Ultra awarded Canadian Surface Combatant subcontract to provide Variable Depth Sonar Ultra awarded Canadian Surface Combatant subcontract to provide Variable Depth Sonar Wednesday, 03 February 2021 15:47 Ultra announced on February 3 that a contract has been signed to start work on the key Variable Depth Sonar (VDS) system for the Canadian Surface Combatant (CSC) program – named the Towed Low Frequency Active Sonar (TLFAS). This subcontract moves the development of CSC’s anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability from the program definition phase into the full manufacture and delivery of the vessels suite of sonars. (Picture source: Ultra) The TLFAS is a world-class towed sonar solution, optimized for the detection and tracking of stealthy submarines in challenging ocean environments. When delivered it will represent a step-change in Canada’s anti-submarine warfare assets and will provide a level of sonar capability never before enjoyed by the Royal Canadian Navy.