'OTT platforms became our best friends during lockdown,' says Aditi Rao Hydari Actress Aditi Rao Hydari will next be seen in the film The Girl On The Train, which drops on a digital platform soon Mumbai: Actress Aditi Rao Hydari will next be seen in the film The Girl On The Train, which drops on a digital platform soon. Aditi attributes the popularity of streaming platforms to the fact that the OTT space became our best friend during last years lockdown, although she cant wait to see people returning to theatres to watch films. "During lockdown, we realised that OTT platforms are like our best friends. Having said that, I feel that theatres have their own magic, so I am waiting to see people going to theatres and watching films in large numbers. In the meantime, I think OTT platforms have been amazing because we can watch really good content there," she told us, on the sidelines of interacting with the media at a special screening of The Girl On The Train.