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Victorian election: Daniel Andrews' failed Eloque venture wi
Victorian election: Daniel Andrews' failed Eloque venture wi
Victorian election: Daniel Andrews' failed Eloque venture with Xerox writes equity down to zero
Some $14 million worth of shares issued by Victoria’s failed $50 million joint venture, Eloque, have been written down to zero as the Andrews government tries to mop up the costs of the collapsed technology experiment.
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Kee Wong ,
New South Wales ,
Australia ,
United Kingdom ,
Australian ,
Ersin Uzun ,
Pty Ltd ,
Eloque United States ,
Xerox ,
Investments Commission ,
Victrack Strategic Innovation Advisory Group ,
Australian Energy Market Operator ,
Ibm ,
Australian Securities ,
Australian Eloque ,
Strategic Innovation Advisory Group ,
Global Internet ,
Eloque Limited ,
Chris Olds ,