HEADLINES & GLOBAL NEWS By Jul 29, 2021 08:47 PM EDT Trump's Political Action Committee (PAC) spent $348,081 or doubles spending on ads in Ohio's 15th Congressional District to promote Trump-backed candidate Mike Carey. (Photo : Brandon Bell/Getty Images) Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the Rally To Protect Our Elections conference. PAC Doubles Spending on Advertising Political Campaign In a recently published article in CNBC News, The Make America Great Again Action PAC made the huge, last-minute ad buy on Tuesday, the same day that another Trump-backed House candidate, Susan Wright, lost a special election in Texas 6th Congressional District. The former president has built his whole political image on his role as the Republican Party's kingmaker. A second defeat in as many weeks for a Trump-backed candidate in Ohio would seriously damage Trump's image of invincibility and may affect his Presidential bid if he decides to run again.