UN-Habitat and SIDA partner in cash transfer initiative to cushion Kismayo residents from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic Format KISMAYO, SOMALIA 13 April 2021 - UN-Habitat has disbursed the first tranche of direct cash transfers of USD 70 each to 250 vulnerable households in Western Kismayo as part of the COVID-19 response within a larger project funded by the Government of Sweden which addresses youth and urban regeneration in Somalia. The same 250 households will each receive a total of USD 210 over a three – month period to support their families in an initiative which will benefit over 2,000 people indirectly. “The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted Somalia’s economic recovery and the government shutdowns have impacted the most vulnerable communities including urban communities in one of Somalia’s largest cities, Kismayo whose dwellers are the main targets of this intervention,” said Falastin Omar, Programme Manager, UN-Habitat Somalia Programme.