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Tropical flower Gasteranthus extinctus not so extinct : comp
Tropical flower Gasteranthus extinctus not so extinct : comp
Tropical flower Gasteranthus extinctus not so extinct
The herb Gasteranthus extinctus, native to the cloud forests of Ecuador, received its scientific name in the year 2000.
Related Keywords
Ecuador ,
Australia ,
Mount Kosciuszko ,
New South Wales ,
Kosciuszko National Park ,
Chicago ,
Illinois ,
United States ,
Australian ,
Bronwyn Ayre ,
Thomaslp Couvruer ,
Dawson White ,
Alix Lozinguez ,
Nigel Pitman ,
Centinela Ridge ,
Noushka Reiter ,
Riley Fortier ,
Australian National University ,
Trobe University ,
Field Museum ,
Washington Santill ,
Victorian Flora ,
Fauna Guarantee Act ,
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria ,
Royal Botanic Gardens ,
State Botanical Collection ,