Readers respond to the prime minister’s timetable for easing the latest pandemic lockdown ‘Boris Johnson has created a two-tier system of holidays.’ Photograph: Reuters ‘Boris Johnson has created a two-tier system of holidays.’ Photograph: Reuters Letters Tue 23 Feb 2021 11.42 EST Last modified on Tue 23 Feb 2021 11.45 EST I have two major issues with Boris Johnson’s plan to unlock England (Step by step: how England’s Covid lockdown will be lifted, 22 February). First, he says it is about data not dates, but the plan has dates that people will set in stone despite caveats, and it has no data-based quantifiable targets that have to be met before each stage progresses. There is no requirement for deaths, hospitalisations or infections to be lower than specific amounts, so at the appropriate points he will be subject to the political pressures from his lunatic wing to continue to open up even if the data does not justify it.