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Warhammer Black Library pre-orders up for new upcoming novel
Warhammer Black Library pre-orders up for new upcoming novel
Warhammer Black Library pre-orders up for new upcoming novels and anthologies
Today Games Workshop announced a hefty number of new books will be up for pre-order in the Black Library, the lore library for all Warhammer fans.
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Richard Strachan ,
Chris Wraight ,
Nate Crowley ,
Tyler Valle ,
Augusta Santorus ,
Erasmus Crowl ,
Kruleboyz Orruks ,
Stormcast Eternals ,
King Zothar Athrabis ,
Black Library ,
Games Workshop ,
Warhammer Age ,
Dark Cityby Chris ,
Interrogator Spinoza ,
Inquisitor Erasmus ,
Carrion Throne ,
Rose War ,
Twice Dead King ,
Ithakas Dynasty ,
Vulture Lord ,
Darius Hink Dominion ,
Horus Heresy ,