TruthFinder overview: Is it legit and safe? 8 May 2021 · Sponsored Produced on behalf of an organization or individual that has paid the news provider for production and may approve its publication. Truthfinder (Pocket-lint) - People that look for online information and personal data of any specific person find the lookup services very beneficial. TruthFinder is a reverse lookup application that provides you data about any person when you enter his name and phone number in the search engine. The searches are as simple as a google search where you add some names, and google shows you matching results. TruthFinder reveals the information of people when the user adds any name, phone number, email address, or home address. The revealed data and information through name, phone number, and other entries have a wide spectrum. It includes the complete identity, date of birth, traffic records, criminal history, educational backgrounds, and social media accounts of the target.