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Announcer from nbc news World Headquarters in new york this is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Good evening. The random killing of a young woman along San Franciscos picturesque embarcadero last week has given new fuel to a particularly bitter debate going on in this country about illegal immigration. The man charged in her shooting is an undocumented immigrant from mexico. A fact quickly seized upon by republican president ial candidate donald trump. Trump has faced a blistering backlash over some recent comments he made about mexican immigrants and crime. And now he says the San Francisco shooting has proved hes right. But does it . Tonight National Correspondent Peter Alexander on the emotion and the facts. Reporter kate steinlys random death as she was walk with her father on San Franciscos famed embarcadero last week first stunned a family. There was a pop, and kate went down. Reporter now its ading fuel to a national debate. Francisco sanchez, the convicted felon who federal Officials Say had been deported five times to mexico today in a jailhouse interview said he agreed with police that he shot and killed the 32yearold and doesnt remember everything. The only thing i can tell you is that i claim responsibility, he said. The shooting has ignited criticism of San Franciscos policy as a socalled sanctuary city that gives some protection to undocumented immigrants by barring authorities from asking about their immigration status. After being picked up for a drug warrant last march the department of Homeland Security says sanchez should have been turned over to federal immigration officials. Instead he was set free. Seizing the divisive issue of undocumented immigrants again today, donald trump who earlier tweeted his heartfelt condolences to the steinle family. Trumps words driving a wedge in a crowded republican field desperate to win latino voters. In a newly released statement he said the Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. The billionaire is still defending these inflammatory remarks from last month about undocumented mexican immigrants. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some i assume are good people. Reporter the fact is according to several recent studies an increase in immigrants including undocumented immigrants has resulted in lower, not higher crime rates. Its fueling walltowall coverage on spanish tv and fracturing the party. I salute donald trump for focusing on the need to address illegal immigration. Seize not a stupid guy. So i dont assume hes like he thinks that every mexican crossing the borders a rapist. Reporter unapologetic trump blasted jeb bush saying he doesnt understand anything about the border and border security. And today espn became the latest company to break ties with trump, announcing that its moving an upcoming celebrity golf event that was supposed to be held at one of trumps courses. The company saying diversity and inclusion are among its core values. Lester . Zblienktsz want to turn now to chuck todd nbc news political director and moderator of meet the press. Youve been working the phones. Whats the word among republicans . Well look theres no split on the fact they all think trumps doing damage. The split is what to do about it now and how serious the damage is. You have a big chunk of the party, leaders that i talked to associated both with president ials and nonpresident ials that say you know what this is going to burn itself out, this is like herman cain and 999 from four years ago. A year from now we wont be talking about it. There are other republicans who are worried that donald trump is going to be the new todd akin. Todd akin was a Senate Candidate in 2012 who said legitimate rape and started questioning what rape really was. Well that trumps name becomes synonymous for democrats a year from now to be able to say republican party, they dont like hispanics. All we have to do is point to donald trump. But the reason more arent speaking out, theyre afraid of really getting into a mud pit with donald trump because trump has no shame. Hell say whatever is necessary to beat you back. And it could end up embarrassing the candidate. Chuck, thanks very much. Theres late word tonight about a stunning reported admission from bill cosby. It comes from 2005 Court Documents but just unsealed by a judge which show cosby testifying that he obtained ced twiftzsedatives with the intention of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with. And thats not all. Nbcs joe fryer joins us now from our los angeles newsroom. Joe . Reporter good evening, lester. This information comes from a deposition in the mid 2000s which was made public today. At the time cosby was being sued by a woman who claimed she was drugged and sexually assaulted by cosby in the 1970s. Now, in this deposition bill cosby says he obtained quaaludes. Hes scad by an attorney when you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with . And cosby replied yes according to the deposition. Also asked about an encounter in las vegas, cosby said he met the woman backstage, saying i gave her quaaludes. We then had sex. This lawsuit was dismissed in 2006. Cosbys lawyers have fought to keep the documents from being released saying they would embarrass the comedian. More than two dozen women have now accused cosby of sexual assault, and some say they were drugged. Cosby denied the allegations and has never been criminally charged. We reached out to his attorneys for comment about this deposition and are waiting to hear back. Lester . Joe fryer tonight. Thank you. Now to another major story were following. The violent fourth of july weekend in chicago. Ten people are dead. At least 54 others injured. Tonight Chicagos Police chief telling nbc news gun laws in his city are too weak. Nbcs Kevin Tibbles reports. Reporter this is 7yearold ammari brown, gunned down while watching fireworks with his family. Killed by a bullet that was intended for his father who police say is a gang member with a lengthy criminal arrest record. Late this Afternoon Police superintendent Gary Mccarthy said his city remains in the grip of a gun because gun laws here are more lax than elsewhere. Its very similar in a lot of urban environments across the country. But if youre looking for Law Enforcement and the police to reduce gun violence the system has to back that up. Reporter today an emotional mayor rahm emanuel said he was horrified by this weekends killing spree. Zblim i am both saddened and sickened by what happened. Reporter the fear of violence haunts lula hill. She lives on chicagos south side and worries for the safety of her sons. When we hear gunshots they tell us stay away from the window. Reporter reverend Aubrey Phillips organized groups over the weekend to walk the streets and identify problems. Today we met in inglewood, one of the citys most dangerous sections. They stepped up and did what we asked them to do. Which was what . Tell them to put that gun down. Reporter he wants the communities to be the eyes and ears. Its not okay for shooters to be normal in our community. Its not okay. Black lives matter here too. All lives matter here. Reporter as chicago prepares to bury another innocent child, many are hoping it is the people in this community that will help prevent the next shooting. Lester . Kevin tibbles in chicago. Turning overseas now, where greece could be just days away from running out of money after voters said no to a bailout that would have come with some pretty big strings attached. The people of greece partied in the streets afterward, but once again woke up to long lines at atms, frightening economic uncertainty, and leaders without answers. As nbcs keir simmons reports from athens. Did you think there will be a deal . Can there be a deal . You hope so . Reporter greek leaders emerged today from a tense summit with one last offer. Europes divided leaders will consider it tomorrow. Is it a tough proposal in your view . Reporter just yards away street sweeper george kakanais fears he may not get paid friday. His wages have already been cut, he says. But still he voted no to europes set demands. So did most greeks. 61 hoping hard times will be over. For greeces Prime Minister the vote was a victory. He must now find a way forward. Greeks are suffering. The economy has shrunk 25 under european austerity. Comparable with americas great depression. Five years into that crisis the u. S. Was growing again. Greece is flatlining with no recovery in sight. There is a line at the atm there. Another one just here. And in the same street further down. This country is visibly running out of money. Reporter but what happens when the money runs out . Historically countries in this position have resorted to printing up ious. Those end up trading like a substitute currency. If greece does that theyre a step closer to leaving the euro which many economists believe would be a disaster. Reporter greece is facing disaster. Frightened but defiant. We are a proud group of people. Reporter we filmed him waiting in line. This atm stopped dispensing money. Tomorrow you think there will be no more money . No money. Reporter tomorrow is coming and no one here knows what it will bring. Greece and europe have been playing a game of chicken in this crisis each hoping the other will back down. But there are now warnings that atms here could run out of cash later tonight. If the politicians dont act quickly, events could overtake them. Lester . Carry simmons in athens. Thank you. The deadline for a final nuclear deal with iran is rapidly approaching. The parties have until tomorrow to reach an agreement, which has so far proven highly elusive. Nbc chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell has more now from vienna. Reporter behind the elegant facade of what was once a viennese palace time is running out on the iran talks again. Facing another deadline tomorrow today all the players sat down for the first time in months for a high stakes game of diplomatic poker. Iran has a weak hand. A crumbling economy. A population desperate for relief. Facing down the worlds last remaining superpower plus Europe Russia and china. At this point this negotiation could go either way. Reporter but today tehran revived another demand lifting a u. N. Ban on importing or exporting nonnuclear arms including ballistic missiles. This is an issue that apparently iran has imposed at the very end game of these negotiations and i think obviously its up to the United States and the europeans to say no. Were not going to go that far. Reporter so is the u. S. Prepared to fold its cards and come home . Would you walk away from it . If theres absolute intransigence, if theres an unwillingness to move on the things that are important, president obama has always said well be prepared to walk away. Reporter laying in wait critics in congress and in israel. What we see in vienna is not a breakthrough but more like a breakdown. Reporter the next deadline is midnight tomorrow as u. S. Officials worry that iran is trying to run up the score and run out the clock. Lester . All right. Andrea thank you. A warning today from president obama, who emerged from a pentagon briefing and called the fight against isis a generational struggle, saying it will take time to defeat this enemy. The president also said the u. S. Is stepping up efforts to combat online isis recruitment and encouraging countries with big muslim populations to increase Economic Opportunities for young people who could fall under the influence of isis. A major step from South Carolina lawmakers today amid the firestorm over the confederate flag. The state senate voted 373 to remove the flag from the grounds of the state house. Now the measure moves to the South Carolina house of representatives. Senators defeated another measure today that would have put the flag decision in the hands of voters. Pope francis is on the road again. The 78yearold pontiff on a weeklong trip to south america. Paying a visit to the faithful in ecuador, bolivia, and paraguay. For the pope a native of argentina, its almost like going home, and hes already drawing huge enthusiastic crowds. Nbcs Anne Thompson is with the pope in ecuador. Reporter it was so hot they had to hose down the crowd. Still close to a Million People endured the 90 degree temperatures to celebrate Pope Franciss first mass in ecuador. Featuring his famous spontaneity. [ speaking spanish ]. Reporter ecuadorians welcomed him like a native son. The first pope from latin america. Last night a curtain call by francis. After listening to the crowd chant his name for two hours, he came out and led them in prayer. Then asked them to go home so the neighborhood could sleep. Today at the shrine of divine mercy hands and cameras reached out for the pontiff. His attention went to a disabled woman on the martyr. One of the marginalized he often talks about. He said the best is yet to come for those who feel hopelessly lost. That would be anna one of 1,000 refugees a month fleeing the violence in neighboring colombia. Do you feel safer here in ecuador . A little, she says. She hopes the popes message of peace will one day help her go home. But despite the challenges there is tremendous joy. Here in northern quito a tent city has sprung up outside bicentennial park. Already people have spent one night out on the street and now theyre anticipating spending a second night in the open air. Luis torres got his spots last evening. Why sleep on the street . Street . There is the pope. Reporter an act of faith and pride for a man they see as one of their own. Anne thompson nbc news quito. There is a lot more to tell you about tonight. Still ahead, the nasty pileup at the Tour De France. About 20 riders all wipe out at once you know the importance of heart health. You watch your diet, excercise. And may take an omega3 supplement, such as fish oil. 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The grueling threeweeklong bike race. Out of nowhere there was one crash, then another, a violent Chain Reaction that likely changed the outcome of the race. Nbcs Kelly Cobiella has more. Theres a big crash. A big crash has gone down there. Reporter they tumbled head over handlebars at a speed nearing 30 miles an hour. At least 20 Tour De France cyclists slamming to the ground and into each other. Strewn across the race course bikes in pieces. French rider William Bonnet clipped another riders wheel, causing a Chain Reaction 33 miles from the finish line. Race leader Fabian Cancellara in the Yellow Jersey fell victim flying head first into a ditch. This is because of the high speed now and the nervousness. Reporter officials stopped the race for an unprecedented 25 minutes because there werent enough doctors and ambulances to respond to this crash and a second serious crash up the road. I cant remember anything as big as this causing the neutralization of the race. Reporter the Tour De France is notorious for challenging climbs punishing dimensions and crashes. Last year cyclists were dodging spectators taking selfies. This rider swatted a cell phone right out of a fans hand. American t. J. Van garderen even tweeted last year in the middle of the road back turned while 200 cyclists come at you . Please. Give us room. At least four riders were forced to drop out of the race today including cancellara who has broken bones in his back. The race continues tomorrow with competitors hoping for a clear course and a safe ride. Kelly cobiella nbc news london. Were back in a moment with the new price hike for your Morning Coffee and news from hollywood tonight. The loss of a legend. I called for help as soon as i saw her. I found her wandering miles from home. When the phone rang at 5am i knew it was about mom. I see how hard its been on her at work and i want to help. 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That was the whole point of us being here. A showbiz legend behind so many moments in music and movies has died. Hollywood sources reporting tonight that jerry weintraub, who produced such hits as the oceans eleven trilogy and the karate kid passed away at 77. He also promoted and managed for such music legends as frank sinatra, Elvis Presley and bob dylan. Condolences are already rolling in from such notables as former president george h. W. Bush and oceans star george clooney. Several racing fans are recovering this evening after they were injured at a horrific crash at last nights nascar race in daytona. Austin dillons car went airborne at 200 miles an hour slamming into the catch fence and showering the crowd with debris. Dillon was able to walk away with bruises but 13 fans were treated at the track. One had to be hospitalized. Starting tomorrow your Morning Coffee could be coming with an extra jolt. Starbucks says it is raising prices on some of its drinks by between 5 and 20 cents. Not a big jump perhaps but it comes at a time when the price of raw coffee is actually dropping. And just a year after another starbucks price hike. The company says it has to meet its expenses while providing maximum value to our customers. When we come back here tonight, the hat trick. She hit three goals to give the u. S. Its third world cup. What carli lloyd shared with us about team u when i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. I just had to adopt him. Hes older so he needs my help all day. When my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. Then my friend said try aleve. Just two pills, all day. And now, im back for my best bud aleve. All day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. Guys, its just the two of you. The setting is just right. 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Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Finally, its no exaggeration to call it one of the most Amazing Things to ever happen on the soccer field. The u. S. Now has the only womens team to ever win three world cups. Its americas first win since 1999 and these incredible athletes claimed it by coming out firing and never letting up. Heres nbcs jacob rascon. Reporter it was a game for the record books, some 25 million americans watching more than any other soccer game ever. Usa reporter with 20 million related facebook posts. What a win for team usa, president obama tweeted. Great game carli lloyd. Your country is so proud of you. Come visit the white house with the world cup soon. Team usa dominated from the start. Shot goal reporter midfielder carli lloyd scoring two goals in the first five minutes minutes, and the first ever hat trick in a World Cup Final in 16 minutes. Off post and in reporter a beaten japan scored twice. Thats a goal from this angle. Reporter but the americans finished 52. Jubilation in the stadium. The u. S. Wins reporter and cheers across the country. Even in the sky on a jetblue flight. It was history last night and it was an unbelievable feeling, a feeling and a memory well never, ever forget in our lives. And well cherish it forever. Reporter images from the field and the locker room capture the utter euphoria the overwhelming joy. Usa usa reporter victory for the best players in the world and what may prove to be a Pivotal Moment in sports history forever. Jacob rascon nbc news, vancouver. They made us proud. Thats going to do it for us on a monday night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. Extreme weddings and a break up. From the i dos to i donts. From the i dos to the i donts now on extra. Billy joel surprise wedding to a woman 33 years younger. Vanessa williams married again. All of the fourth of july weekend couples news. Who is Michael Strahans new girlfriend. Kourtney kardashian dumping scott disick after he spotted all over his ex. Ben affleck and jen garner their vacation postsplit. Kelly Kelly Rutherford finally reunited with her kids after her brutal International Custody battle. Its incredible. How long they have together before she has to send the kids back to their dad. Bachelor versus bachelor caitlyns frontrunner goes headtohead after she makes a stunning sex confession. I made a mistake. Michael douglas, paul rud and cast of ant man extra raw. Now on extra from Universal Studios hollywood the entertainment capital of l. A

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