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Vermont Book Award Announces a Competitive Field of Finalist
Vermont Book Award Announces a Competitive Field of Finalist
Vermont Book Award Announces a Competitive Field of Finalists
From stories about the immigrant experience to reporting on Donald Trump rallies and fascistic megachurches to graphic nonfiction about water, electricity and the internet, the...
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Bennington College ,
Vermont ,
United States ,
Los Angeles ,
California ,
New York ,
Montpelier ,
Germany ,
Lick Creek ,
Somalia ,
White River Junction ,
German ,
Somali ,
American ,
America ,
Portia Elby ,
Vievee Franci ,
Chelsea Edgar ,
Genevieve Plunkett ,
Alison Novak ,
Kenneth Cadow ,
Mary Ruefle ,
Donald Trump ,
Ken Cadow ,
Sylvia Plath ,
Sandra Simonds ,
Dan Nott ,
Kekla Magoon ,
Ted Hughes ,
Amy Lilly ,
Michaell Printz ,
Jeff Sharlet ,
Jim Schley ,
Alex Driehaus ,
Michael Dumanis ,
Assia Wevill ,
J Vanessa Lyon ,
Vermont Department Of Libraries ,
National Book Award ,
Vermont College Of Fine Arts In Montpelier ,
Vermont College Of Fine Arts ,
National Book Critics Circle Award ,
Lobby Of The Dream Hotel ,
Dartmouth College ,
Oxbow High School In Bradford ,
Book Award ,
Pulitzer Prize ,
Vermont College ,
Fine Arts ,
Vermont Book Award ,
Vermont Humanities ,
Vermont Department ,
Brad Kessler ,
Deep North ,
Somali Resettlement ,
Dayton Literary Peace ,
Seven Day Jim Schley ,
Slow Civil War ,
New York Time ,
Seven Day Chelsea Edgar ,
Seven Days ,
German Jew ,
Nazi Germany ,
Lush Lives ,
Vievee Franci The Shared World ,
Tufts Poetry Award ,
Wright Legacy ,
Leslie Sainz ,
Have You Been Long Enough ,
Cuban American ,
Justin Cash ,
Bowl Head ,
Oxbow High School ,
Minus One Club ,
Los Angeles Times Book Prize ,
Hidden Systems ,
Secrets Behind ,
Systems We Use Every Day ,
Parts ,
Entertainment ,
Culture ,
Dance ,
Reviews ,
Writing ,
Books ,
Comedy ,
History ,
Olumns ,