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'Everyday Utopia' | Penn Today :
'Everyday Utopia' | Penn Today
In her new book, Kristen R. Ghodsee of the School of Arts & Sciences takes readers on a tour through history and around the world to explore places that have dared to reimagine how we might live our daily lives.
Related Keywords
United States ,
Russia ,
Netherlands ,
United Kingdom ,
Cambridge ,
Cambridgeshire ,
Greece ,
France ,
American ,
British ,
Greek ,
Dutch ,
French ,
Russian ,
Thomas Piketty ,
Peter Diamandis ,
Thomas More ,
Martha Graham ,
Frank Lloyd Wright ,
Charles Fourier ,
Steve Jobs ,
Mahatma Gandhi ,
Rutger Bregman ,
Aaron Bastani ,
Yoko Ono ,
Flora Tristan ,
Wade Davis ,
William Samuelson ,
Alfred Hitchcock ,
Tomaso Campanella ,
Kristen Ghodsee ,
Simon Schuster ,
John Lennon ,
Alexandra Kollontai ,
Amos Tversky ,
Richard Zeckhauser ,
Maria Callas ,
Daniel Kahneman ,
Martin Luther King Jr ,
Steven Kotler ,
Coalition For Radical Life Extension ,
Cambridge University Center ,
School Of Arts Sciences ,
Wild Experiments Can Teach Us About ,
East European ,
Better Than You Think ,
Automated Luxury Communism ,
Climate Repair ,
Silicon Valley ,
Radical Life Extension ,