Live Updates
Ukrainian refugees speak of bombs, half-empty cities, hunger
Ukrainian refugees speak of bombs, half-empty cities, hunger
Ukrainian refugees speak of bombs, half-empty cities, hunger
Ukrainian refugees who have managed to flee to Poland continue to worry about loved ones left behind.
Related Keywords
Russia ,
Germany ,
Kharkiv ,
Kharkivs Ka Oblast ,
Ukraine ,
Kyiv ,
Kyyiv ,
Misto ,
Poland ,
Przemysl ,
Podkarpackie ,
Lviv ,
L Vivs Ka Oblast ,
Medyka ,
Polish ,
Russian ,
Ukrainian ,
Maria Fiodorova ,
Valentina Ketchena ,
Zoryana Maksimovich ,
Maryna Galla ,
Amellia Anisovych ,
Yulia Bondarieva ,
Irina Cherkas ,
Volodymyr Zelenskyy ,
Mariupol City Council ,
United Nations ,
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ,
Azov Sea ,
Medyka Monday ,
World War ,
Kriviy Rig ,
Na ,