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Turning infrastructure green offers huge savings on top of c
Turning infrastructure green offers huge savings on top of c
Turning infrastructure green offers huge savings on top of climate benefits
Replacing traditional concrete-heavy infrastructure with green alternatives such as mangroves to help stem rising seas is a cost-effective strategy that could save $248 billion a year while combating climate change, researchers said on Monday.
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Geneva ,
Genè ,
Switzerland ,
Kuala Lumpur ,
Malaysia ,
Andre Hoffmann ,
Michael Taylor Mickstaylor ,
Kieran Guilbert ,
Megan Rowling ,
Thomson Reuters Trust Principles ,
Thomson Reuters ,
International Institute For Sustainable Development ,
Thomson Reuters Foundation ,
International Institute ,
Sustainable Development ,
Liesbeth Casier ,
Michael Taylor ,
Thomson Reuters Trust ,
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Awlq ,
Bmat ,
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Buildc ,
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Mine08 ,
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Ngo ,
Pol ,
Sci ,
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Wom ,
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Afr ,
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Asia ,
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