[email protected] Photo Provided â National Guard members and Moundsville Pharmacy pharmacist Jason Turner unload Moderna vaccines. The vaccines were given to residents and staff of Good Shepherd Nursing Home and Welty Home in Wheeling. WHEELING — As week three of the COVID-19 vaccine rolls on to close out 2020, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are distributing the vaccine to their staff and residents. At the Good Shepherd Nursing Home and Welty Home, in Wheeling, Assistant Administrator Morgan Murphy reported a 76-percent vaccination rate among staff and residents, representing a total of just under 400 people. Murphy said the remaining 24 percent largely consisted of staff who declined to receive the vaccine voluntarily, in addition to new hires who were not eligible to be inoculated. However, those who declined will be able to get their first dose once it comes time for those who did receive it to get their second dose.