USFDC gives a terrifying update on the border USFDC Border Report (a) RGV Fences are down. Fires are deliberately set on ranches. Resources both local and state are being exhausted. Local drain is due to handle cost – fires, medical attention, break-ins, ESL teaching in schools have combined to cause hospitals to close in Brooks County, West Texas (Kingsville, Alice Texas). Hunters report to local enforcement seeing armed IA’s passing deer blinds and have been photographed on tree stand cameras. Brooks county – 56 bodies in Brooks County since May. One was recovered today (July 19). 20% tested positive for Covid. 172 bodies have been identified in a 10-county area along the interior RGV. Projection is for 300 for this year. Coyotes / Spotters active all around hwy 83 running along the Rio Grande River. They are breaking into homes on the return after bringing people across. Vehicles stolen along hwy 285 used to bring down fences in order to open the corridors.