Tyler Grant Supergroup hits Tico Time Bluegrass Festival
Durango, Colorado
4% chance of precipitation
13% chance of precipitation
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18% chance of precipitation
Thursday, April 22, 2021 4:59 PM
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Bryant Liggett
The loose, bluegrass festival campground jam was a major contributor to guitar player Tyler Grant’s musical education.
It’s a common festival occurrence: Go to any festival, spend time digging who is on the stage, but along with the traditional concert setting you spend upward of eight to nine hours a night picking with colleagues, friends and strangers, usually until the sun comes up, security is called or both. It’s part of bluegrass boot camp, a major component to learning how to play with others, a musical method that will ultimately aid your performance in your full-time band, or a band put together for a series of one-off performances.