Helsreach author Aaron Dembski-Bowden. Titled Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters, the game was revealed Thursday during the Warhammer Skulls livestreaming presentation and will be published by a new subsidiary within Frontier Developments ( Elite Dangerous, Jurassic World: Evolution). The game is expected to release some time in 2022. Daemonhunters will tell the story the secretive Grey Knights chapter of Space Marines, a unique chapter genetically different from all other chapters of the Adeptas Astartes. Often confused with their cousins, the Deathwatch, the Grey Knights are dedicated to battling the forces of Chaos. Serving as the military arm of the Inquisitorial Ordo Malleus, every single one of the Grey Knights is a powerful psyker. That makes them equally skilled at doing battle with a sword and bolter, or with the potent magical energies of the warp.