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Unlocking the potential of the ketogenic diet: studies revea
Unlocking the potential of the ketogenic diet: studies revea
Unlocking the potential of the ketogenic diet: studies reveal health benefits
Researchers reported on the effects of the ketogenic diet (KD) on various aspects of metabolic and endocrinal health.
Related Keywords
Nina Firsova Shutterstock ,
Role Of Ketogenic Diet In Human Health ,
Multifaceted Impact Of Ketogenic Diets On Health ,
Ketogenic Diet ,
Human Health ,
Multifaceted Impact ,
Ketogenic Diets ,
Image Credit ,
Diet ,
Arbohydrate ,
Ardiometabolic ,
Diabetes ,
Epilepsy ,
Immunomodulatory ,
Insulin ,
Ketosis ,
Lennox Gastaut Syndrome ,
Liver ,
Medicine ,
Metabolism ,
Nutrients ,
Obesity ,
Protein ,
Research ,
Yndrome ,