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Trees planted in Connellsville :
Trees planted in Connellsville :
Trees planted in Connellsville
The Connellsville Shade Tree Commission planted 40 trees in the city through a grant provided by an organization that works to “nurture forests” in Pennsylvania’s urban landscape.
Related Keywords
East Park ,
Pennsylvania ,
United States ,
Connellsville ,
London ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
American ,
Blaine Brown ,
Carol Tiberio ,
Vern Ohler ,
Don Witt ,
Linda Galiardi ,
Bob Calisti ,
Jennifer Smith ,
Brenda Ziemkiewicz ,
Paul Whipkey ,
Greg Lincoln ,
Pat Foley ,
John Irwin ,
Don Takac ,
Connellsville Shade Tree Commission ,
Bare Roots Grant Program ,
Shade Tree Commission ,
Community Forestry Council ,
Geibel Catholic High School ,
Connellsville Area Career Technical Center ,
Johnson Avenue ,
Yough River Park ,
City Clerk Vern Ohler ,
Pennsylvania Urban ,
Community Forestry ,
Francis Avenue ,
Shade Tree ,
Mayor Greg Lincoln ,
Connellsville Area Career ,
Technical Center ,
Tina Dull ,
Yough River Trail Council ,
Buddy Galik ,
Bare Root Tree Grant ,
News ,
Ocal ,