush a low energy person. The hacking of a website for Extramarital Affairs led to embarrassment, concerns about blackmail and now reports of suicide. The fallout from the Ashley Madison scandal turned tragic as two alleged cases of suicide have reportedly been linked to last weeks massive information released from the website. As of this morning, we have two unconfirmed reports of suicides associated because of the leak of Ashley Madisons customer profiles. Officials spoke about the personal impact of the scandal thats affected nearly 37 million Ashley Madison users. You have to understand, people. The social impact behind this leak. We are talking about families. We are talking about their children. We now have hate crimes as a result of this. There are so many things happening. The Company Behind Ashley Madison is offering a 378,000 reward for information leading to those responsible. While Toronto Police is offering tough talk to the hacker s involved in the growing scandal. I want to make it clear. Your actions are illegal. We will not tolerate it. This is your wake up call. Ashley madisons Parent Company avid media said it is confident the investigation will lead to arrests and convictions. An american runner provides our latest teachable moment on the hazards of celebrating too early. Molly huddle thought she had clinched the bronze medal in the 10,000 meter race in beijing but raised her arms a half step too early. Her teammate surged past to capture third place. Huddle later said it is frustrating. Going to take a long time to get over that. Oh, look at that. Over to you. So sad. Thank you very much. Anyone with money invested in the stocks, the headlines out of wall street are scary. A 588point loss on monday. The eighth worst single day decline in the history of the markets. On the heels of a 530point fall on friday. What should you do to protect your money . Sharon epperson is cnbcs Senior Personal finance correspondent. Good morning. Good morning. Its cyclical, these things happen every four years. If youve got money in the market, this is gut wrenching. It is gut wrenching, particularly for people who are near retirement, in retirement watching account balances go down or concerned it will happen. Its a scary time. It is something thats a natural process in the market. Jim cramer likes to say no one has made a dime by panicking. Whats your advice for people . What should they do today . First review what you have. Make sure you look and see what you have. Do your research. If you dont have a plan, thats a problem. If you do have a plan you need to stay the course. Figure out what your goals are. How much risk you can stomach in this market. And then stay on that plan. A lot of people arent picking up the phone to a broker and buying specific stocks. They have 401 k plans. They have i. R. A. S. What should they know . Thats how they are invested in the market. They need to know what they are invested in. This is a great wakeup call for people who havent checked the 401 k to find out what the different investments are and looked at the mutual funds to see what they are holding and how they are diversified. Thats the word we say in the markets that helps people. Make sure you have a little bit of everything. That will help you when stocks start to slide. Are the real estate markets impacted by this if you are trying to buy or sell a house . When you look at where Mortgage Rates are as opposed to where they were a month ago we have seen it slide below 4 . A lot of people think this may be a time to buy or refinance. This is a good time to do it. Others say, if im feeling poor in my investment portfolio, i dont know if i want to do anything. The take away, sharon, is what, as we continue to watch the crazy numbers on wall street . Review what you have. You may want to rebalance your portfolio. Good time to buy things cheaply. Look at whether you want to do a roth conversion to your i. R. A. You can talk to your tnl adviser. You will pay less tax if your balance is lower. Look at what you can do in terms of other tax advantage ways to save money if you are using the losses you have seen to offset gains you have had. We have had a great runup. This is the time to look at those opportunities. Great time to talk to a financial adviser, a professional to calm you down. Its not time to panic. Something about you calms me down which is good. Thats good. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Sure. Up next, using iced tea to crown the most honest city in america . Well explain. Plus, raw emotions on display. The couples retreat that takes couples out of their comfort zone to hopefully bring them together. And carole king performs with t you owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Kohls lowest prices of the season save big on boys tees colorful juniors camis jumping beans tops and bottoms and on the big one bath towel dont miss kohls lowest prices of the season it only happens twice a year this wednesday through sunday find your yes kohls yoplait greek 100. For when you just cant make it without a proteinpacked, thick and creamy, powermeupwithsomething filling tastebudloving, satisfaction by the spoonful, deliciously fruity, dinner feels a million years away, grab and go, lets take on the world with 100 calories, snack yoplait greek 100. There are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. Imagine these kids wont have to remember passwords or obsess about security. For them, every screen is meant to be touched. And web pages are meant to be scribbled on, and shared. Theyll expect their devices to listen to them. And talk. And sing. And tell a funny joke. And as they grow, and get better at things, their technology will too. Theyll do things their parents never even dreamed of. Because these kids will grow up with windows 10. The future starts now, for all of us. Get started today. Windows 10. A more human way to do. Look more like a tissue box. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up to. 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from. Food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day vitacraves gummies. Now at chilis, new smoked chicken burritos for lunch. Make it a lunch combo. Then tap, swipe, and go. Wherever it is you want to go, all you need to see is the next 200 feet. Thats how life unfolds. A leap of faith. [growl] even if you cant see it, your destination is out there. So just keep going. And youll get there. 200 feet at a time. The corolla. Toyota. Lets go places. Back at 8 12 for whats trending today. Tamron was singing that song. Kicking off with a little myth busting. What do you hear about water . What do we say on the show . Eight glasses a today. And we all feel guilty and depressed that we dont. Guess what. Its a myth. We are free from it. Goodbye, glasses. Yes. The New York Times said there is no science to back it up. There is no proof that Drinking Water keeps your skin healthy and wrinklefree. Goodbye, water. Where did this come from . There was a study in 1945 that it came out of. But it doesnt hurt you. No, no. Its hard to drink eight glasses of that size of water every day. How much do you think you get . Maybe two or three. If i work out, four. You feel like youre in bladder training. Gradually work your way up. They say coffee counts as water though it ees caffeine and somf the food has a lot of water. Fruits and vegetables. Can i have one . Its making me thirsty. There you go. Never mind. Heres a question for the ladies on the panel. Say youre on a first date. You go to a restaurant with a guy and he orders a salad. Like as the entree . No. Thats all hes getting . Like a chef salad. That makes me feel guilty because i probably ordered a filet and hes getting a salad. What do you think of him . I think hes not a tough guy. A little bit wussy. Go figure. Apparently guys skip the salads. Women find it bore and wimpy according to a new survey that says what you order can make or break the first date. Other tips for guys. Always pick up the check. At least for the first date. Women like that. For women, order handson food. Burgers, ribs, corn on the cob, things like that. Guys like it. You added corn on the cob. Guys like it when youre willing to get messy. I feel like back in my dating life 300 years ago i wouldle get a salad. Like, oh, no, i couldnt possibly. But youre ale woman. Guys like that. Thats what i learned. Im single. Going in for the burger and of course. If youre picking up the check the guy loves that. Ill have the iceberg. Dont go for the surf and turf. All right. How honest do you think your community is . The makers of honest tea set up stands and asked people to donate a dollar if they took a bottle. Everything was on the honor system. The question was, who did the right thing . Nobody was looking. The city of atlanta. Congratulations. People there left a dollar 100 of the time. Theres a shock. Washington, d. C. People actually took money out of the box. Seriously. Other interesting note. Women and those with brown hair were the most honest. The least honest bald people. Yep. What about bald people who once had brown hair . Very honest. Good. Owen wilson opens up about a family struggle and a big anniversary for the boss, bruce springstein. Dylan . Owen wilson sharing the news that his father is battling alzheimers disease. Willie sat down with owen to talk about no escape and asked about his fathers condition. Its, you know, bad luck and just a really terrible disease. But the good luck is that, you know, hes at home. Hes with people that love him. Hes a giant figure to you and your brothers. I have heard you talk about him before. Huge. I didnt study acting. I didnt even finish college. My dad used to have the joke that he was the charter member of the 3970 club which stood for three sons, nine high schools, seven colleges, zero degrees. You may not have the diplomas but i bet hes proud. My dad still keep it is ticket stub in his wallet of bottlerocket our first movie. Dad was proud of us. Sounds like he has nice memories. You can see more of the interview with owen thursday in the 9 00 hour. In the next half hour Pierce Brosnan will be here for the same movie. These days we are all obsessed with smartphones but 20 years ago it was all about Microsoft Windows 95. The cutting edge operating system was released this week in 1995. Check out this throwback promo video. Its Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry getting a tour of bill gatess office and a lesson on his computer. Could it be any more 90s than this . So this is bill gatess computer. Thats like using Wayne Gretzkys hockey stick. Oddly enough, none of it seems to rub off. I meant for her to sit at the keyboard. Want to take a little backlit drivethru the road through the Microsoft Network . I will keep both hands on the keyboard i promise. Smooth. I think i have to go with no. This video came out a year after friends premiered and proves the internet was obsessed even back in 1995. For a lot of people the world changed 40 years ago today and music hasnt been the same since. What happened . Take a listen. Baby, we were born to run yes. It was august 25, 1975 that bruce stringstein released born to run, his album that took him from promising artist to legend. It landed him on the covers of time and newsweek in the same week. Wouldnt it be cool to have one of the original albums. I would love it. Maybe like this one . Signed by springsteen . Youre like that kid. How did that find its way in here. Yes, hello . Oh, yes, we hate him, too. One of my favorite possessions right there. My mom went to high school with bruce springsteen. She was a couple years younger. You have been story topped. Does she have one of those . I think signed her yearbook. Really . I have a picture with him at the stone pony. I have been to the stone pony. I have a go bag in case of the zombie apocalypse. I have bruces phone number. I will end this. Al, please do the weather. Im sorry. Anyway, lets see whats going on. Right now we are keeping an eye on erika. Thats right. 840 miles east of the Leeward Islands. 45 Miles Per Hour winds moving west at 20. If you look at the track it will move relatively quickly. It passed the Lesser Antilles into the caribbean. By monday its just around the bahamas. This one bears watching. Thats a categor good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers are out of the picture. Clouds clearing out. Skies becoming nice and sunny. And its going to be a warm afternoon. But the humidity drops during the day. Afternoon temperatures well into the 80s. Tomorrow morning, a cool falllike start. 50s. In the suburbs 61 in center city. Just 85 in the afternoon with low humidity that will continue for thursday, friday and saturday. Well be warmer on saturday and then in the very low 90s sunday and monday. Have a great day. And thats your hi, bruce . You want dylans mothers phone number . Okay. Sounds like he may have it already. I dont know. Today two of the summer of secrets this week. This morning we have an unflinching look at marriage and what it takes for some couples to stay together. Andrea canning has more. Good morning. Good morning. We kicked off the series reminding you communication is the key to a happy marriage. Thats exactly the cornerstone of an intense threeday program called couples retreat. I was a fly on the wall of the boot camp for emotions and it was brutal at times. It can work to repair and restore even the worst marriages. Over the next few days, you wille meet four struggling couples. For some its their last chance. It is an intense weekend. Welcome to the couples retreat. Reporter dedicated to helping couples revive rocky relationships. This is not therapy. All right . This is an Interactive Program thats going to cause you to get uncomfortable. Reporter tina conkin, the founder of couples retreat said in 20 plus years running the program her success rate is over 80 . She uses what she calls an r3 factor reveal, rewrite, renew. The reveal is really recognizing that you cant change or heal what you dont reveal. The rewrite is seeing it from different glasses. Renew is making it better than it was before. Reporter whats the one thing you do on this retreat that you think can really get the spark back . Its compassion. Reporter masie and pat are here to repair two years of betrayal. We were engaged for the last year. We are currently separated. I wasnt looking for a resolution. I didnt want to do anything like this. I kind of just feel shut down. Hes a complete fraud. Thank you. Pat, whats she talking about . What did you do . My name is patrick. What i did is i have been dishonest with her. Are you owning that . Yes, i am. Thats not her saying that . No. I started a relationship on a lie. I told her that i could have kids when i cant. That was a major lie. When that came out, it was devastating. I knew it. I have since spawned other lies. Now you have three kids that are aware that this is falling apart. Her daughter is living with us. Her daughter loves me and this definitely affected her daughter. What are you crying for . Stand up. You were numb and now youre my daughter i just failed her. Again. Pat, what are you willing to do . Im willing to change myself. Not for her, but just for myself. To be a better person. Reporter conkin asked the couples to look at how their own history affects their current relationships. They rate their relationship, write their own eulogy and have their partner read it. They stare without speak ing into each others eyes. There is fun thrown in. Reporter but for masie as days go on, the emotions sit at the surface. In a forgiveness exercise she has a hard time accepting pats apology. I know forgiveness is for me, not for him. I feel like its condoning everything he did. Forget about him. He let you down. Yes. I betrayed myself and i betra d ed my daughter. Can you forgive yourself for that . I dont know. Would you cry right now if you got hit by a bus and died . Really . Why . You dont want to wish him well. That tells me you want him to feel pain. He owes you. He cant die because he owes you . I cant wish him well because he owes me. If he tied you would be sad . Yes. Why . Because i love him. Hard to watch. It is really hard to watch. Intense. They are still together. Theyre working on it. Youre going to have more examples of other couples going through the program. Three more couples. Its an emotional detox. Thank you. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im chris cato. 8 26, a nice tuesday out there. Lets get your forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Chris, temperatures are climbing and were seeing more and more sunshine. Even the shore, cape may, started off with a few showers this morning. You can see its a little damp on beach avenue but the sunshine will be warming temperatures into the 80s. A quick dry out there. Radar is clear already. Its already 77 degrees in northeast philadelphia. Trenton at 74 and 71 in wilmington. As the day goes on the humidity dropping and 85 by 1 00 this afternoon. All right. Lets get a check on the morning rush now with nbc 10s first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. Chris, were watching an accident scene on the schuylkill expressway. So right around belmont avenue. On the westbound side you can see that over here taking out this righthand lane and the ramp headed towards the schuylkill and were seeing an increase in the drive time, 27 minutes westbound from the vine towards the blue route. Heading out the door on 95, were slow in the normal spots on the southbound side towards the vine street expressway. Northbound doing okay. Also shuttle bussing septa passengers froms west trenton to wood borne stations today. A teenage girl and her boyfriend charged with killing the girls mother expected to ask for separate trials at a hearing. 14yearold jamie and 21yearold caleb are accused of murdering sharon silverknack in march when she tried to end their relationship. Im chris cato. Back with another update in about 25 minutes. Always get the latest news and weather through the nbc 10 app. Oh my gosh, its the guy from last night. What . can i jump on your wifi . Yeah, you can try it. Hey i had a really good time last night. Yeah, me too. The only thing is that. The only thing is what . Whats the only thing . Oh my gosh hes married. Hes a kleptomaniac. Hes a pyromaniac. Hes a total maniac. Hey hey go back to your wife you sociopath leave slow internet behind. The 100 Fiber Optics Network is here. Get out of the past. Get fios. Tea . Now 79. 99 a month. Go online or call now. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities at 800. 974. 6006 tty v i feel the earth move under my feet 8 30 now on a tuesday morning, the 25th day of august, 2015. Our crowd about to be treated to a Live Performance from music royalty. Carole king is here along with the hit musical inspired by her life beautiful. Just start singing now. Natural woman, oh, my, thats amazing. A real treat for us. Speaking of natural things, savannah naturally hanging out with a handsome man, Pierce Brosnan, no less. Hes here and they will let us in on their private conversation coming up. Ooh, la, la. With sun setting on summer the busy school days are here. We have katie quinn here to teach you simple kitchen hacks to make every meal of the day a little easier. All right. First, mr. Roker, a check of the weather. I did it, but i forgot to take the rubber band off. Its there in your teeth. Lets see whats going on right now. For today, wet weather along the Atlantic Coast. Stronger storms in northern new england. Smoky conditions in the Pacific Northwest because of forest fires. Rain through the desert southwest. Tomorrow we expect cooler conditions through the great lakes. Down into the south. Showers along the southeastern Atlantic Coast into florida. The southwest continues on the wet side. Unfortunately the temperatures stay warm in the pacific good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers are out of the picture. Clouds clearing out. Skies becoming nice and sunny. And its going to be a warm afternoon. But the humidity drops during the day. Afternoon temperatures well into the 80s. Tomorrow morning, a cool falllike start. 50s. In the suburbs 61 in center city. Just 85 in the afternoon with low humidity that will continue for thursday, friday and saturday. Well be warmer on saturday and then in the very low 90s sunday and monday. Have a great day. Dont forget, any time you need the weather go to the Weather Channel on cable or weather. Com online. Now lets head back upstairs to ms. Savannah and mr. Brosnan. All right, al. Thank you so much. No escape focuses on a family caught in the middle of a violent uprising over seas. They have no one to turn to except for a mystery man played by Pierce Brosnan. Most of the merciless men out there are just trying to protect their children, just like you. So dont thank me. Im the one who put your family in harms way. Least i can do is get you out of the bloody place. Pierce brosnan, good morning. Good morning, savannah. You are mysterious in this role. How would you describe this character . Hes an enigma. His name is hammond. This is an intense movie made by young film makers who came to me with the role. I said, okay, i will do it. Its an action film but you have a softer side in the movie as well. I do, yeah. Hes a man thats a desolate kind of fellow really. Youre not sure if hes a secret agent, a mercenary. He comes to the aid of this family, owen and lake bell. They play a mother and father who set up a new life in this country which is really nondescript. But a coup happens. And the action never stops. It grabs you by the throat. If you have children and youre a mother, a father and you see the film, its devastating actually. Owen wilson, i adore. I never think of him as someone you would find in an action movie. How do you like working with him . Are you a big fan . Im a big fan of owens work. He did a movie with gene hackman years ago called behind enemy lines. Youre right. Owen has been there in action. He does a brilliant job. And lake as well. Its palpable, the fear you have for this family. Thats a testament to the film makers. Youre a member of the bond family. I like to think in my mind that all the former bonds get together, hang out, have a club. If so, could you tell me the date and time when you meet . Which one do you want to meet . You have the irish one here. I have the best one. I dont know about that. Its a small group of men, a small club. They say more men have walked on the moon than played james bond. It was a great honor to play the role. I was a huge fan. Sean connery was my james bond. He turns 85 today. Really . Oh, sean, way to go. The best. Do you have opinions about who might make a good bond in the future . No. I really dont keep tabs. There is a great bond right now, a bond for his time. Its amazing its been going for 50 years. I saw on your instagram feed you have a new grandbaby, a little girl. I do. Marly may cassandra. Shes gorgeous. Shes about 7 weeks old. Theres my son. Bonny baby. A rose. Very grown up. You just keep talking while i listen. It sounds so good. Oh, thank you very much. Very nice to have you here. Once again the movie is no escape. It opens tomorrow. Just ahead, french toast in a mug, creative back to school food hacks to give your kids the energy they need, but first, this is today on nbc. Back at 8 38 with our ongoing series fuel for school, fast and fresh food hacks for your familys hectic skenl. Katie quinn is the host of qkatie. Good morning to you. Good morning. Hacks for people like me, helpful tips. Yes. I love your breakfast ideas. This is a complete Healthy Breakfast all in one. Right. Breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day but its easy to skip. This is my solution. Take half a banana, stick a popsicle stick in it like that. Okay. Yogurt, love it. Good for you. Good for you and its a convenient adhesive for this little trick. Brush it on the banana and do you want to grab some granola and sprinkle it on. Do it like this. You go all around it. All around. Eat it as is or put it in the freezer for a couple of days. They can take it and run with it. This is french toast, but much easier to prepare. Yes. French toast is a treat but you can have it during the week, believe it or not, in a mug which is super fun. Take cubes of bread. I prefer challah bread. Okay. Milk, eggs, butter, cinnamon, vanil vanilla. In the microwave for a minute to 90 seconds. Mix it together, pour it over, put it back in the mug. Yep, back in the mug. Pop it in the microwave. Get that cinnamon in there. Youre good to go. Then syrup on top. They can carry it in a spoon with a mug. Such a treat, yeah. As a parent i have cut an apple into sections, sent it to school. By lunch the apples are brown. Totally. Oxidation makes the icky brown. But you can save it with a rubber band. Its that easy. Preslice it, keep it together and it stays fresh. Check it out. Take the rubber band off. How long would it last without turning brown . You have until lunchtime. Thats great. You go that way, i will go this way. This is a salad that you can prepare and take with you. It wont get soggy. Right. I love taking salad to the work place. Soggy salads are the worst. Its all about strategic layering. In a mason jar, you put the dressing on the bottom. Dressing on the bottom. Leafy greens on top. Hard vegetables like carrots right above the dressing because they wont a sosh it. Grains, beans and proteins, cheeses, tuna, anything like that. When youre ready to eat it, you shake it into a bowl. The best thing is this keeps really well all week. On sunday, you can make salads for the week. Is there a nobel prize for salad preparation . This could win it. It looks so good. Finally you have a pocket pizza. Yes. A pepperoni pocket pizza. My friend put this one on her youtube with ultimate hacks. This is genius. You have a tor till la. Spread sauce on it. This is healthier and more delicious than the frozen p premade stuff. Cheese, maybe some which he had lar. Pepperoni slices. Fold it like a burrito, pop it in the microwave for a minute or two. They can take it right to school. Good for college kids or a busy weeknight meal. Good ideas. Katie quinn, good to have you here. For more head to today. Com food. More hacks in the next hour. Before that, friday night lights, 25 years later. The man behind the phenomenon reveals what happened to the High School Football stars in the best seller. And carole king live on the plaza. First, this is today on nbc. Its 8 44. It s been 24 years since Buzz Bissinger shined a light on football in west texas. Friday night lights was a book, movie and television series. Buzz went back to visit six members of the panthers he originally profiled. He writes about the embassy appearance in a new edition of the book. Buzz, good morning. Nice to have you here. Good morning. Was it the plan always to go back on the 25th . It wasnt. Often you do it by email, phone. I wanted to see the kids face to face. It was an important part of my life. Did you have expectations of what would have happened in the players lives . Some i could have predicted, some not. Some of its great to see them. In one case it was tragic. Lets talk about the tragic case. Miles was a star player but got injured in the preseason. Right. What happened . One of the reasons the books endured is because of miles. A black running back from the wrong side of town. Not a lot of money. He was basically treated as a football animal. It was his only skill in life. When he got hurt before his senior season that was it. He was cast aside. He had no academics, no underpinnings. The result when i saw him was hes in prison. I have to say i wasnt surprised. Does he talk about the days and being featured in the book . He talks about those days in a bittersweet way. He liked the book because the book was honest in terms of parents living through their kids. Its bittersweet. I think the movie you know, the exposure is a doubleedged sword. You get the exposure but you are who you are. One of the guys you wrote about in the book, don billingsley, the renegade did drugs, drank alcohol. 25 years forward, how did he turn out . Hes done great. The worst barometer of future success is high school. I thought he would be road kill, the first to end up dead. Don did get religion. Had a close friend who committed suicide his freshman year in college and he woke up. Hes now a health care consultant. He looks great. Hes at his playing weight. Its unpredictable as to how the kids do. The public reacted in a positive way to what you wrote. I mentioned what it went on to become. The people in odessa had very, very mixed feelings about your finished product. Right. They were not happy with the way you described their culture. Right. The racial divide in town. Correct. When you went back was the tension still there. There is slight tension. Because of the movie they ignore me now. Folks, the book came first. They ignore me but im going back to do the book tour. I had to cancel it 25 years ago because of threats of bodily harm and two public venues wouldnt have me in odessa at a bookstore. They said, its too can he recall. I will not take back a word of what i wrote. As i say it and now that i know youre going back, has the culture changed . You can say it before you book your flight. The culture has changed. Winning creates obsession. They are no longer the Winningest Team in texas state history. There is not the fanaticism, but other places, not just in texas. All over the country. We care more and are more obsessed with sports in this country than ever before. It can be dangerous. One of my favorite books ever. I love your work. 25th Anniversary Edition of friday night lights available in stores today. Up next, a special performance on the plaza. Carole king live with the cast of the musical inspired by her life. But first on a tue announcer the toyota Concert Series on today brought to you by toyota. The Tonywinning Broadway show beautiful the carole king musical is ready to go on the road in september. Carole king is here with the cast including abby mueller and shynella kennedy, the women who play her. You have a broadway show. Here you are. Shylene will be in the national production. Im all over you guys are about to perform. You have seen the show a couple of times now. I finally did, yes. You have never performed together, have you . No. Not until now. Are you nervous . Im really excited. Its just incredible. I have seen you and your rendition of carole king on broadway. Did you give tips to abby . Shell be fabulous, amazing. You are being honored this fall, Kennedy Center honors. Yes. What does it mean to you . I dont know if you can have more accolades. Theres one more to add to the list. Thats a good one. There are so many great people. We dont have time for me to list them all. Great, great people. Why do you think the show has resonated so much with people . Why do you think its so popular . Not only the music. Its worth coming just to hear the incredible songs but the story of her life, its very moving i think to all generations and to men and women. Earthmoving, one might say. Come on i feel the earth move . Get it . Can i get an amen . What are you singing now . Earth moves see, its a segue. [ cheers and applause ] i feel the earth move under my feet i feel the sky tumbling down i feel my heart because its trembling whenever youre around ooh, baby when i see your face melle low as the month of may oh, darling i cant stand it when you look at me that way i feel the earth move under my feet i feel the sky tumbling down i feel my heart start trembling whenever youre around oh, darling when you are near me and you tenderly call my name i know that my emotions are something i just cant tame i feel the earth move i feel the earth move under my feet i feel the sky tumbling down a tumbling down i feel the earth move under my feet i feel the sky tumbling down tumbling down i feel the earth move under my feet. I feel the sky tumbling down tumbling tumbling i feel the earth move under my feet i feel the sky tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down come tumbling down [ cheers and applause ] carole king, thank you so much. Remember, beautiful heads out on tour. Check it out. Ladies, thank you so much. Can i Say Something . Al, be honest. We both had that suit. I had that suit carole had that dress. All right. Thank you so much. Its great to have you. We have Willard Scott with birthday wishes. Take a look. Hey, you gang in new york. You have to try orchards finest from smuckers, their new jelly and jam. Unbelievable. I mean it. Grandma couldnt make it better. Franklin, tennessee, googoo candy bars are big down there and so is bonnnie bennett. Likes to play word search. We wish her the best of everything. Edna jackson, you are something from cleburne, texas. 100 years old today. One thing she loves to do in life is bowl. Cant beat it. Good exercise. Roger robinson, hello, roger from new orleans, louisiana. Hes 100 today. His hobby is growing okra and tomatoes. Mix it together and its delicious. August di gregory from ft. Wayne, indiana. Thats where Johnny Appleseed is buried. He loves a little bit of red wine at night to sleep tight. Having a great time. Hope you are. Bestlooking bunch on tv in new york city. Willard, thank you very much. Did i show you my signed tapestry album . At was really great, nbc 10 news starts now. Im tracy davidson. Your first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Tracy, we start off with showers, but the clouds have thinned out and now were enjoying lots of sunshine. See plenty of sunshine at lincoln financial field. That sunshine will be around through the day. Its already warm in south philadelphia, up to 79 degrees, 77 in trenton, and 76 in wilmington and the numbers will head well into the 80s this afternoon, but as the temperatures go up, those winds kicking in delivering less humid air, making for a cool, pleasant evening. A suspicious Death Investigation continues today in new castle county. Skyforce 10 over the scene at a business on st. Clair drive before 11 00 last night. Someone called police after spotting a black audi sitting idle for an unusually long period of time and when the officers got there they found a man dead in the drivers seat. Another group of firefighters from this area headed out wests to the front lines of raging wildfires there. Firefighters with the new Jersey Forest Fire Service are travel fog a desperate situation in california. This video is the first group who headed out west about two weeks ago. They joined the effort to stop fires that have burned thousands of acres in six states now. Back here at home, take a look at this, an intersection still closed because of a big sinkhole that opened up yesterday at the corner of tulip and huntington streets in philadelphias kensington neighborhood. Skyforce 10 over the scene. Officials say a broken water pipe caused the sinkhole. We took video of the sinkhole at ground level. At that time crews were working to restore Water Service to the area. Were working to find out how long it will take to repair the hole and reopen the intersection. Another update in 25 minutes and always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 news app. This morning on todays take, Pierce Brosnan on no escape and who he thinks should be the next james bond. Plus edward burns is here with his novel public morals and feel the earth move with a performance by the great carole king, coming up now. Announcer from nbc news this is todays take with al roker, willie geist, tamron hall and natalie morales, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Big crowd on the plaza for the great carole king who just finished a performance. Well have another song this hour. Im willie with tamron and al roker is back. Natalie has the morning off. How was it . It was fun. We went to do the travel channel 5050 thing with a couple off the plaza. I have never been hotter and not my looks. Being on the beach on friday i was drinking a gallon and a half of water per hour. Never had to go to the bathroom. Wow. It was humid. It was brutal. There is a reason they dont allow workers out in direct sunlight between noon and 3 00. We started the show at 3 00 their time. So it cooled off dramatically. This as we listen to your jam by lion babe jump hi. I dont know if we have a photo. The lead singer is the daughter of Vanessa Williams. This is gillian, part of lion babe. She performed at the astro pump festival in weekend. Her mother so proud. When i tell you to put it on your play list its absolutely Vanessa Williams i cant get past the morning jam graphic. Is that what you were laughing at . Its new. Inspired by bit moji. Get it. Its the most important thing. Tamron has been showing us grace jones performances. We have had an exciting few days. Grace jones, by the way, two people asked me who is grace jones. They were both under 40. Matt lauer said, grace jones, icon from the 70s. Shes about 70 tall. Beautiful. She was only wearing body paint. I got trapped in front of her. Were you in times square . Brooklyn. It was like times square. We are always on our phones. I was busy trying to record grace jones. Shes on a mans shoulder. I was grace jones roadkill. The video down here. The video isnt safe for tv because she only has body paint. I dont know what to say. It was amazing. Beautiful woman. 67. She hula hooped a song, walked off stage, still hula hooping. What a show. Body paint. Like when im 67. Grace jones in body paint. We are going to do springsteen, listen to thunder road, i think. I cant hear it. Yes. The great classic album born to run turns 40. No way. It was released august 25, 1975. Check out the track listing. Thunder road, 10th avenue freeze out, knife back street, born to run, shes the one, meeting across the river, jungle land. Eight for eight. Unbelievable. Happy birthday born to run. I saw him in concert. He looks amazing. Oh, my gosh. He looks better now than 40 years ago. He looked amazing then and now. Proportionately, this guy. Can you pull the album cover back up . Thats handsome personified. Look at him. Yes. Look at his hair, his beard. Anybody whos been to a show knows he plays for three hours without stopping. Amazing, brilliant. So flexible. What does that mean . The grace jones story . He bent backwards on his knees and was parallel with the floor, lying on the floor. He looks athletic. Were you hanging out . I said, bruce, can you he did the backwards bridge thing. I learned it from bruce. You were hanging out with owen wilson. We have Pierce Brosnan in a minute to talk about no escape which is a thrill ride. I sat down with the star of the movie. Well air it tomorrow. He talked about his father with alzheimers. He talked about it publically during the press. It was great to sit down. I loved him first of all. The comedic actor is great. He was so sweet talking about what his dad meant to him and luke wilson, his brother. Just a warm, deep conversation. Well play it tomorrow. So great to open up, hear your celebrity. You want your private life private but you hope it can help other people. Exactly. Thats incredible. What about you . And tennis, little miss backhand. Thats my nickname on the street. This is me yesterday playing with Serena Williams. Thats match point. Let me be clear. I had never touched a tennis racket, played tennis. Two of our producers, i will tell you more. Well do a quick interview with pete sampras, roger federer, andre agassi and Serena Williams and then well have you play a round. There were thousands of people. Serena actually heckled me. Oh. She said, dont you know how to do a backhand. I was like, do you know how to read a teleprompter . I do sometimes, serena. I bet on serena. She loves the show. Shes an i. D. Addict. She stays home all the time to watch crime shows. Interesting factoid. Well air the interview. I have to tell you, talk about the quality of a person and who they are, pete sampras, andre agassi, the whole time, the most important thing they wanted to talk about was their children. Pete has two kids. Of course andre has a girl and a boy with steffi. Thats a barometer for all things. It was beautiful. Well show me winning the tennis match. Willie was supposed to be my doubles partner. I was with owen. You could have done both. You didnt have game. You know, crying makes you feel better. Who says that. A study. People who sobbed during a movie felt happier 20 minutes late than those who didnt cry. Is this a credible study . I have no idea. Researchers say that crying actually changes your brain chemistry. If you are in the movies and it makes you cry, you will feel better. I was told this is a university in the netherlands. They are well known for their studies. Ever been to amsterdam . I saw architecture. I love how your voice went up. What movie makes you cry . Beaches. It sends me, like, into the ugly cry with mascara, fake lashes. I melt. I look like a little boy because the makeup is gone. Whats yours . I went with the last scene in saving private ryan where matt damon morphs into the old man at the American Cemetery and asks his wife, tell me i have been a good man. He wants to know if his life has been worth the effort and death of those Great American men. Gets me every time. Frequency with dennis quaid. Hes a father, a firefighter. Dies fighting a fire. They are talking via ham radio over time and space. I just lost my dad. It was thats an under rated movie. Its terrific. That will send me to tears in this one. Pierce mr. Brosnan hi what sends you into tears . This show. Yeah, this show. I said that without moving my lips. Good morning, everyone. Bridges of madison county. Oh yeah. When she reaches for the door handle. Ooh. We need tissue and drinks. Have a drink. We are doing the weather here for a minute. Can you put the weather up in there . Let pierce try to there you go. Oh, dear. Tsunami. Big swell here. Coming up. Then it will clear up and, al, i need help, please. Im coming over right now. This is going around and around. We have a Tropical Storm. This is erika. 750 miles east of the Leeward Islands moving west at 20 Miles Per Hour. That was hawaii. They are still getting wet weather. Three to five inches. Now we are watching are you going to the bahamas . No, no. Its headed that way. Erika. By monday morning a category 1 storm making its way sunday morning, i should say. They will be left with that. You were fantastic. Thank you. Thats al roker. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers are out of the picture. Clouds clearing out. Skies becoming nice and sunny. And its going to be a warm afternoon. But the humidity drops during the day. Afternoon temperatures well into the 80s. Tomorrow morning, a cool falllike start. 50s. In the suburbs 61 in center city. Just 85 in the afternoon with low humidity that will continue for thursday, friday and saturday. Well be warmer on saturday and then in the very low 90s sunday and monday. Have a great day. I just did the weather with james bond is he the most dashing man on the planet . Still doing the weather. No escape. Can i come over and join you . Not yet. So close. Hes one of the smoothest action stars on the planet and one of the worst meteorologists. Be honest. Pierce brosnan is back on the big screen in no escape. Well talk about that, a possible bond reunion and whatever he wants to talk about after this. Its his world. Its his world. Were just living in it. Isnt it beautiful when things just come together . Build a beautiful website with squarespace. So whgetting better dental checkups than me, i decided to go pro. With crest prohealth advanced. My mouth is getting healthier. My teeth are getting stronger. This crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. Great checkup. You forgot the milk thats lactaid. Right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So you can drink all you want. With no discomfort . Exactly. Here, try some. Mmm, it is real milk. See . Delicious. Hoof bump oh. Right here girl, boom. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. And for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. Is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners. Were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Start shopping online. From a list of top rated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Brandois heaven in a jar. Thats because our ingredients come from. Farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils. Blended with ingredients like cagefree eggs. Mmm. Heaven. Real ingredients. Thats how were working to bring out the best. Started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. sniff honey, isnt that the dogs towel . dog noise hey, mi towel, su towel. More scent plus oxi boost and febreze. Its our best gain ever who thrives on the unexpected. Haha shall we dine . [ chuckle ] you wouldnt expect an Insurance Company to show you their rates and their competitors rates, but thats precisely what we do. Going up nope, coming down. And if you switch to progressive today, you could save an average of over 500 bucks. Stop it. So call me today at the number below. Or is it above . Dismount oh, and he sticks the landing we kept the poor man waiting long enough. Doing the weather. Hes dashing, charming and a man of mystery and not just al roker. Pierce brosnan plays james bond in four of the films from 1995 to 2002. We all remember his vocals getting a workout in the big screen version of mama mia. Oh. Dont go there. Were sorry. Pierce is now back in action in no escape. He meets a family in a political uprising trying to calm their fears. Take a look. My daughter gave me this the last time i saw her. Then she said, nothing bad would ever happen to me as long as i wear it. I would like you to take it. Okay . Okay . Youre safe now. No matter what, okay . What about bea . Well work for both of you. Stay quiet. Stay fast. Stay close. Those are the calmer moments of the movie. It is unbelievable. Youre with owen wilson and lake bell known for comedic roles. This is an intense, grab you by the throat as you describe thriller. They were more than up to the task. They do a magnificent job. Owen and lake are outstanding in this film. Those little girls are incredible, too. We shot this about two christmases ago. In thailand. It was an amazing experience, really good. The young writer, director of the film were incredible. We talked to lake yesterday and got to talk to owen as well. One of the niethemes was the ma bear and papa bear instincts. If you have children particularly, you cant get off the edge of your seat. You are panicstricken for a lot of the movie. Its a testament to the writer, directors. Drew and john and to the performances within this. My character hammond comes to the rescue. He dips in and out. It was very good. I had days off. Thats what i look for in a script. Days off. Thats amazing. Its such a physical movie. I was watching it. I have to selfishly admit the entire time i kept thinking whats it like to have pierce put a necklace on you and tell you that youll be safe. Tamron, pull yourself together. Thank you very much. I just kept thinking that. Is it true that you vowed never to give up your accent for a movie role and this is something you would not do. Is that true . Maybe i said that a long time ago. You say silly things in interviews at times. Just to fill the space. We are learning so much here. This guy, ginger baker, i designed him on ginger baker. I watched a documentary. I was reading the script on the plane. I said, how do i do this character . Whats the voice . That became the voice of hammond. Thats fascinating, isnt it . So glad i told you that. What else . Could have been ginger rogers. Is there any more james bond in your future . Do you see anything else down the road for you . No. Thats another mans job now. Daniel does a brilliant job of it. This character is someone youre not sure if hes a secret agent, mercenary, hes a desolate, broken fellow. But i just keep showing up as an actor. Thats what you want. You want to stay at the table as long as you can. Grow into yourself so to speak. And find days off. Go home with my girl. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. No escape hits theaters tomorrow. Go check it out. Up next, forget cutting off the crusts. We are kicking off your kids school lunch with really cool hacks that will ensure that they are going to eat lunch when youre not around, after this. Crisp garden vegetables. Fresh local milk, real cream. And no artificial flavors. Now you know why nothing else tastes like philadelphia® garden vegetable. 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Matts gotten used to the funk yup, hes gone noseblind. He thinks it smells fine, but his wife smells this. Luckily for all your hardtowash fabrics theres febreze fabric refresher febreze doesnt just mask, it eliminates odors youve gone noseblind to break out the febreze, and breathe happy epic music plays throughout clangs grunts bang gogurt. Whatever it takes to get it all. Did you know theres a sensodyne® toothpaste that actually repairs sensitive teeth and helps whiten tooth enamel . Try sensodyne® repair and protect whitening toothpaste. Its clinically proven ingredient builds a repairing layer over the sensitive areas to help protect you from pain. Plus, its specially formulated to help remove surface stains to whiten your enamel. Help protect your teeth from sensitivity pain and get a whiter, brighter smile with sensodyne® repair and protect whitening toothpaste. From the 1 dentist recommended brand for sensitive teeth. Announcer hack to school brought to you by Nature Valley granola bars. Nature comes in many flavors. Back now with our hack to school series. Your kid will be counting the hours to lunch. We have easy and fun ideas. Dustin chabell is the host of mad genius tips on food tv. Youre going to make lunch fun. Fresh and new. Well make our everyday sandwiches and take fun cookie cutters in all different shapes and cut it through the sandwich. Go as close to the crust as possible. Right. Then take it out and you get awesome shapes. Well do stars, little leaves. The kids can do their own. You pack them in awesome bentostyle boxes. How about keeping it cold . Yes. Some of the boxes come with ice packs. But dont fret if you dont have one. Take an ordinary clean sponge, soak it in water, throw it in a resealable plastic bag in the freezer and you have this. Brilliant. Pop it in the lunch tote. Keeps everything chilly. This is amazing. Slow down. Im sorry. This stays frozen inside the lunchbox . By the time lunch is over it will be defrosted and they can use it to wipe their hands. Yogurt parfait. We take plastic light jars, yogurt, granola, blueberries. By lunch its defrosted and delicious. Is this plastic . Pop it in the freezer. For the older kids, larger jars for salad. It has an awesome little container for your dressing. If you get the small ones you can throw in hummus, ranch dressing, crudites. And invisible ink. You take a push pin, write on it. Dont go too deep. You can do i lo you be happy. Its a secret message. I see you. I see what your doing. Thats frightening. Big brother. Thanks so much. Today. Com parents. Find the video and tips for Packing School lunches. Up next, ed burns coming up up next, ed burns coming up i cant find my way through the trees so so so so dont dont dont dont wait wait wait wait for for for me me me me me me me to get home nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. Lets get your first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Tracy, sunshine is nice and bright, temperatures climbing and the wind shifted so dry air is pushing back into the area after a muggy morning. See a look at the sunshine over Lake Wallenpaupack in the pocono mountains. Winds 6 miles an hour in the pocono mountains and philadelphia. The winds will take over for the area later today. 78 degrees in northeast philadelphia, the poconos still in the 60s, and well warm into the upper 70s for philadelphia, its 80s this afternoon. From our Jersey Shore Bureau on strike watch because the main Casino Workers Union threatening to walk out of the trump taj mahal. The union says it will load a storage trailer needed for supplies and will train workers. They want the taj to restore Health Insurance and pensions. A bankruptcy judge okayed eliminating them last fall. The casino plans to stay open during the strike. The trump taj mahal is the only one of the casinos that did not show a profit in the Second Quarter of this year. Posted a 28 increase in gross operating profit. The borgata made the most. Well, this is what a new sea wall connecting the Atlantic City boardwalk to margate will look like. Construction crews started phase one last week. The seawall will reconnect the south inlet with the north. The First Time Since 1944 when a hurricane damaged it. The 50 million project is expected to be finished by the end of 2017. Im tracy davidson. Well have another update in 25 minutes. You can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. Its a free download, check it out. Back to the today show. Have a great day. Taking a look all the the headlines as the stock market opens this morning anxious eyes on wall street after mondays wild ride that enned with a 588point nose dive by the dow. The market downturn is pegged largely to an economic slow down in china. Stocks were down there again today. They rebounded in other asian markets and in europe. Forget the shot. What if you can get a vaccine by taking a pill . Its probably not going to happen in the near future. But a series of new studies shows solid progress for a flu vaccine in a new form. The vaccine would prevent the virus even as it constantly mutates. One expert said more work is needed but they find this to be encouraging news. And safety regulators are investigating that some newer jeep suvs can roll away after drivers put them in park. The probe covered grand cherokees from the 2014 and 2015 model years. Safety officials have received 14 complaints from drivers including five crashes and three injuries. Investigators will determine how often it happens before deciding to seek a recall. The nations personal trainer could be in for a wave of change to transform the industry. Regulators in washington, d. C. Are preparing new rules to create standards and registry for personal trainers in the nations capital. Those rules could become a model by other cities and states and other personal Training Services become eligible for coverage around the Affordable Care act. And the National Park service is celebrating a birthday. Its 99 today. To celebrate it is offering free entry atle all 408 National Parks today. About 127 of the parks usually charge an entrance fee. Video of an escape artist exhibit is gaining steam on the internet. The red ball art project rolled away from handlers near the Toledo Museum of art over the weekend. Eventually they caught it. Thats spectacular. But now some other people are having fun with this. They have created a new version of the incident by turning the ball into you see it there a giant tomato. Thats great. Oh, man. Al has the weather. It doesnt get better than that. Lets see whats happening today. Wet weather along the southeastern Atlantic Coast and thunderstorms through new england. Monsoon moisture through the southwest. The fires continuing to create smoky conditions. Tomorrow, more of the same and temperatures heat up. We have red flag warnings in the Pacific Northwest. The monsoonal moisture continues in the southwest. Beautiful and cooler weather from the great lakes to the no good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. Showers are out of the picture. Clouds clearing out. Skies becoming nice and sunny. And its going to be a warm afternoon. But the humidity drops during the day. Afternoon temperatures well into the 80s. Tomorrow morning, a cool falllike start. 50s. In the suburbs 61 in center city. Just 85 in the afternoon with low humidity that will continue for thursday, friday and saturday. Well be warmer on saturday and then in the very low 90s sunday and monday. Have a great day. And thats your latest weather. Al, thank you very much. These tv dinners will in just a second. A show getting a lot of it. The nypd in the 60s. The streets of new york are riddled with crime but his toughest case is his son. When you were born my hope, my dream is you, my oldest son would grow up to be an [ bleep ]. And you have done that. It makes me proud. You know, you cant imagine the joy i felt sitting in the classroom listening to sister paul and hearing the stories about what a fool you are with your asinine jokes and comments. I was hoping i was doing a good job raising a complete imbecile and you have shown me that my hard work paid off. So i just want to thank you for that. Oh, wow. Good morning. Tough love. Here is the best part of the scene. That happened with you and your dad. Word for word, me and my dad when i was in the 7th grade. He got called up to school. I come in the house and hes waiting for me. Not a good sign. No, no. She said get in the car. He said we go into the classroom. My teacher explains what i have been up to. We get back in the car. We pull up outside. He put it is car in park. He delivers the speech. Continued to dinner where he asked, tell us some of the funny jokes that got the class all riled up. Im like this. When i show him the script for the pilot he says, you forgot the third scene in the pilot. That night when he comes into the bedroom and says, you have a choice to make. There is a fork in the road. You can be a good kid or continue down the path. The kid remembers getting dressed down. The life lesson. The moral. We have to explain why you provided dinner for us or lunch here. You cook it yourself. We are busy in the back room. The show takes place in the 60s. Tv dinners were popular back then. You guess. It was a staple. This is what weve got. I love that youre diving in. Im in. For season 2 could you make the trays . Absolutely. This is a passion project for you. You have been trying to get it done for 15 years. When making private ryan my dad and uncle, retired comes, came to visit the set. They were telling us stories about being a come in the 50s, 60s. With steven spielberg. Steven said, you need to make a movie about those guys. When we wrapped Ryan Dreamworks hired me to write the script. I wrote my attempt at an irishamerican godfather, family saga set against the police department. We tried for a couple of years to get it made for a number of reasons couldnt get it made. Flash forward 17 years, tnt asks if im interested in making a tv show. I had this idea to revisit that type of story, not the same script. After i wrote the pilot i sent it to steven who has remained a mentor in my life since private ryan. I think hell give me notes on the script but surprises me and says this is terrific. I want to help you get it made, why doesnt amblin come on as executive producers. Wow. I recognize how lucky i am to have steven in my corner. When you do, folks have a lot of faith in him, therefore me and the vision of the show. Tnt really left us alone to make the show we wanted to make. Nice. Which is rare. I understand you have already started working on season 2. But it hasnt been green lit. I suspect it will be. All signs indicate we are moving in the right direction. Tonight is the big premiere. We do a nice big number and we are guaranteed. We want the tv trays. Everybody watch. Angling for the tv trays. We are huge fans. The show is incredible. Cant wait for the public to see it. Public morals tonight on tnt. The first four episodes available on demand tomorrow. You can binge watch the first four. Im sorry. You cant add that. I cant . And eat your vegetables. Be a role model. When we go to commercial. We have pearl onions in here. He brought us food without eating. Up next, a new trend. All the summer trends that you said, i really want to try but you havent gotten to it. The summer trends you can get in before fall including a tattoo. Thats a tat. Can i get a neck tat . Can i get a neck tat . Well be right i did it. Can i get a neck tat . Well be right i did it too. They took natures bounty hair, skin and nails, its a Vitamin Supplement that nourishes from the inside. With biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. And vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. Give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails dont look and feel more beautiful, well give you your money back. I did it. And i feel beautiful. Take the natures bounty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit naturesbounty. Com for details. In delicious gummies too new buttermilk Crispy Chicken . Of our lets find out. Its probably the best sandwich ive ever had. Its super crispy but also really juicy. So would you guys come back . Yes. Heres our card. Its mcdonalds . Get out of here. Try some buttermilk Crispy Chicken. Its right around the corner, at mcdonalds. My Psoriatic Arthritis im caused joint pain. O golfer. Just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Can go side by side. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, the number one rheumatologistprescribed biologic. Craving the taste of chocolate but watching calories . Introducing light fit greek with chocolate on top. So chocolatey good. You wont believe its 100 calories. Try new light fit greek chocolate on top. Nas every blade adjustst swirto your curves. Venus swirl, with contour blades that have six times more flexibility. Plus a flexiball. Flawless shaving, bones, bends and all. Venus swirl. You say avocado old el paso says. Zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand n stuff tortillas. record scratch you say stand n stuff tortillas old el paso says. Start somewhere fresh moms knowafter brushing, mouths often need a helping hand. Listerine® total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. And for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. Choosing a wireless plan can be complicated. So verizon made one simple plan with four sizes that you can switch at any time. Small. Medium. Large. And extra large. If you need less data, pick small. If you need more, go with extra large. A whopping 12 gigs for 80 a month and 20 per phone. One plan, four sizes. Its the simple way to get the best network. Only at verizon. If you have been tempted to try a hot new hair color or temporary tattoo there is still time. Here to show us how to rock summer styles before fall is upon us, beauty and lifestyle exit, good the see you. Good to see you. We have all said i want to try that before summer ends. Summer is about to wrap up. Time to launch into trends. Tattoos. Beyonce is popular. These are everywhere. Everyone who wants to can use these tattoos. They are temporary, last about four days. We see metallic because they are jewelry inspired. This is from beyonces line. Lana has one on. They are easy and cool. You can use the water Colors Available at kohls. Theyre about 5. I like those. I wear a lot of ear cuffs. I look like an alien but this is one of my own. I have a couple different ones here. Full disclosure, an hour in, they hurt but they look good for an hour. They do. No substitute for hoops and studs wu it is a statement piece, cool for a quick party. You dont want to wear them all day. Still in style for fall . Absolutely. You can pair them with all kinds of clothing. The bling looks the same. It looks great. This is from bauble bar. I have some from there. Colored hair extensions. Everyone is doing it from kylie jenner to gwen stefani. Look how natural it looks. It looks like her hair. Or Kylie Jenner Kylie went blond. For her 18th birthday she pulled one of these. Mine isnt right. You know. Okay. So, really, is this a joke . Can people pull this off . People can pull it off and you dont damage your hair or spend a ton of money at the salon. Kim kardashian said bleaching her hair damaged it. I love the blue. Especially with black hair. I love lashes. I acquired a taste for them. I practice putting them on regularly. Is this a trend . Totally a trend. Better than lash extensions. Much more affordable. Takes practice. Put the mirror on the table and look down. Thats a good tip. Youre a pro. Last the jump suit trend. Can we rock it into fall . Summer jump suits are hot. Perfect for fall with a sweater, add booties. For your lip, go a little bit darker for fall. Very nice. Easy to transition. They are on sale now since its the end of summer. Ill rock the wig this weekend. Thank you so much. Thank you, tamron. Enjoy summer fashions. Enjoy the grammy winning singing of carole king performing her hit natural woman which is the hit natural woman which is the opposite of what i am we dont need that many bags. Eat some more pasta. Certainly. Low prices. Every day. On everything. For whatever you put your heart into. Kelloggs® frosted. 8 layers of wheat. And one thats sweet. To satisfy the adult. And kid in all of us. Nutritious wheat for the adult youve grown into. And delicious sweet for the kid youll never outgrow. Feed your inner kidult. With frosted miniwheats® and now you could win up to a hundred dollars when you buy any specially marked kelloggs cereal. When people say im lucky to have this hair, i thank them. Then i really thank preference. Preference is luminous. Fadedefying color that lasts. Golden and warm and luminescent. Luminous color isnt luck. Its preference. Loreal. Haircolorist. Paris. Time for a new routine. Eartburn flareups . Try nexium® 24hr. The latest choice for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection. Iand im jerry bell the third. Im like a big bear and hes my little cub. This little guy is nonstop. Hes always hanging out with his friends. Youve got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. Theres no deep couch sitting. Definitely not good for my back. This is the part i really dont like right here. doorbell whats that . A package its a swiffer wetjet. It almost feels like its moving itself. This is kind of fun. That comes from my floor . Eww this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting ooh pizza rolls ahh theyre ready make summer awesummer with totinos pizza rolls. And get a free movie ticket when you spend 10. Dove body wash with a after just breakthrough formula. Just one shower gives you softer, smoother skin. My skin is really silky smooth. Dove body wash. Softer, smoother skin after just one shower. Look more like a tissue box. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. Bestest sandwich . Ay footlong the biggest, you do. cause its all about your choice. Of freshly baked bread. Tender meats, melty cheeses, and everything in between. The handcrafted subway footlong. Its got your name all over it. To a mouthwash had to burn. Ink then i went pro with crest prohealth mouthwash. Go pro with crest prohealth. Its formulated to target and kill 99 of germs without the burn of alcohol. So you move to a healthier mouth from day one. Announcer the toyota Concert Series on today brought to you by toyota. Shes been making the earth move and now from beautiful the musical, carole king singing her hit natural woman. Looking out on the morning rain i used to feel uninspired and when i knew id have to face another day lord, it made me feel so ti d tired before the day i met you life was so unkind youre t your love was the key to my peace of mind you make me feel you make me feel you make me feel like a natural woman oh, baby what youve done to me what youve done to me you make me feel so good inside good inside and i just want to be close to you you make me feel so alive you make me feel you make me feel you make me feel like a natural woman you make me feel you make me feel you make me feel like a natural woman a natural woman wow the great carole king. Thank you. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. Sounds better than ever. Wow. [ cheers and applause ] you talk about a show. That was fun. Pierce brosnan doing the weather. Tv dinners with ed burnes, closing with carole king natural woman. Stay tuned to watch kathie lee and hoda. The best of home show. With the Property Brothers and Barbara Corcoran gearing up for a curb appeal show. And barbara is crazy. Shes crazy about you. In all the best ways. And a Million Dollar listing, jeff altman. Hes fun to watch. All of that after your local news and weather. Have a great day. Hey. Thats for hoda. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. A sunny and warm morning. Lets get details from meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Its warming up nicely with bright sunshine, even at the shore. The crowd is growing in cape may. Live view from the marquis de lafayette hotel. Philadelphia looking at sunny skies and temperatures that are already in the 80s. 82 degrees. Look at the humidity coming down nicely and the wind is calm right now but its going to be picking up in the west northwest bringing in drier air. The humidity will fall as the temperatures climb into the upper 80s today. New video in to nbc 10 shows a suspect wanted for shop lifting at a cam ken county rite aid stores. Authorities say it happened june 27th on the store in gloucester township. The guy concealed about 280 of items under his jacket in his counter. They say he went to the counter, claimed he forget his wallet and set off the security system. Civil rights attorneys plan to call for intervention in the deadly policeinvolved shooting in Cumberland County. Show me your hands. Show me your [ bleep ] hands. This was the video from that traffic stop in Cumberland County last december. Police shot and killed jer rain reid after they say he defied orders and got out of the car. Last thursday a jands grand jury decided not to indiet the officers. The officers are on administrative leave with pay. Im tracy davidson. Another update in 25 minutes and get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. Its a free download. Thanks for watching. Tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, book an appointment. And three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. Find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. From studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Photono take me home its a miracle, i like that. Thats cash something . Cash cash. I like cash cash. You know what it is besides boozeday tuesday, besides august 25 . Its regiss 84th birthday. Happy birthday, reeg. We love that youre

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