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'Every piece of evidence is vital': Holocaust survivor calls
'Every piece of evidence is vital': Holocaust survivor calls
'Every piece of evidence is vital': Holocaust survivor calls for victims' shoes to be salvaged | Holocaust
Manfred Goldberg, 94, urges authorities to preserve fragments of thousands of shoes left to rot at Stutthof concentration camp site
Related Keywords
Stutthof ,
Pomorskie ,
Poland ,
Germany ,
Cambridge ,
Cambridgeshire ,
United Kingdom ,
London ,
City Of ,
Sztutowo ,
Polish ,
Manfred Goldberg ,
Michael Schudrich ,
Piotr Rypson ,
Grzegorz Kwiatkowski ,
Michael Newman ,
Red Army ,
United Kingdom Association Of Jewish Refugees ,
Stutthof Nazi ,
Nazi Germany ,
Jewish Refugees ,
Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich ,