Social Share Foh dis week and maybe next week, ah paying respects to Five Vincy (Five in ah Row) who would have left us but not before planting ah Monument. RAWLE “MARSHIE” MARSHALL, ah career Public Servant during de Joshua, Cato and Mitchell Administrations. Even back den like now, we had Senior Public Servants who sang straight from de politickan’s song sheet to get promotion. Marshie however operated under strict, moral principles, was no politrickan’s fear-foh-it, and was therefore very un-pop- yuh-law. Ah was one of his Assistant who benefitted from his Administrative Skills, when he was Store Keeper at PWD Arnos Vale. Around 1963, De Canadian Contracting Firm (CCC), was building de Kingstown Wharf, ah project financed by de Canadian Government. De Contactors wid special treatment, bought ah lot ah Go-venom-mint materials (cement etc) duty free, creating serious shortages of cement foh local Contractors on Government Projects. De Contractors complained to Marshie who decided to correct dat. So he did and de Canadian Contractors were furious and lobbied just about everybody in de Ministry including de PS and Mammy Joshua wid her pull-it-to-kill muscles to have Marshie and his decision removed.