02/02/21 An area transient who was already wanted for domestic assault has been arrested for the same crime with a different victim. Police say the latest incident occurred in Iowa City at the Aber Avenue residence where the two were living on January 2 nd at 8:30am. The woman reported that she and her live-in boyfriend, identified as 24-year-old Terry Green got into a verbal argument and he then slapped her across the face, and dragged her down the hallway by her hair. The woman reportedly tried to call 911, but Green grabbed the phone from her. When she ran to the door, Green is accused of slamming the door shut and physically throwing her across the room. That’s when Green allegedly straddled her, and used both hands to choke her. The woman said she “saw stars” and had difficulty breathing. Green then reportedly got off her, gave her an inhaler, and left the building.