Virtual Polar Bear Dip planned for March 20 All proceeds will help the Alfond Youth & Community Center feed hungry kids, fund the Kids' Kitchen. Share Anthony Tuell, supervisor of Mechanical and Electrical Services at Colby College, takes a dip at the 2020 event. He leads the Silver Street Tavern Team in winning the last five AYCC Polar Bear Dips by raising the most money, more than $8,000 in 2020. Photo courtesy of Alfond Youth & Community Center WATERVILLE — The Alfond Youth & Community Center’s 28th annual Polar Bear Dip is going virtual this year. The event will be held March 20. Because it’s virtual, participants will need to create a way to Shiver yer Shamrocks at the location of their choosing and win prizes. People can participate as an individual or on a team with friends, family, and/or colleagues, according to a news release from the center.