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USS Monitor, Civil War ship sunk off N.C., is in 'astounding
USS Monitor, Civil War ship sunk off N.C., is in 'astounding
USS Monitor, Civil War ship sunk off N.C., is in 'astounding' shape, experts say – Daily Press
The USS Monitor was visited as part of the Valor in the Atlantic expedition, which sent a remotely operated camera to explore multiple ships sunk during the Civil War and World War II.
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North Carolina ,
United States ,
Duke University ,
Tane Renata Casserley ,
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National Oceanic ,
Duke University Research Vessel ,
Batten Conservation Laboratory ,
Global Foundation For Ocean Exploration ,
Atmospheric Administration Monitor National Marine Sanctuary ,
Mariner Museum ,
Civil War ,
Atmospheric Administration ,
Monitor National Marine ,
Cape Hatteras ,
Batten Conservation Laboratory Complex ,
Newport News ,
World War ,
New Year ,
Duke University Research Vessel Eastward ,
Global Foundation ,
Ocean Exploration ,