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Walk or drive slower: Europeans adapt to soaring fuel prices
Walk or drive slower: Europeans adapt to soaring fuel prices
Walk or drive slower: Europeans adapt to soaring fuel prices
The conflict in Ukraine has sent fuel prices soaring in Europe, hitting people's pocketbooks, prompting some to walk more and forcing taxis to change their rout
Related Keywords
Germany ,
Moscow ,
Moskva ,
Russia ,
Malta ,
Paris ,
France General ,
France ,
United Kingdom ,
Sweden ,
London ,
City Of ,
Ukraine ,
Britain ,
Russian ,
Swedish ,
British ,
Aziz Brahmi ,
Alexander Novak ,
Gary Bollister ,
Joe Biden ,
Abdellatif Helaoui ,
Marius Scheidemann ,
Marco Senfter ,
Alexandra Koch ,
European Union ,
President Joe Biden ,
Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak ,