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Unlicensed delivery driver affected by cannabis when he caus
Unlicensed delivery driver affected by cannabis when he caus
Unlicensed delivery driver affected by cannabis when he caused fatal Hamilton crash
An unlicensed delivery driver who drifted across the centre line of a road and crashed into another vehicle , killing one of the occupants and seriously...
Related Keywords
Whatawhata ,
New Zealand General ,
New Zealand ,
Woodville ,
Waikato ,
Kim Saunders ,
Michael Maclarn ,
Adriana Anna Maria Melis ,
Hamilton District Court ,
Hyundai ,
Earnest Lahood ,
State Highway ,
Nissan Pulsar ,
Waikato Hospital ,
Judge Kim Saunders ,
Unlicensed ,
Delivery ,
Driver ,
Affected ,
Baby ,
Cannabis ,
When ,
The ,
Caused ,
Fatal ,
Hamilton ,
Crash ,
Adrifted ,
Across ,
Centre ,
Line ,
Road ,
Crashed ,
Into ,
Another ,
Vehicle ,
Killing ,
Occupants ,
Seriously ,
Injuring ,
Mother ,
Under ,
Influence ,
Time ,