US Navy awards contract to General Dynamics to retrofit Knifefish UUVs 04 Jun 2021 (Last Updated June 4th, 2021 13:30) Knifefish SMCM will cut down the risk to personnel by operating within minefields as an off-board sensor. Share Article Knifefish SMCM program advances to Block 1 with increased capabilities added to all five LRIP systems. Credit: General Dynamics Mission Systems, Inc. The US Navy has awarded a contract worth $72.8m to General Dynamics Mission Systems to retrofit five of the Block 0 Knifefish surface mine countermeasure unmanned underwater vehicle (SMCM UUV) systems. These systems consist of ten Knifefish SMCM vehicles. General Dynamics Mission Systems, a unit of General Dynamics, serves as prime contractor for the Knifefish programme.