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Two Rustenburg police officers accused of soliciting R500 br
Two Rustenburg police officers accused of soliciting R500 br
Two Rustenburg police officers accused of soliciting R500 bribe get bail
The police officers accused of corruption, allegedly demanded money from the suspect’s mother for the release of her son.
Related Keywords
Rustenburg ,
North West ,
South Africa ,
Durban ,
Kwazulu Natal ,
Johannesburg ,
Gauteng ,
Lesotho ,
Marikana ,
South African ,
Mosimanekgosi Leburu ,
Sergeant Ruth Nkotsoe ,
Ndivhuwo Mulamu ,
Ravenda Singh ,
Sello Kwena ,
Sabata Mokgwabone ,
African Police Service ,
Palm Ridge Specialised Commercial Crimes Court ,
Rustenburg Magistrate Court ,
Ruth Nkotsoe ,
Constable Mosimanekgosi Leburu ,
Provincial Anti Corruption Investigation Unit ,
Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone ,
Immigration Act ,
North West Provincial Police Commissioner ,
Lieutenant General Sello Kwena ,
South African Police Service ,
General Kwena ,
Priority Crime Investigation ,
Hawk Serious Commercial Crime Investigation ,
Captain Ndivhuwo ,