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Look at this mess from the coast of georgia on up through south carolina. This is noteworthy nonetheless. This is where the clouds are. Even into spartanburg, its cloudy. This is going to pull away. We need to talk about some arctic air. Its clearing as the day goes on. Temperatures are in the mid to upper these. We have a nice sun and cloud mix throughout the day. In asheville, enjoy the upper 40s. You will start to see snowflakes as early as tomorrow morning. We will talk more about that coming up. We will check in with the San Francisco weather as well. Myra super bowl sunday has allyson geoff hart joins us outside levi stadium this morning. The good news for the panthers on the eve of the game. Geoff dont you like it when all the talk stops . Finally, super bowl sunday is here. We are looking forward to this one. The panthers, what a season. It was there best in franchise history. Last night, the most bible player is cam newton. I would like to thank all the writers who selected me for this award. I like to think my parents, family, friends, loved ones for being with me to get me to this. I would like to thank every you made me better. Keep pounding. Thank you so much. Geoff thats no surprise at all. Cam newton had an incredible regular season. Ron rivera was named the coach of the year. Neither attended the awards show. They resting up for whats considered one of the biggest days of their lives. The assistant coach of the year went to wade phillips. He will be doing all he can to get his players in the right position. Congratulations. I know they would trade those awards for a super bowl ring today. We will let you know what happened the last time the panthers played in the super bowl. Myra turning to fans now, a North Carolina man has taken his panthers pride to the next allyson alain brown from kernersville is also known as the mad cattah. Of course, his inspiration is from the famous character the mad matter from alice in wonderland. It took him months of sketching, sewing and cutting to transform into the mad cattah. He said hes been a fan since day one and he rememebers waiting for the carolinas to get a team. If we ever got a team in the carolinas, thank got a did not fall in love with no other team, i would be a diehard fan from day one. I always had a vision in my head of what it would look like. Thats how it all began. Myra brown works for the city of winstonsalem and kermits hot dog house, but when hes off the clock the mad cattah comes out. Myra even before the big game, ticket prices for the super bowl are still going up. Allyson the cheapest price on stub hub, 2700 and that had us wondering, what could you buy for that kind of money . . 2700 will cover one week at a hawaii hotel. You could also buy six apple ipad airs. Its even enough for 675 starbucks lattes. Myra Denver Police are warning fans not to get out of control during tonights game. The Department Even put out a commericial hoping to get that message out to everyone. This comes after the broncos won the super bowl back in 1998 and the celerbations turned into riots. Cars wererturned over, fires were set, and windows were broken. Police say they will not tolerate a repeat of this. Myra be sure to turn to wyff news 4 right after the big game on sunday. Well bring you immediate live coverage as soon as the game ends. That news 4 sports team is working it and will be live from levis stadium with reaction from the coaches and players. Well take you live to charlotte and the upstate for game reaction. All right here after the big game on wyff 4. Allyson n commitment 2016 news now, a significantly reduced republican president ial field took the stage in New Hampshire the Political Landscape has changed since their last debate, night. Kim hutcherson has more. The gloves were off in New Hampshire. Donald trump double down on his position. I hit immigration very hard. We have a problem and no one wanted to mention the problem. This is the president who in the wake of paris will not even use the words radical islamic terrorism much less focus on defeating the enemy. You have to replace it with something that makes sense. They talked about north korea. The next president will have to get back in the game and if a preemptive strike is necessary, we should do it. Nonstate actors, people that dont have a uniform people who dont have the country. It does not prepare you for president of the united states. Your they had to shame you into going back. Donald trump got food as well. Let me talk. Quiet. A lot of times we will find out which candidate made the most compelling case. Pamela we are talking about temperatures close to 50 in the mountains today. That is the last time in a week at longhorn steak like this doesnt need anything else. Which is why we dont just add, anything else. Longhorn steaks that sizzle for 12. 99. The new smoky bacon sirloin. The new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. And the parmesan crusted sirloin. All with hand chopped salad unlimited bread for 12. 99. Tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. You cant fake steak. And for lunch try our new steak and bacon cheddar melt. Allyson Firefighters Want to know what happened in a fire at a department complex. The fire broke out yesterday morning at the Huntington Downs apartments on Roper Mountain road. Several departments responded to the scene. Today there are no reports of any injuries from that fire. Myra two Gaffney High School students were killed and two more injured in a crash. The crash happened friday afternoon on highway 211 near wilkerson road in york county. The york county coroner identified the victims as 17yearold Dominick Galosi and 18yearold shemar byers. The crash remains under investigation. Allyson Woodruff Police are garnett, in connection with a deadly shooting. Police say the shooting happened Early Saturday Morning and that garnett may be headed to the charleston area. You should call crimestoppers. Allyson the thrill of a super bowl. Myra geoff hart is live again in santa clara with a reminder of what happened the last time the panthers played in the super bowl. Geoff last time they played in the super bowl, that was the 2003 season. The panthers have the heartbreaking loss to the new england patriots. In that game came the phrase wardrobe malfunction. Janet jackson was formed with justin timberlake. Aptly people got to see more than they needed to win it came to what she was wearing. Hopefully none of that will happen at halftime tonight we will see if we get some extras on this super bowl 50. Lets talk about the commercials. Some companies have for that a bunch of money. Its costly, a 32nd ad is 5 million. That is up 11 . Notable absences from this years lineup include mercedes and go daddy. They have had a lot of commercials over the last two years. Coming up, we will talk about what this super bowl and a ring for the panthers would mean to the owner. What a job is done just in this franchise in the first place more than 20 years ago. Hopefully, today is the panthers myra a sign in North Carolina is being called a prophecy. It gets the mileage to two small towns. Panthers fans say its an omen. Are you a winner or loser if you get the chance of snow in western North Carolina this week . Pamela you are for sure going to be cold. The cold is really the biggers tory then what the snow will be for us. Its going to be messier in western North Carolina. Theres a denver in North Carolina . Its outside charlotte. Everybody will be a winner in california. Gametime temperature will be about 73 today. It will be a bit breezy. Extreme cold is on the way. Thats what you need to get ready for. In the mountains, you are going to get ready for the cold and some snow. Its 38 in greenville right now. Lets talk windchill. The temperatures are close to the freezing mark. The windchill is close to the teens and 20s. We are talking about when chills in the Single Digits. Thats what we will be dressing four. Those winds have been hewn up as we have that on this morning. The wind is out of the north at 12. They will steadily pick up as the day goes on. They will get gust year. The temperatures wont be bad. Its not going to feel that warm with those winds. We have seen a mix on the edge of this moisture. There were some snowflakes in parts of union county and cherokee county. It did not add up to anything. This is just indicating the change in the atmosphere and that keeping lowpressure over the atlantic. We said it would be forming and thats what has gone on. Its going to move to the Northeast Area its going to take these clouds with it. Our day will get clearer. The cold air will be well behind this. Its going to take a couple of its not adding up to a lot tomorrow. Between monday and tuesday, we could see a couple of inches. Here is the national picture. The arctic air will be coming down as the days go on. Enjoy your sunday. This will be the warmest day we have for a good week. Here you are, tonight. It looks good for the super bowl. By tomorrow morning, check in with dale. Clouds will be on the increase. By lunchtime, we will cease of carolina. Its not adding up to a lot. Cold rain is coming through the upstate. By drivetime home monday night, very cold air will filter in. More snow comes in it, mainly to they could have a few flurries. Even parts of buncombe county could have delays or cancellations monday night into tuesday. Most areas are talking one to two. The further north you go, the more snow you are going to find. Flurries are all we will expect over the upstate. Lets take a look at the numbers. They are going down. We are talking about tuesday morning. We will be in the mid20s in the upstate. Allyson from younger fans to older ones, everybody is getting excited for the super bowl. Myra of really cute class of kindergartners and firstgraders wrote a song about celebrating like cam newton. You have to take a look at this. Myra the student three wrote the lyrics. They are so excited to watch the macys is celebrating the big game in a partnership in the San Francisco bay area. The skyline was ignited with john dropping lights friday night to celebrate the game. There is interactive experiences at macys star zone in super bowl city. Allyson we are about to meet some guys who bring a meaning to been a fan. They will be at the game just as they have been to every super bowl since 1967. 50 years ago on a lark, these five friends from back east decided to attend a football event no one had really even heard of. It was called the World Championship game. Now its called the super bowl. Next until five years became 10 and 10 became 20. It would be a lifelong tradition. Going back to the super bowl every single year. Why do you think this group clicks . Every person here is a family man. I thought we will have a family and get together. They have personalized jackets and its what its. They even have a racehorse. They have seen every play in super bowl history. Perhaps the most moving was super bowl 25 during the height of the gulf war when and saying the National Anthem. We were sitting in front of 50 years is quite a milestone. Have you been thinking about that anniversary . It does hit me sosotime. I think the lord we are together. Nothing is forever. We are devoted to each other and we are devoted to the super bowl. Myra time for your timeline on this seven a. M. February. A new era was ushered in, the beatles arrived in the u. S. Landing at new yorks john f. Kennedy airport. Allyson they impact on their first u. S. Tour. Sullivan show for the f i have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. On my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for pamela as we look ahead it, nice, but becoming quite breezy this afternoon. Arctic air arrives this week. That is the bigger story for most of usus in western North Carolina, some snow could be moving in as early as tomorrow. We will concentrate on that. It will be up 30s on tuesday with some showers around it. We have some very cold rain in the upstate. Snow is likely in western North Carolina. Its going to get a lot colder. Allyson your news continues right now. You are watching live, local, breaking news. 4 today in high definition. Myra look at those lights. You can imagine how excited everybody is in california. Allyson everybody is getting excited back here. The game kicks off in just a few hours. Here in right there in Pamela Wright. Pamela even had a quick sleet come through last night area overall, frozen precipitation will be much of an issue for you in the coming days. The wind is picking up today. A little bit. But it short temperatures through 11 00. Temperatures are just about average today. Here is the tricky part. It may not really feel that mild to you. The wind will be on the increase and it will be out of the north and northwest. We are already feeling it and still, we could have wind gusts near 20 miles per hour. These clouds will thin out as this moves up the coast. As it clashes with the cold air in place, we will not see any of this frozen precipitation. The arctic air is still well to the north. Its heavy and dense and its going to take a while to get here. A cold front is on the air. We are starting out with more clouds in anderson. We will have increasing wind is the day goes on. We have sun and clouds in the upper 40s. You wont feel that again for a good week. We will talk about those big changes coming up. Allyson Super Bowl Weekend is here. The kickoff is a little under 12 hours. Myra the panthers will be taking the field. All of their hard work leads up to this one moment. It seems like nothing more than a formality and became official. Cam newton is the nfl m. V. P. He won the award in a landslide, receiving 48 of the possible 50 votes. Ron rivera picked up the coach of the year award. Allyson while the focus today myra security is getting a huge presence. Eight aircraft are watching from the skies. Any consideration of deadly attacks are something they are taking into consideration. No one is taking any chances. We know of no specific credible threat directed at super bowl 50. Its an active shooter or a lone wolf event. Myra one thing the Security Team is keeping an eye on, we are talking about drones. Drones are not allowed anywhere near levi stadium. You can imagine back in denver, security measures are taking place. The Carolina Panthers. Denver police do not want a repeat of what happened in 1998. The broncos won and there was a celebration. All that enthusiasm turned into some trouble. Cars were overturned. There were fires set and windows were broken. The message being sent out now is if you break the law, you will be arrested. Allyson lady gaga was seen rehearsing at stadium. She will sing the National Anthem today in front of 75,000 fans. Coldplay will perform at halftime. Good news for a long time panthers fan. Cap man is going to the super bowl. Cap man is going to the super bowl. Myra you might be out of luck. Those sold out very quickly. We want to see what ever panther pride you are showing on game day. Allyson we have gotten a lot of photos from viewers. Myra look at this cutie pie. Allyson here is an upstate day care showing their panther pride. Myra very delicious. Allyson this is a twoyearold. He is showing off his superman. Myra all these kids know. The ulocal section of our website or the mobile app. Air. For some, the game is as much the age group that will spend the most are the millennials. Allyson people ages 25 to 34 will spend more money than average. The average is 82 and millennials will spend money on food and new tvs. Myra super bowl 50 is tonight. After a long week for the players. Allyson geoff hart joins us live. Geoff good morning. Security is going to be a very big deal. Security experts said wednesday they will set up a perimeter around the stadium of four miles. Its going to be a mass getting into the stadium. Lets bring in our we are. I have enjoyed working with you. You worked in a story this week. Its not so great for Business Owners. A lot of Business Owners thought this would be fantastic. A lot of the activities are happening 45 minutes away in San Francisco. There are road closures. The locals are not going to their shops. Fans arent even here yet. They hope to see a bit more presence this weekend. There are a strip of a couple of them. That is their livelihood. Geoff you lose a week, that can be b b. Going it, there are not a lot of big events after this one. They are really thinking on this one. Geoff the downside for some Business Owners. Stick around. We will talk later about the fun we have had here. This is my second and this is his first. It will be more memorable if the Carolina Panthers win. Allyson turn to us after the game. We will have immediate live coverage. The sports team is working on that area we will have reaction from players and coaches. This is all right after the game. Our windchill this morning, there you see it. It still muchallyson New Hampshires first primaries just a few days away. Myra seven republicans met in a debate. Sally kidd has more. Is that of the skills you get as a senator . Esp also . With marco rubio rise of polls, he took the. You have not been involved in a consequential decision. Your state that hit last snowstorm and the had to shame you into going back. How tough is it . Let me talk. The candidates fielded questions on Foreign Policy a national security. If a preemptive strike is necessary to keep us safe, then we should do it. We are going to build the wall. We are going to triple the border patrol. It gives us a very good example of certain types of washininon ethics and. Cap accuse the rnc of stacking the audience. People that are putting up. Myra the rnc says there were 75 donors in the audience. Allyson sponsors were given myra we will check back i the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. He went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. He moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of americas best mayors. In congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. Now hes taking on wall street and a corrupt political system tackling Climate Change to create cleanenergy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuitionfree public colleges. People are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change [ cheers and applause ] Bernie Sanders husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in. Pamela lets take a quick check and get you out of this morning. Its 38 degrees in greenville right now. Its a little bit cooler, 36. Those are going to be pulling away as the system is offshore. We have a very chilly start with wind chills in the teens and low 20s. Cold winds will be a big story for all of us. All the snow talk is confined its going to feel much colder, even though you make it into the upper 40s. We are dry on super doppler hd. We have a snowy mix on the fringe. Its not accumulating at all. It has been noteworthy overnight. The clouds are going to thin out with it. Its going to take a while for the really cold air to move in. There is fairly cold air on the way. There are not owing to be any check in with dale. We could see some snowflakes early. By lunchtime, we will see a few more. This will be adding to the chill when its wet. We are trying to drive home. Thats going to continue into tuesday as well. Before all is said and done it, an inch or two across western orth carolina. The further north you go, even into wednesday, there will be more snow. Cold air for all. Snow mainly in western North Carolina. It will be windy and cold the upstate. For the rest of the week, expect some really cold mornings with wind chills in the Single Digits or below. Myra geoff hart has more on what a win would mean for Jerry Richardson. Geoff through the years, he has been a winner. He won a championship the baltimore colts. He won a franchise for the carolinas in 1993. His goal was to win a super bowl in the first decade. He got awfully close. He is still looking for that super bowl ring. Today. Players. He played for the panthers in the late 90s. I asked him what it would cost mean for Jerry Richardson to win the super bowl. I think he believes its for he wants them to feel that pride. He understands from being a champion. Geoff he has been so generous. He paid for everyone in the organization to come out and watch to provoke. He thinks more about others. I think he wants everybody who is part of the organization to feel success and feel the super bowl. Awards for members of now, sports. Notre dame has beaten number two. The students are coming out to celebrate. The fighting irish knock off the tar heels last night and unc is the Number One Team in the ap poll. Oklahoma also fell at kansas state. The pope for paul hall of fame class was announced saturday. The headliner was brett favre. Other notables are can green, kevin greene, marvin harrison, orlando pace, and tony dungy. The class will be enshrined in august. Awards. The panthers hauled in some honors. Cam newton one m. V. P. He received 40 eight of the 50 votes. He was also named offense of player of the year. Before the game get started, lets take a look back at the week that was super bowl week. I am required to wear a uniform. Whatever you could have your emotional leader be the quarterback, youve got a chance to win a lot of games. Hes got a right to celebrate what ever he wants. I got a 50 discount on papa johns pizza when im in he is going to catch it like its hot. Whats for dinner . He said it meet walls tonight. The fan only blows when youre hot. Thats why i am not a fan. Great stuff from this week i cannot wait for kickoff. South carolina hit the road saturday for a showdown in College Station against texas a m. The gamecocks were hit right in the mouth. They battled back. They were able to 66 from the field. Second half, this is a two point game. The gamecocks in front. Later, the game was tied at 55. Monster jam. South carolina wins 8178. Clemson in the middle of a threegame road swing. They entered the game in third place. He finished with 17 points and 12 boards. In the second half, the hoagies would build on their lead. The tigers would claw their way back. This is a big three to the tigers back in front. Hundred 25 seconds to go, clemson is down three. He would miss the free throw. Virginia tech would sink to free throws at the other end. Last chance for the tigers and they dont even get a shot off before the clock expires. Southern conference. In the second half, he led the paladins with 18. They would get within three. The paladins fivegame win streak comes to an end. The terriers are looking to rebound after their loss to chattanooga. An offense of rebound leads it into his hands he had 18 points. Wofford was up by five. This is a fourpoint play. Wofford except a win on the road. They are 74 in conference. Back in spartanburg, the spartans were up at the break. He had 16 points. That is a career high for him. Eli pepper had a double double. Presbyterian college at gardnerwebb, he has two of his gamehigh 22 points. The bulldogs began to light it up. He push the lead back up to eight grade this game would go into overtime. They would fall short. On the ice saturday night, the swamp rabbits fall to the orlando solar bears. Super bowl 50 is here. Once the game is over, we will have all of your postgame reaction. Everybody out there is hoping we will be right back. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] will in myra happening now, the countdown to the big game is on. Allyson here to help with that countdown to the big game, Pamela Wright is here with as well. Pamela youre doing nothing for me. [laughter] allyson you are here to tell us about the big cooldown . Pamela if only i was a cooldown, we are talking really cold air for the next couple of days. Nice but breezy, and we are happy that you are here. Arctic air will be arriving the snow showers will blow in with it. Especially across western North Carolina. We are starting to wake up around here, that is when it thanks for tuning in

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