Volunteers donate 2,000 sandwiches to honor legacy of MLK In total, they ended up with about 2,000 for Just One More Ministry food bank. Share Updated: 5:11 PM CST Jan 18, 2021 Hannah Hilyard/WISN Volunteers made more than 2,000 sandwiches to be donated to homeless shelters on Martin Luther King Jr. Day SOURCE: Hannah Hilyard/WISN Volunteers donate 2,000 sandwiches to honor legacy of MLK In total, they ended up with about 2,000 for Just One More Ministry food bank. Share Updated: 5:11 PM CST Jan 18, 2021 Martin Luther King Day turned into a day of service for residents in Wisconsin and across the country.As quickly as a vintage truck showed up, people started dropping off sandwiches -- a lot of them. "We got up early this morning and had an assembly line," one volunteer said."She was surprised how I can bag the sandwiches better than her," another said.Bay Bridge, a racial and cultural justice organization, asked for the donations."Today is a day of service in honor of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and we wanted it to be a day on instead of a day off," co-founder Anne O'Connor said.Community members went to School House Park in Whitefish Bay Monday to drop off the sandwiches. Bay Bridge originally thought they'd get about 50 people to participate. Instead, they got more than 100."We're just collecting them and putting them in all the trucks, and then I think today, we're going to take them to a food bank and they are going to distribute them to all the homeless people," sixth-grade student Connor Burke said.Some delivered about two loaves' worth of sandwiches.In total, they ended up with about 2,000 for Just One More Ministry food bank. "It's a special day, and I think this really fits the day," fourth-grade student Riley Burke said.Bay Bridge is also a part of a North Shore coalition that pushed nine cities to adopt Martin Luther King Day proclamations. It encouraged people to take personal action to honor King's legacy.