Garden City Telegram Crews are expected to begin a grading and resurfacing project on U.S. Highway 50 in Cimarron on Monday, Jan. 18, according to the Kansas Department of Transportation. The project includes U.S. 50 from Maple Street to Cedar Street in Cimarron. Traffic will be reduced to two lanes, with a 20-mph speed limit in place in the work zone. Traffic may be reduced to one lane, with flaggers in place, as needed during the project. Bryant & Bryant Construction of Halstead is the contractor on this $669,940 project, which is expected to be completed in June, weather permitting. For more information on this project, contact Joyce Muhlenbruch, Construction Engineer, at (620) 640-0400, or Lisa Knoll, KDOT District 6 Public Affairs Manager, at (620) 260-6397.