Vegetarian, fish-based diet linked with less Covid severity, says study SECTIONS Last Updated: Jun 09, 2021, 07:44 PM IST Share iStock Fish is an important source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties, survey said. Related WASHINGTON: Vegetarian and fish based diets may be associated with lower odds of developing moderate to severe Covid-19 infection, suggest the findings of a six-country survey based on self-reported symptoms. The researchers noted that the survey is observational, and does not establish a causative relation between diet and Covid-19 severity, and caution is needed in the interpretation of the findings. The survey results, published in the journal BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health on Tuesday, indicate that plant and fish based diets were associated with 73 per cent and 59 per cent lower odds, respectively, of severe disease.