When: Warwick Township supervisors meeting, virtual, Feb. 17. What happened: As Township Manager Daniel Zimmerman prepares to retire at the end of the year, the supervisors approved a proposal to search for a new manager. The board authorized a proposal from the North Group for the manager selection process. Background: Chairperson Kenneth Eshleman is on the committee to find a replacement for Zimmerman. The committee also includes Logan Myers, Kelly Gutshall and Jeff Tennis. Whatâs next: The search process is set to begin in April or May, with plans to name Zimmermanâs replacement in September. Sixth Street extension: Zimmerman presented information on a plan calling for right in, right out access from Pierson Road to Route 772. A new road, Siegrist Farm Road, will be constructed off Pierson Road, directing traffic to Sixth Street and then to the roundabout at Route 772, Clay Road and the extended Sixth Street. Warwick Township plans to get bids in March and award contracts by April, with construction of Siegrist Farm Road to take place during the summer. There will be closure of Pierson Road for several months, with detours. When the project is completed, drivers will be able to only turn right from Pierson Road, heading east on Route 772. To go west, they will have to turn left to travel on the new Siegrist Farm Road.