Vaio SE14 and Vaio SX14 laptops launched in India starting from Rs 88,990 Vaio SE14 and Vaio SX14 laptops launched in India starting from Rs 88,990 Advertisement Vaio, the Japan-based laptop brand has launched its new updated series of laptops with Vaio SE14 and Vaio SX14. The new laptops will be available on Amazon. The new Vaio SE14 starts at Rs 88,990. The new Vaio SX14 price is starting at Rs 1,72,990.
The new Vaio SE14 comes up with intel 11th Gen processor. The brand-new model focuses on new SuperFin technology, new core and graphics and new platform integration. It also comes with additional advantages such as airflow enhancement and better power-saving features. The laptop comes with TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 2.0, BIOS Security, Chassis Lock Slot, Multiple I/O ports and multi-screen output.