LIVE FROM RABAT: SA Jared Kushner, Israeli NSA Meir Ben Shabbat & Morrocan FM Nasser Bourita deliver statements recapping historic day in Morocco.שידור ישיר מרבאט: היועץ לנשיא ארה״ב ג׳ארד קושנר, ראש המל״ל מאיר בן שבת ושר החוץ המרוקאי נאסר בוריטה מסכמים יום היסטורי.مباشرة من قصر الضيافة بالرباط، في استضافة الملك محمد السادس. مسؤولون أمريكيون، مغاربة و اسرائيليون يقفون جنباً إلى جنب، في لحظة تاريخية هامّة. Posted by U.S. Embassy Jerusalem on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 I'm proud to work at The Times of Israel I’ll tell you the truth: Life here in Israel isn’t always easy. But it's full of beauty and meaning. I'm proud to work at The Times of Israel alongside colleagues who pour their hearts into their work day in, day out, to capture the complexity of this extraordinary place. I believe our reporting sets an important tone of honesty and decency that's essential to understand what's really happening in Israel. It takes a lot of time, commitment and hard work from our team to get this right.