Tropical Cyclone Seroja wreaks havoc along WA's mid north co

Tropical Cyclone Seroja wreaks havoc along WA's mid north coast, rips apart historic One Mile Jetty

Homes destroyed as ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja wreaks havoc along WA's mid north coast
Posted Yesterday at 10:34pm
SunSunday 11
updated 31
AprApril 2021 at 12:53am
Ella Curic had just finished dinner when the neighbour's roof came through her window as Cyclone Serjoa hit Kalbarri.
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Kalbarri and Northampton bore the brunt of ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja last night as it slammed into WA's mid-west coast, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
Key points:
It is now moving south-east between Merriden and Southern Cross
The trail of destruction included the One Mile Jetty in Carnarvon
Homes have been destroyed and 26,000 residents have been left without power after the cyclone made landfall as a category three storm about 8pm, bringing wind gusts of up to 170 kilometres per hour.

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