01 February 2021 Share The Republic of Ireland has a legislative ban on nuclear power, but the climate emergency is an opportunity to look with fresh eyes at this untapped potential. 18for0 estimates that introducing 18% nuclear energy to the country's electricity mix could eliminate fossil fuels from the power sector and achieve decarbonisation by 2037. 18for0 is a group of professionals, all volunteers, concerned about the credibility of Ireland's current proposals to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Jerry Waugh, one of its members, describes the group's preliminary study on how this could be achieved. Jerry Waugh of 18for0 "Ireland’s commitments to meet ambitious greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets have been missed by a large margin - in 2018, for example, they were higher than in 2013, the start of the accounting period for its current EU binding commitment - and the national strategy for power generation in the government’s