LONDON, ONT. -- Simon Dunford, 26 says it only took a matter of minutes. “I just immediately thought I was going to die, I just kept thinking of my fiancé,” says Dunford from his hospital bed at LHSC. “There was no rhyme or reason just wrong place wrong time.” Dunford says it was a typical Saturday morning. He was out walking his dog with his fiancé Marleen on the trails here near Western University. Then minutes later when he got out onto Richmond Street his life would change forever when they were approached by a man at the University Gates. “And he just kind of came up to me and said hey, he seemed lost or confused...the next thing I knew he said something to me again and I turned and he took out a knife and stabbed me”, says Dunford. “ We just started running I mean it was scary really scary, I’m so grateful for people in London that stopped to help.”