Waiting Period Law that States an Abortion Cannot Take Place Before a 48-Hour “Waiting Period” on Hold in Tennessee Feb 22, 2021 at 07:35 am by WGNS On Friday, February 19, 2021, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a divided 2-1 decision, ruled to deny the State of Tennessee's petition to stay the injunction applied by the Federal District Court of Middle Tennessee against Tennessee’s 48-hour waiting period with regard to abortions. As a result of the court proceedure, there is no requirment for a woman to wait 48-hours before having an abortion in Tennessee. Stacy Dunn, Vice President of Tennessee Right to Life stated, “This is, yet again, another slap in the face to the voters of Tennessee who sent their legislators to Nashville to enact legislation such as this waiting period and informed consent law to protect pregnant women and their unborn children.”